Alăturați-vă mie într-un tur al acestui SuperYacht Ocean Alexander E88 2019! Acest iaht este doar unul dintre cele patru E88 construite! Sunt un mare fan al bucătăriei de la țară și al salonului principal de pe acest vas. Ocean Alexander a inclus și o stație de cârmă incredibilă în skylounge-ul acestui super iaht. Spune-mi ce crezi în comentariile de mai jos! Acest iaht este prezentat de Worth Avenue Yachts: Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fără VOI! Fiecare comentariu, like și distribuire ajută canalul să se dezvolte. Aboneaza-te daca iti place si te prindem data viitoare! Urmăriți: Extra Yachts X99 FAST SuperYacht Tour: 36.000.000 € Baglietto T52 Hybrid SuperYacht : 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht: be/s100tdNGG7U Despre dependența de iahturi: Hei, eu sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare miercuri. Nu lucrez în industria de iahturi și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Urmărește-mă pe instagram: My Gear: Camera – Backup Camera – Microfon – https://amzn. to/3CTkWkA Backup Mic – Gimbal – Card SD – Unele linkuri din descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Acest lucru mă ajută să continui canalul Yacht Addiction cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! SPECIFICAȚII: Lungime: 88′ 0″ (26.82) Lungime: 20′ 1″ (6.12m) Pescaj: 5′ 11″ (1.80m) Anul: 2019 Constructor: Ocean Alexander Model: E88 Skylounge Configurație carenă: Semi deplasare Material cocă: Steagul din fibră de sticlă: Statele Unite Motoare: 2x Caterpillar Model: C-32 Acert, 1.600 CP Combustibil: 9463.52 / 2500 Apă: 1324.89 / 350 Viteză de croazieră: 18 noduri Viteza maximă: 23 noduri Cabine: 4 Total Oaspeți: 3 Locație Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Statele Unite Preț: 5.995.000 USD #SuperYacht #SuperyachtTour #YachtTour
Tur de 6.000.000 de dolari Ocean Alexander E88 SuperYacht Tour

19 thoughts on “Tur de 6.000.000 de dolari Ocean Alexander E88 SuperYacht Tour”
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Love the country kitchen. Bigger that mine.. Its a perfect Yacht. I could live on it happy. Them sky decks impressive too.Thank you Tony.
That's a Very nice yacht.The helm has great views all around unlike many ships that go for looks over usage, and this is stylish from all views too.TY Tony.I would be very happy to call this Home.Well done to the owners for their choices,and the builders for the quality.

Amazing yacht!
It would be important to always inform what type of hull, steel or GPR
Nicely played out
Great boat! Funny to me anyway that you kept talking about how good the yacht is despite it being a 2019, like it’s really old. Seems pretty up to date to me. Keep the videos coming. Thanks Tony
What's not to love on this yacht, nice colours and finishes and a great layout, love the country kitchen and owners cabin. Great tout Tony thank you.
As always you highlighted all the important spots on this impressive yacht. Thanks Tony for taking us on this tour.
Love Ocean Alexander. The Ocean and Explorer yachts are really nice, even their Explorer RJ series(I mean they named it after a client after all), however for a yacht this size I would go with the Sirena 88 and get that trawler design with 5 cabins, a pool and a hot tub. They dod make some robust yachts.
The best crew area ive seen in a while . . . For me its important that my crew have as good accommodation as owners and guests not cramped and subserviant . .
As someone who has been watching your channel since I believe less than 10K subscribers, you’ve done a fantastic job on all of your videos and it’s great to see how well your channel has evolved. I think you’re one of the rising stars on these tours and wish you the best in the coming year. Keep doing what you do, well done!
Oh what a beauty! Look good in my garage.
An excellent design and layout
Nice, not the wow I was expecting but nice.
I do not like the outer design, feels to plastic and not curves for me. But the inside layout and design work is superb
I agree, I wish they had made more of these. This is a very warm and friendly feel yacht and I like where all the cabins are. If you have kids you can send them them off to bed and still have a good time at the other end of the yacht without disturbing them. There is a good balance of light and dark materials, just enough to give it that warmth but open feeling. I have to add I love the helm station and it's location. This was a great pick to tour!!!
Loved seeing the design and layout of this E88. Great job with the tour.
The perfect home! Question though, the to twin cabins, do the beds combine to make full sizes? And are there pullmans in each of those cabins? You went /talked so fast I didn’t catch whether or not they did? Most twins will slide together into a full size bed when you move the nightstands so I was curious. Thanks for the tour!