Tur de iaht de 5 milioane de dolari: 2022 Sanlorenzo SL78

Tur de iaht de 5 milioane de dolari: 2022 Sanlorenzo SL78

Un alt aspect intrigant și excelent combinat cu un interior contemporan de la Sanlorenzo. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.completemarinefreight.com/ https://www.vircru.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https://www. .ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Prețul este doar cu titlu orientativ și poate varia considerabil în funcție de locație și specificații Cu mulțumiri către: https://www.hmy.com/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


41 thoughts on “Tur de iaht de 5 milioane de dolari: 2022 Sanlorenzo SL78

  1. This isn’t a $5m yacht. It’s $4,995,000. That leaves $5k with which you could easily fill the bottom 10% of the fuel tanks…

  2. Love the interior and the lack of dark wood! Lower helm is compromised but the upper helm works perfectly fine. Stairs take up space but they seem to use that well. My only concern would be that San Lorenzo is the Alfa Romeo of yachts: stylish, but questionable quality. Looks great though! Thanks for the tour!

  3. Thanks for sharing about this interesting design, I like it when designers think outside the box like this. 😊 Take care and Cheers!

  4. Not the best boat you have ever toured Nick…..I agree with others,bland, it’s “looks” poorly put to together …..Crew cabin if that’s what you could call it was embarrassing….not on my lottery winning list I’m afraid , really not good

  5. Hello. Woohoo! Light, bright, white. Great design. Very cozy and clean. I absolutely love this Yacht. The flybridge is especially amazing. 🎉 Thank you for yet another wonderful tour. 💐🌹🌼

  6. Nice yacht but the colour in the interiors was just too pale…it needs a bit more of that nice mahogany to break down all the white…otherwise its like being in a hospital…the layout was nice though…and love the huge showers

  7. White shiny plastic cabinets, walls and ceiling make it look vh cheap, steril and boring. Have see other San Lorenzos mucvh nicer.

  8. Fantastic boat. Only small issue was that lower helm position. Surely the helm should have been more central and the seating off to the side. Looks near unusable with that huge window pillar there. But bar that a stunning boat.

  9. Loved the Wave… not sure about the interior. They seem to have taken a spacious boat and made it seem quite cramped, instead of the other way around.

  10. Thank youAQUAHOLIC compliment video brilliant explanation exhaustive Yacht Tour Sanlorenzo SL78 5 Million beautiful, designer project deitail accurate with line innovative.

  11. When I see the quality of these yachts compared to the Italians, it’s just the best value out there for 4.5 to 5 m. It’s fast and the Asymmetric models have huge feeling interiors.

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