S-a remediat în sfârșit: acest SINGUR LUCR a început o reparație de 4 ani.

S-a remediat în sfârșit: acest SINGUR LUCR a început o reparație de 4 ani.

Canalul nostru este posibil de tine! Consultați contul nostru Patreon pentru a obține acces la actualizări săptămânale în timp real (în timpul sezonului de ambarcațiuni), acces anticipat la videoclipuri și poate chiar scrisori surpriză scrise de mână livrate în căsuța dvs. poștală. Patronii sunt cei care mențin acest canal în viață! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13249792 Magic Carpet II este un Cape George 36, construit în Port Townsend, WA în 1982. Coca și balastul ei au fost construite de Cape George Marine Works, iar restul a fost terminat de către proprietarul inițial. Consultați site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre noi: https://sailingmagiccarpet.com/ Dacă doriți să ne susțineți, dar patreon nu este lucrul dvs., puteți face o donație o singură dată prin PayPal și vă vom trimite multe multumesc in schimb!! https://www.paypal.me/aladinorovegno PRODUSE PE CARE UTILIZAM MULT: (linkuri afiliate marcate cu *) *TOTALBOAT: epoxidice, materiale de umplutură epoxidice, grund, etc. Folosind acest link vă veți oferi 5% reducere! https://www.totalboat.com/magiccarpet VOPSEA EPIFANES: Vopsea și lac de înaltă calitate. Atât Magic Carpet I, cât și Magic Carpet II sunt ambele finisate în întregime cu produse Epifanes, în interior și în exterior. https://www.epifanes.com/introduction *PANTALONI DE LUCRU LUI ALADINO: https://gtly.ink/ltMFKBUSO SIA SANDPAPER: șmirghel elvețian de înaltă calitate, care nu se va desprinde și nu va lăsa un finisaj neuniform: www.sia-abrasives.com CAPE GEORGE MARINE WORKS: șantierul unde a fost construită barca noastră. Situat în Port Townsend WA, lucrează de înaltă calitate pe bărci în stil tradițional. De asemenea, pot construi bărci noi la comandă. https://capegeorgecutters.com/ COOLBLUE Fridge by TECHNAUTICS: o unitate frigorifică marină excelentă răcită cu aer. https://www.cruiserowaterandpower.com/coolblue-refrigeration-systems/ Vezi muzica Mayei pe Spotify și iTunes! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ypa1AKDFqSOP6Cg2GX53p?si=SLM8H6ZPR4CXyDtaqVDWGA iTUNES: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/maya-eliza/1518186756 Suntem pe instagram la @Carpet Color graded cu @SaiMagi Phantom Luts de Joel Famularo Adresa noastră de e-mail este doar pentru întrebări de afaceri, vă rog! Dacă aveți o întrebare de afaceri sau o altă propunere, vă rugăm să ne trimiteți un e-mail la SailingMagicCarpet (la) gmail.com


37 thoughts on “S-a remediat în sfârșit: acest SINGUR LUCR a început o reparație de 4 ani.

  1. Your videos are awesome. You couldn’t expect a higher level content, explanations and production. Part of that production is the choice of the background music. Wow, so good.

  2. Happy New Year Aladino. You are such a thorough and efficient worker with all your gear for the job laid out ready to go. A boatbuilder would love to have you in their team. Cheers Ian

  3. Hi I am surprised to see Aladino in "summer clothes" laying fiberglass and epoxy. No snow to be seen anywhere.
    How much shifted are the recordings compared to the present January 2024?
    By the way , it is very nice work Aladino and Maya.👏👏

  4. Great job! There’s something so exciting for me about seeing Magic Carpet II outside in natural light. It makes it so much easier for me to imagine you guys after her refit is complete, off on incredible adventures with her.

  5. Man Aldino. You are amazing to watch. A true Ship Write, doing stuff on a wooden Boat, done the right way from the beginning. You think of so many thing that some of us Ameture Boat maintence guy would never think of, but when you explain it, it just makes sence. This girl is going to be one Solid, classic Boat. Keep up great work, the Both of you.

  6. It's amazing how fast Aladino completes steps to perfection, and a relief to watch today when much of the world is bogged down because of adverse weather conditions, so many thanks, Maya and Aladino, for carrying on when you could be hibernating!

  7. I’ve been watching this show for awhile now and I just want to say it’s very very enjoyable and the music is the best too. You guys should be very proud of all your accomplishments.

  8. I know nothing about sailing or boat building/refitting, but I recognize master craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail when I see it. Aladino, you are a master craftsman. Everyone should aspire to do their own chosen work the same way you do. The world would be a better place.

  9. I’m writing to let you know how much I enjoyed the music in this episode. The Johnny Knox track and Sammy Rae and Friends were such a joy. Thanks and hang in there ❤

  10. On a project this size you have to celebrate all the steps and accomplishments, well done to you both and thanks for taking us along and inspiring us! 🎉🎉

  11. SO pleased to see that you have almost finished the bit that sort of started everything off. You must be really pleased yourselves. I know there is more to do but this step must feel like a BIG one.

  12. See: Houseboat Tulip on Lake union… it might be the Lily 2, renamed… it has an ofuru… it looks a bit different, perhaps remodeled or another version. I forgot that it had a raised aft “deck” for the main bedroom … anyhoo… cheers

  13. I guess if you had used white tarps instead of black you would get better light distribution for camera work, but then on sunny days it might get a lot hotter working under the tarps. I enjoy you both; for your work skills in front & behind the camera. 👌

  14. I assume you guys are aware of Fiberglass Supply in Burlington, WA. They do online sales, but also have an outstanding retail warehouse. A genuine NW treasure for the type of work you are doing. Rich from YouTube channel “Journey of Sailing Yacht Syrinx”.

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