Găsirea „Perlei Atlanticului” | Ep105

Găsirea „Perlei Atlanticului” |  Ep105

Acesta trebuie să fie cel mai bun loc din Europa pentru a naviga iarna. De fapt, după ce am navigat în majoritatea locurilor din Europa iarna de-a lungul anului, pot spune cu siguranță că nu există nicio comparație! Navigarea cu vânt alize, Crăciunul pe plajă în soare fierbinte și pădurile tropicale precum munții vă așteaptă toate în insulele spaniole și portugheze de pe coasta Africii, dar încă cheltuiți euro! În acest episod vizităm Porto Santo, Madeira și Insulele Canare, toate destinații glorioase în decembrie și ianuarie. Acesta este cu siguranță o modalitate unică de a petrece Crăciunul în Europa. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––- Vă rugăm să vă abonați – NU VA COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE –––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– PATREON: Nu am putea realiza aceste videoclipuri fără sprijinul dvs., patronii noștri. Sunteți prima noastră linie de feedback, echipa noastră, sprijinul nostru și prietenii noștri. Suntem cu adevărat recunoscători și înseamnă că putem continua să vină videoclipurile! Dacă doriți să ni se alăture, puteți vedea (și comenta, ceea ce ne ajută cu adevărat) videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. Intreaba-ne orice! Avem sesiuni ZOOM regulate și un grup WhatsApp unde vorbim despre bărci, pasaje și viața la bord. Alăturaţi-ne! https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairisle –––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––– Orice întrebări de afaceri vă rugăm să contactați: sailingfairisle@lighthouseagents.com


26 thoughts on “Găsirea „Perlei Atlanticului” | Ep105

  1. Hi,thank you for a great video,what would people do these days without a bow thruster,a saver.Cheers.All the best and a Happy and healthy New year to you and yours.Roly 🇬🇧.

  2. Thanks Guys, another great video. Yes, the approach to Funchal airport is a little hair-raising the first time…and once you know exactly how the runway is supported, I'm not sure it gets any better..! Good luck with your prep for the crossing, and I guess Steve will be coming up with all sorts of excuses, some better than others, for stripping the handlers bare…

  3. Very nicely manoeuvred 👍 I love Madeira and good on you for exploring. How many pass through without a glance. Pico Ariero to Pico Ruivo at sunrise, simply stunning 💌

  4. I have always loved your channel. It's so nice to see people over 50 out cruising. It's great inspiration for those of us still launching birds from the nest. Please keep it up.

  5. Wow, what an incredible episode! It's amazing how you continue to enhance your footage with stunning production value, especially those dynamic map inserts. The way you navigate through Madeira is truly impressive, and it's great to see you exploring lesser-known places like Pico Ariero and Pico Ruivo at sunrise 😄👍🌟❤️

  6. Our Maderia Guide referred to the harvesting gullies 'Laverdaaaaaaah' like that ….
    But we all stopped laughing at her at the 1,800M high viewpoint with the death defying drop.

  7. Steve you handled pulling out of the marina like a boss . Great work you two . Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . Thank you as always for sharing your amazing journey with us .

  8. Hi Couple of tips which maybe of help. If you are going to Senegal, you will probably anchor off the Dakar Yacht Club. There is a helpful ‘boat-boy’ Moustapha, with his water taxi. Use him. You may not want to put your dinghy in the water! But do not give him any of your contact details. He’s been on my case ever since asking for money, I was there in 2019. The place is interesting. But the beach each side of the Yacht Club has to be smelt and seen to be believed. The ‘checking in’ offices are in the main commercial harbour, taxi ride. There is a chandlery behind the YC. If you’re sailing down to The Gambia watch out for metal fishing marks, I sailed over night along the coast and hit one. Try and sail the 90 miles or so in daylight to Banjul. Remember this is Africa, and officialdom has its own pace there! Watch out for sand bar’s and shallows in the River Gambie. It’s wide but shallow but navigable and very nice. If you go up steam and come across any small villages, take some small toys, pens, etc to give to the children. Good Luck! 🤞

  9. those wide panoramic shots of Grand Canary mountains remind me of many places I go to in Colorado, especially the Western Slolpe; the trees and the ruggedness or the rock. It's just not 10,000ft above sea level

  10. As fairly recent subscribers, we've been waiting for this episode – while on holiday in Madeira, we were delighted to see Fair Isle moored up. She's an impressive size "in the flesh". As Madeira addicts (this was our 6th Christmas there) we were keen to see how you described the island – while with my sailing hat on, I wanted to see how on earth you manoeuvred out of that berth! Nice work all round!

  11. Just wondering? Is the weight of Fair Isle too much for a hydro vain self steering ? I think Hydro Vain said 25 tons is about the limit of its ability and being a full keel it might make it even harder to steer . I think Hydro Vain is probably the best there is , what is your opinion? Thank you .

  12. Great video. That exit from the dock–very tough to pull that off without incident, even on a Beneteau of similar length. Were there any wind… Thank you for posting.

  13. Happy New Year to you both. Loved this video seeing Madeira and Gran Canaria. I love the GC mountains and remember a vertigo inducing coach trip into the same. Wishing you great sailing over to Africa and for the Atlantic crossing. Enjoy 2024.

  14. The Canaries were the European pilot for murdering indigenous people, territorial conquest, deforestation and enslaving millions, eventually exporting that horror show westward to the new world. Can’t wait to see your experience in Senegal if you make it. Happy New Year! 🎉

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