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2 ani de REFIT BARCĂ în 25 de minute!
37 thoughts on “2 ani de REFIT BARCĂ în 25 de minute!”
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Well done guys. Keep up the great work! It's not many who experience the joys of emptying a bilge full of crude oil and tanks of vintage waste. Your perseverance to get this far is truly remarkable. Also really nice to see the teamwork from Nacra's being useful in this huge restoration!
Best wishes from Ireland.
Thanks for a fine recap. Can't wait to see what this year will bring. Keep up the great work.
I hope you can keep the videos coming, absolutely love what you guys are doing! Great job so far!!❤
bloody good job, Iook forward to watching more vidoes.
Dear Barbara and Daniel:
You both have certainly turned this massive project into a lovely sailing vessel. With most of the Demo work done, we are will be most interested in the interior wood work to come. We can't thank you both enough for sharing this epic rebuild and hope you both receive some much needed rest in Austria over the winter. Are you planning any skiing while there? Wishing you both a Happy New Year!
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to journey.
Thank you so much for the card. That was very nice, I'm glad I can be a small part of your dreams
Great job
Great job! Really beutifull ship! Thanks for sharing, and I would love to see the next chapters,
The youtube algorithm loves comments.
I make it a point to comment on every video.
As I type this you have had 9.6K views and 45 comments.
If everyone watching just dropped a one line comment, it would really help the channel
Great achievements so far! Can't wait to see what 2024 will bring you!
Thanks for the recap keep going on good stuff
Personally I think you stripped out stuff that could of stayed… But that's your choice
This is a great video. You have a lot of work to do and I look forward to following you. This is an epic adventure.
Its a beauty…( again) well done ❤
Amazing job!! I am so impressed of your hard work !!👍⚓⛏️
Hi guys. I stopped watching your videos a long time ago, It was just to long winded. So to watch this video and see all that has been done. Wow 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 great job guys 👍👍👍👍 I’m inpatient. See you both on the next one 👍.
Two awesome people… I look forward to '24
Hallo, hier zijn een paar tips van een binnenschipper! Als u een nieuwe watertank installeert, kan deze nooit groot genoeg zijn! En gebruik Ovatrol zowel voor uw mooie stuurhuis als voor het dek! Leuke groeten uit Duitsland!
Love your story!! i will have a look at your Patreon, wish i could see it up close and in real life one day! John
Hell mate is that old rust bucket still floating
G’day, you are a very brave couple taking on such a project. You show great character sticking to the task and I wish you every success. By the way where does the name “Flying Coney come from? 🦘🦘🦘🍺🍺🍺
I love you guys and I am sure you will get "it" done BUT …. Fact 1: you never finish refurbing an old ship and Fact 2: "it" will be more like 4 years not 2, sorry Barbara.
Barbara you have good taste in boots no nonsense and sturdy. Same as I wear.👍
man braucht schon eine ordentliche Portion Wahnsinn so ein Projekt zu denken… uuund ich bin sehr froh, dass es Menschen wie euch zwei gibt, die genau das machen!!!! Meine Hochachtung, dass ihr das stemmt!!!! Ich selber habe ein Projekt.. viel kleiner und da ist die Motivation immer wieder ins Wanken gekommen… Erster in Österreich gebauter Jollenkreuzer … 1926 Am Traunsee… Eiche auf Eiche… Danke, dass ihr für mich immer wieder richtig ordentliche Motivation zu mir bring… damit ich meinen Wahnsinn leben kann 😉
Well done – nur die Harten komm in Garten😂
Good to see you back! This project is truly inspirational. Looking forward to your 2024 videos⛵😃
Well, if I learned anything from this video, than if I would buy a boat one day, it has to be a new one.
I hope you come far this year with the refit of Flying Coney and to see a lot of video’s from her. Grtz. from the Flevopolder
Since you race: Suggest discreetly installing carbon fiber spars.
Oh my! The fact Barbara worked as a wiper on a merchant marine vessel explains why she is the one doing the maintenance in the engine room.
Wow what a vid thankyou and hope you fins a way to keep the video's coming also hope you 2 had good holidays
My favorite part is seeing her in the water . Wish I could help more , but we have two boats floating .
Sorry, too many selfies.