Achiziționarea unei barca cu pânze second hand, cele 50 de picioare

Achiziționarea unei barca cu pânze second hand, cele 50 de picioare

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35 thoughts on “Achiziționarea unei barca cu pânze second hand, cele 50 de picioare

  1. I think I need to stay under 40 foot and still be able to single hand sail. I love to get to compare what is out there thanks to your videos and comments. Can't wait to meet up with you guys somewhere down in the islands, and go sailing! I'm working on it now!

  2. I really enjoy when you dish other YouTube sailing channels. I am tired of green drink and Japanese knife, and call in therapy ads. Maybe I will buy a shit yellow canary trimaran. Great and informative videos on buying used sail boats. Thank you.

  3. Lady k is all about cheap…. He said he got his boat for less than $5k and powers it with golf Cart batteries… We love him because he drinks cold Budweiser from a champagne glass, in the Bahamas & he's a Canuk… Which explains a lot

  4. you're the uncle that everyone listens too. I was a cruising kid back in the 70's, filled with Dad's info. He was a great sailor and had his likes and dislikes that he past down to me. We coastal cruised the west coast (California), and he taught me alot (when I paid attention). Yet, over the years I have learned that his cruising viewpoint was based in tried and true seat of the pants experience. Which, for back then, was sound, but now much more archaic in terms of how a boat is made and what was the most reliable. Tupperware boats (fiberglass) were to be avoided at all costs. Wood or nothing. I begged my Dad to show me celestial navigation and he guarded it like a ritualistic coming of age ceremony. When, many years later, my Dad retired and moved inland, he gave me his sextants and his sailing library. His coming of age lesson he shared with me was to go out and buy two gps plotters, a loran and put the sextants in a display case. I did take him on a walk around during one of the St. Pete sailing expos and he said that he wishes that we had these options when we were a cruising family. So, your input, at this present time, is what I and the wife need now that we're going to retire on the water.

  5. I spent three weeks trying to get a hold of the broker for that beneteau 51.5 Latitudes. Had a surveyor booked but when I stopped getting emails and couldn’t get a return call I cancelled everything. Figured they didn’t want to sell it.

  6. Nice browse through on the 50's! Just a quick note, that 1984 Morgan Offshore 50 @ 24:02 had a note of "standing rigging reported new 2017" in the sail section. Given that it's a fiberglass hull, at that price, could be worth the haul-out for a professional CVI/survey.

    Did you notice they're taking bitcoin/crypto currencies as well? Guessing this was a passion project before the market took a turn, and now just trying to recoup on the investment.

  7. Welcome back and I
    hope you have a great year.
    The honesty that sears through your commentary is a rare thing these days.
    As is the frustration at our internet viewer distorted world. There is so little credit given to depth of experience especially if a cute backside is the main feature of the production values.
    these comments are my conclusion after 2 years watching the spectrum of sailing youtubes and after 6 months listening to your ideas.
    It took one day being crew and now I am very happy dinghy sailing!
    Maybe a boat will happen but I want to be doing that with the fundamentals addressed.
    Your advice is probably more valuable than you imagine and at the moment is often free- I am so glad that is so.

  8. This was what I was looking for last time I commented! You are awesome and the jokes keep me interested all the way through! What do you think about the Amel Super Maramu 16m (51feet)? It is on sale on Boat 24 for €220 000 – $235 000
    Would you think it is worth it?

  9. Please don’t be nice – rip these fakers and shit boats off the face of the earth and poxy brokers ripping people selling crap and sucking them out of their money – Every boat comes with problems- like a woman-They all look beautiful but when you get inside the devil is waiting to greet you- no shit

  10. The U tube gods hate me love your videos but Omg!! it was a 30 second commercial every 2 minutes. Thanks for the giggle trashing lady K even though I watch him regularly, hoping to upgrade my sieldelman 30 to something a little bigger. Keep up the good work.

  11. Wow, another fantastic video exploring the world of sailboats! It's great to see you exploring the 50 footers and giving us a closer look at what's out there. Keep up the amazing work, your channel has the best content!

  12. We've been watching for a while now and love the content. Now we are looking for our next boat, this one we are looking at 50+. Funny how you skipped the only two we were considering (Moody 54 and Beneteau 50 in Boston). I get the extra space, but hate the charter style four cabin layout with the galley center salon. I'll be hitting Chris up as my buyer, we were about to jump! Cheers!

  13. Although I love the 50+ footers, you always run into the same issues. No space for such a big boat in a marina. All jobs on those tankers take way more time and are way much expensive. So less money and time doing the sailing. Often they not rigged for solo sailing. So thanks but no thanks.

  14. Check your blood sugar you’re being mean again!
    You’re a smart guy with a ton of good information and I really enjoy it when you stick to the fax!
    I wish you well, my friend be nice!

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