În acest episod vă ducem în Nova Scoția, Canada. Trecem prin câteva momente importante ale timpului nostru acolo, cum ar fi surfingul în apă înghețată, legarea de docul orașului din centrul orașului Halifax și kitesurfingul în vânt puternic. Există și câteva lucrări de barcă în amestec – îndepărtarea cârmelor noastre „în apă” pentru a fixa marginea anterioară și schimbarea anozilor de pe recuzită. Dar apoi ne dăm seama că uraganele vizitează, de fapt, această parte a lumii și facem un ultim efort de a ieși din Dodge doar pentru a fi îmbarcați și a ni se fură lucruri când ajungem înapoi în SUA. Primim și o grătar de la ofițerii CBP, dar ei suntem destul de amabili să ne lase să intrăm în țară, deoarece documentele noastre erau toate în linie. Dar, din păcate, uraganul de la care am fugit a dăruit Rhode Island cu furtună și obținem un final dulce pentru încercările noastre. Un strigăt uriaș lui Steve și Clare de la Zoom pentru tot, în special pentru prietenia lor. Multumesc pentru vizionare! ÎNSCRIEȚI-VĂ LA PATREON AICI https://www.patreon.com/sailingwithsix CUMPĂRĂ MARFĂ AICI
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Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingwithsix / Facebook https://web.facebook.com/sailingwithsix/ Website https://sailingwithsix.com/ 00:00 Introducere 02:23 Navigare în Maine 04:11 Îndreptare către Canada 11:58 Locuri de muncă 17:43 Exploring Canada 20 :47 Fugind de un uragan 23:21 Am fost imbarcati! 27:06 Drame cu CBP 30:47 Surf Safari
Scăpați de mânia uraganului, doar pentru a se confrunta cu un jaf la bord! | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E39

37 thoughts on “Scăpați de mânia uraganului, doar pentru a se confrunta cu un jaf la bord! | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E39”
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Careful with those screws. booby traps are illegal and you could be charged if someone is injured by your trap, even if they are trying to rip you off. Maybe some kind of motion alarm or something would be better. Not sure how that would work on a boat though. Stay safe out there!
Boarded sucks please get an external hard drive hid it with just a cable comeing out of some cabinets. at least your data could have been saved. What if it was something important.
And welcome to the great white north (in winter). Hi from Niagara Falls Canada.
Should get a ring indoor camera – place it inside the window pointing out at the back area
Should listen to Steve’s interview on Parley Revival at the end of Pacific crossing about his experience after helping to deliver David Shih’s Lagoon to Texas scary
How can something so horrible (being boarded) happen to the sweetest most loving family I know ….ugh…breaks my heart…..God bless you all and stay safe !!
Now that was an adventure!
Great family unit…no stress, calm and I love the way you all play and work together. Didn't let the breakin get you down, just moved on. Fabulous! Getting to really love your videos
Love from Nana Jude, Queensland xxoo
Oh my. Sailing many countries, pirate infested waters, escaping storms to be robbed on the coast of the US. So glad you´re safe.
Too bloody cold, ur all crazy
I loved to surf but not at the expense of my fingers an toes
I'm relieved ur all safe, some people just think they can take whatever they like, well u can't!! And ur time coming. Please be careful, great vlog, thanks for sharing 
it makes u feel violated, stay strong family.
I’m trying to understand what CBP had a problem with, was it because you were sailing into the country ?
An ESTA lasts 90days from 1st date of entry into the US (so the day you entered Miami) and does not re-set by going into Canada (so any time you spent in Canada is counted as part of the 90days) was that the problem ?
Or was it that you came by boat and there are different rules in regards to the boat ?
Your family is in my prayers. I pray for God’s healing and for peace and safety.
Our faith snd prayers are with you. Wee sorry yo hear something medical has come up. Good luck. We’re hoping for a miracle.
Getting boarded is tough. Not happy about that at all.
You need to come to British Columbia to really see nice scenery
They only like people that break the law. If you're honest they will put you in prison be careful in america.
Use “where’s my phone “ to see if the police can locate it.
