Întreprinderea unui proiect URIAȘ într-un spațiu foarte *mic*! Accesați pentru a începe prima achiziție și pentru a primi o aprovizionare GRATUITĂ pentru 1 an de Vitamina D3+K2 și 5 pachete de călătorie. Mulțumim lui AG1 pentru sponsorizarea videoclipului de astăzi! Voi băieți, am găsit LOCUL PERFECT pentru a ne face proiectul. Va fi EPIC. S-Glass, fibră de carbon, spumă cu celule închise și o mulțime de epoxidici. Știți că suntem. Încheiați-vă și bucurați-vă de turul a doua noastră casă pentru iarnă 🙂 * aceste declarații nu au fost evaluate de Food and Drug Administration. Acest produs nu este destinat să diagnosticheze, să trateze, să vindece sau să prevină vreo boală. ** multivitamine si multiminerale; prebiotice și probiotice; amestec de fitonutrienți pe bază de plante; sprijin imunitar; suport energetic/metabolic; suport digestiv; complex de management al stresului; concentrare și sprijin cognitiv; suport hormonal


39 thoughts on “Dezvăluirea ATELIERULUI ULTIMATE (în EUROPA!) | EE 143

  1. It might be negligible, but adding the weight of a hard top, dodger, arch, solar panels, etc above the center of gravity would have some consequences to it. I know Raff and Sasha did it, and their boat is still right side up. If I recall, Raff even weighed everything and said it came out to 1,000 lbs, and he felt that it had no impact. But, they also didn’t do an ocean crossing prior to installing theirs. I’m eager to see how your boat handles, especially downwind after the install.

  2. Very very excited for you guys to be creating/building again!!! Def a different skillset from ocean trekking! TBH i have yet to watch marathon video but i can't come to grips that your 3rd half has moved on to new adventures 🙁 She really made the crossing a special journey ❤

  3. Love that you guys are doing. It's cool to see individuals doing work and showing that anyone can do it. I worked for a few years in a composite manufacturer and one thought to help save your vacuum pump is to have a vacuum container between your bagged part and your pump. That way, if for some reason your vac line gets resin in it, it goes into the container instead of into your pump. Maybe you have one and just didn't show it, but it can be an easy thing to overlook and maybe ruin a part if the pump gets wrecked. Cheers!

  4. Given that shop has CNC tooling available you could create a far better product if you can get over the initial learning hurdle of Fusion. What would take it to whole new level would be getting a 3D model of the back of your boat to design against. There is a chance, all be it a very slim one, that Beneteau would provide you that if you asked nicely. Failing that, you 3D scan it to create an accurate model of at least the attachment areas. I have a portable 3D scanner that I could lend you, pm me if interested.

  5. I know it will hold dinghy… but you need to see per square inch of pressure from wind. Your engineer friends, I'm sure, have a formula.

  6. Jade, ninja princess! Another big project. You two are really experienced in so many ways now. You also have got an amazing number of subscribers now. Good work. I caught some of the great adventure when you released it and I'm watching the rest in 20 minute segments. Stay safe and thanks for sharing. ❤🙏

  7. I assume you've already accounted for this but just remember, if your dingy is open to the sky when you have it hoisted up it's going to collect rain and it will get very heavy. Be sure your supports can hold the additional weight of the water.

  8. Have you given any consideration to bringing the support down the face of the transom, it could offer quite a bit of additional support (strength) for the dinghy davitt.

  9. Just re-subscribed to you. YouTube unsubscribed me. I check all the time to make sure I’m subscribed, but very recently I’ve noticed a bunch of channels I’m normally subscribed to have been unsubscribed. Looking forward to your new build and new adventures. Have been with you since very close to the beginning. Glad you have good PPE this time. Wishing you the best of luck and God Bless for the coming year!

  10. I'm curious, how will the addition of the davit will affect the boat's weight and balance? It seems to me that the combined weight of the davit and the dingy (sans outboard motor) will push the starboard side of the stern lower than the rest of the boat. I assume, given your attention to detail and sailing knowledge, that you've accounted for this. I love how you two honor each other and clearly enjoy this adventure together. It's a joy being able to vicariously travel along with you!

  11. Love how you guys attempt to work smarter not harder…… this next build chapter should be interesting – off to watch your premier – well the last 2 hrs. Happy New Year to the 4 of you.

  12. Looking forward to the new project! You've probably taken a look at them – but Easy Composites have some great carbon fibre/fiber project youtube videos a couple of which deal with vacuum bagging and …unfortunately the dreaded "Peelply" 🙂

  13. Hi guys check out Mat at Duracell Project. He can build anything in fibre glass or carbon fibre . He uses cad and has input from Evan a naval architect. xx

  14. I like your idea for the cover, Eva will look great and you guys will enjoy the shade.
    One thing I would suggest is having a catch can in between your bags and vacuum pump. Other wise you can suck resin through your pump and cause some issue. Ask me how I know😂.

  15. I’ve watched every one of your guys videos except the marathon so far and I’ve never seen short hair on Brett. At this point I feel your thumbnail is just false advertisement. Hahah jk love you guys!

  16. Looks like a great design and build project calling for some good backyard engineering and fun with composites. It looks like Jade has lost a little weight and been to the gym. Well done, Girl. Steve Schroeder

  17. Happy new year to all!!!🎉🥂
    Great to see you’re safely in Barcelona but did I miss something? Would love to see a vid of the sail from the Azores to Barcelona.

  18. Happy New Year guys. We have been with you from the start of your boat life and love it. Hope this is helpful. Check out "Motor City Boat Works". This is another You tuber who is a boat guy both sail and motor. Some of the issues he has over come are the ones you will deal with on this build. Great Video.

  19. peruse you tube channel, life on the hulls, builder ross used majority foam core for his cat' build, great tips, very knowledgeable on glass work & he does composite work to

  20. I feel you both building a great cover for the sailboat … a custom build that only will fit what you want and no more fabric to go bad again … this will greatly make a less stressful time during a storm …❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊 …

  21. I am so glad you are doing this work on your boat. My boat needs the exact same improvements. This video gave me a little confidence I could do this job myself. Looking forward to your next video so I can see how you did it.

  22. The future is here! Cardboard Aided Design. Now nobody will want that old fashioned Computer Aided Design. You clearly are pioneers in the latest technology.

  23. Happy to see you start the project. Yes extend because hoisting a dingy it starts in the water and it’s a pain if your Davies are too short. It’s a lot of work, but well worth it. Make sure you make windows to see your sails. Or better small hatches. We had trouble getting our Bimini roof through the marina gate.. check if you have any hinders to reach the boat. Love seeing your progress.

  24. That's old school CAD (cardboard aided design). I don't recommend watching it for the completion (still not done!!!), but have you seen the Project Binky guys?

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