20.000 de abonați!!! Va multumesc tuturor

20.000 de abonați!!!  Va multumesc tuturor

Mulțumim tuturor abonaților noștri, fără voi canalul nu ar exista! Mulțumim imens tuturor Patronilor noștri incredibili pentru că au făcut posibilă această aventură. Ne place să citim și să răspundem la toate comentariile voastre! Dacă ți-a plăcut episodul, dă-i un like, distribuie și te rugăm să te abonezi. Mulțumesc pentru vizionare, sper că îți plac episoadele. Detalii barca Barca noastră este un Rival 34 construit în 1979, construit în Southampton, Anglia Actualizări în timp real https://www. .facebook.com/The-Sailing-Brothers-108277941367444 Doriți să ne susțineți? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheSailingBrothers Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TheSailingBrothers Cumpără-ne o cafea: https://ko-fi.com/thesailingbrothers60713 Vă mulțumim pentru tot sprijinul acordat Vrei să porți niște produse de la Sailing Brothers? Magazinul de marfă Sailing Brothers pentru Europa https://the-sailing-brothers.myspreadshop.co.uk/ Magazin pentru America, Australia, Noua Zeelandă și nu numai https://the-sailing-brothers.myspreadshop.com/ Luke și Adam Frații Sailing


32 thoughts on “20.000 de abonați!!! Va multumesc tuturor

  1. Way to go sailors. Imagine 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Time for a tune and dance a jigg under the light of the moon till the break of dawn. 🎉🌠💪

  2. I am sure it wil grow and grow. Anyway so many congratulations to you both. You are just so true honest and open which is why those who follow hang on each episode and often repeat watch. Enjoy the NZ Cheese!!!

  3. Congratulations Wishing you guys the very best and enjoyment of your New Zealand exploration and time to enjoy!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  4. Just subscribed to add one more. Love you guys, love your energy, simplicity, gratefulness and mostly your way of being brothers. Congratlations and keep on sailing!

  5. Haven't got a clue about the YT algoritme and whether 20k is a lot. But I am one of the 20k, even have a T-shirt and I wish the Sailing Brothers all the best and God's protection!

  6. You lads actually deserved to be at 40k a long time ago. Easily the most real sailing channel there is. To the next milestones!! ♥

  7. You couldn't buy the party poppers as they obviously didn't believe you were 16!!😂 Well done on reaching 20,000 subscribers. We have watched from the very first video.

  8. Well done, guys. Amazing work, and you guys always make us laugh.
    To some of us, you are a true inspiration. I myself am new to sailing. Its amazing to watch the beautiful places you visit. Keep it up. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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