Efectuarea rapidă a trecerii în confort | X43 testat | Yachting Monthly

Efectuarea rapidă a trecerii în confort |  X43 testat |  Yachting Monthly

Cel mai recent model X-Yachts, X43 promite să fie o barcă de croazieră cu trecere rapidă, distractivă și antrenantă, dar care nu vă va speria șosetele. Theo Stocker a mers să afle cât de bine este X43 –- Abonați-vă la canalul de Youtube al Yachting Monthly la: https://www.youtube.com/user/YachtingMonthly/videos Abonați-vă la revistă la: https:// www.yachtingmonthly.com/subscriptions/yachting-monthly-subscriptions Citiți mai multe articole de navigație la: https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/ Apreciați pagina noastră de Facebook la: https://www.facebook.com/yachtingmonthlymag/ Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: https://twitter.com/yachtingmonthly Urmărește-ne pe Instagram la: https://www.instagram.com/yachtingmonthlymag/


11 thoughts on “Efectuarea rapidă a trecerii în confort | X43 testat | Yachting Monthly

  1. Nice review! – QUESTION – for a world circumnavigation, which would you take, this X43 or the Hallberg 40C that you reviewed (or a HR 44??). What is bugging us is that this X43 has that horrid sail drive and terrible high aspect ratio keel that looks dangerous.. What would you think about this?

  2. Great boat but the cockpit benches look really short, looks like they are too short to lay down on. Another gripe is no separate shower. Otherwise great boat

  3. Nice boat, price (about 718000 USD) isn't outrageous considering what one receives. My only criticism is the galvanized grid. I would want a carbon fiber grid, doesn't rust.

  4. A Danish product? No thanks, given their WWII Germany-style "strip the valuables off" policy on refugees (unless they are from Europe/Ukraine).

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