A good tip is to invest in motion sensory security cams onboard. where theres a hardrive recording 24h sessions. If nothing happens, the previous 24h is overridden. These cam´s can be usefull for 360 wide range, and atop of the mast, or and viewpoint at bow/stern.
Lesson learned. lock the door at night.
I always have my phone next to me, near me, or even under my pillow.
Some custom officers are tough, some are easy, depending on the mood and where they´re stationed at. Fort Erie are specially tough cases.
Iphone has a function called "find home" or find your iphone". Once its turned on, it sends a gps signal to where it is at. even if the simcard is detached. since its bound to your account.
Dunno about android, samsung etc.
Fun Fact: Thieves (especially when finely chopped up) make EXCELLENT fish food.
Great stuff. Inspirational family adventure.
haha, i live in Massachusetts and can confirm that CBP are massive c*nts! My family has lived in Mass since 1630 and we still get grilled as if we were would-be human traffickers every time we cross the border to Canada. The Canadians are always friendly, but the Americans all act as if the entirety of their law enforcement training consisted of seeing how long they could hold a stick up their a**. Sorry to hear about the phone, i'm sure everyone felt pretty icky at having their home invaded like that… probably feels much worse than just the monetary loss. Also, if you ever make it back to Maine, you've got to check out Acadia!
Sorry. The USA is the most dangerous developed country in the world. Yes, could have been much worse. My wife and I have sailed much of the world. We have been robbed at gun point twice. Both times in the good ol USA! Never in Colombia, or Trinidad, or Panama nor Puerto Rico and not Mexico. The USA. Were everyone can have a gun. It actually encouraged. The US is also one of the least boater friendly countries. Unless you can afford the crazy marina fees. Most cruisers cant’t. So I prefer to cruise elsewhere, even though I am a native born citizen of the US.
Personally, I wish I could get an address for so I could send you a 'Sentinel' HD camera. It would be ideal for watching your boat, even while you're gone on an excursion during the day. With all said and done, just know;'This too shall pass', and God will bless you greatly. The fact that you all surfed in CAW (cold angry water) goes to prove one thing. Your family is Stone Cold Crazy!! Please know you are in our prayers and we wish your family the best in life.
This has been a problem for years now, the last couple years this problem has become much much worse. With a little bit of effort you can rig up an electric fence, yes the same ones used on cows only you would need to run an extra wire for the grounding.
Instead of them grabbing your lifelines they will grab a hot wire and will soon be on there way guaranteed. If you play the role of a victim then you will always be the victim.
Great video guys, you guys are real inspiration.
I was a captain of a yacht just north of New Bedford. People warned me not to there. Lots of drugs. I's hard to know what to pick in the US.
Another groovy episode. Sorry about the robbery. So glad none of you were hurt by the criminals.
We are all Anzac guys , great video again
Impressive team work. Kids get right in and get the jobs done. It makes the fun times & the not so fun times so much better.
Fantastic video guys, really enjoyed the tour.
Sorry my country (USA) has such screwed up border control.
Wow, what an intense episode! It's heartbreaking to see such a loving and hardworking family like yours face challenges like this. But remember, you were able to escape the hurricane's wrath, and that's an incredible feat in itself. It's unfortunate that you had to experience robbery on board, but your safety and the safety of your family is what truly matters. Stay strong and positive, and know that your viewers are sending you love and support. Keep sailing with that amazing team spirit, and may your future adventures bring you nothing but smooth seas and beautiful destinations. Sending hugs from Florida!

If you ever decide to come to Lake Ontario I will welcome you
Nova Scotia is area for culture sorry you got stolen
Great video! Love to see your journey around the world!
Crazy to think EVEN on a ship on water in a harbour you can get robbed…
Scary af ! Thank god you're all ok, they didn't steal anything more or didn't harm you :/
Sorry to hear you guys got boarded and robbed, curiosity prevailed, so I checked New Bedford crime rates, that place needs to be avoided. I live in America and I would suggest avoiding it.
Good Lord! Could you send those border patrol officers down to the Texas/Mexico border???? So sorry about the thievery!
My apologies, I failed to mention that the Sentinel camera can be accessed by your phone from wherever you are. Plus, even if you cannot access it due to no internet, it can save data on a micro SD card. Please forgive me, but that you were boarded just irritates me to no end.