Aducerea Yabá de la epavă la vis! Episodul 169 În acest episod al restaurării bărcii noastre, construim și instalăm chila noastră de sacrificiu. Aceasta este Ziua 1 din seria noastră de actualizări zilnice până când vom putea în sfârșit să împroșcăm! ABONAȚI-VĂ pentru a nu rata noile episoade: PUTEȚI SUSȚINE PROIECTUL:
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Cine suntem? Suntem Ben și MP! Recent am decis să achiziționăm o goeletă din lemn cu doi catarge în Brazilia. Detaliul distractiv despre povestea noastră este că barca pe care am cumpărat-o se scufunda și se baza pe multe pompe de santină pentru a supraviețui, așa că a trebuit să o ridicăm pe uscat pentru a începe o reparație completă. Odată ce barca a fost ridicată (pentru prima dată în viața ei) ne-am dat seama că munca necesară a fost mult mai mult decât se aștepta. Între eliberarea sau acceptarea provocării, am decis să alegem a doua variantă. Urmărește-ne în timp ce readucem la viață Yabá cu ajutorul unei echipe uimitoare de constructori navali tradiționali, împărtășind fiecare fază a procesului, depășind culmile și dezavantajele și distrându-se pe parcurs. Mai multe despre noi:
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Mulțumiri masive echipei noastre uimitoare de dulgheri care nu ne-au dezamăgit niciodată și continuă să uimește-ne la fiecare pas al procesului: Toninho, Zeca, Hélio, Claiton, William, Nezo, Nico, Adilson, Beto și Luiz. SUNTEȚI LEGENDE!
Adăugarea unei chile de sacrificiu de 45 de picioare la barca noastră de lemn (episoade zilnice de numărătoare inversă) — Sailing Yabá 169

26 thoughts on “Adăugarea unei chile de sacrificiu de 45 de picioare la barca noastră de lemn (episoade zilnice de numărătoare inversă) — Sailing Yabá 169”
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This is DAY 1 from our series of daily updates until we can finally splash! It's gonna be a fun challenge and we are extremely excited about this! We truly hope you enjoy watching us "from close" on our daily adventures at the yard. Thanks for being here! Xx
You might want to take and record the measurements of the through bolt locations for future reference
Man that gives me a huge backache just watching. Oh to be younger and flexible
You guys are fantastic. This is boat building at the human level. You all put your shoulder to the wheel get dirty/sweatty. It's such a rough place but so evident that you love and respct each other. The iguana loaping toward the wood pile chased by your hounds add to what I described. Can't wait to see you afloat and smiling.
So we had 4 wooden sailing charter boats in Mexico. We soon learned that if we did not do an annual haulout, the sacrificial and the real keel would need repair. This is with tar, epoxies…and lots of paint. That's your future, or cold places
That was a risky move at the end of day Ben , that stretch. glad you didn’t fall over. Ben looked so tired would have needed someone to help him get up.
I'm looking forward to the daily updates but it's not going to be easy for you. God bless
your efforts are near super human the anticipation is barely manageable
Wow, nothing like doing it the hard way. It would have been so much easier to lay out and drill all the holes in the sacrificial keel before it was set in place. Then you would only have had to drill pilot holes into the keel.
It is easier to mark and pre-drill the plank and then install and drill for the lag shank into the keel. It makes for far less time working under the boat in cramped spaces. But love the old-school timber wedging and jacks. Takes me back to my youth on wood boats.
Beer o'clock!
Ben, you have the constitution of a horse. Incredible work ethic. Time to recharge after a grueling day 1
thanks for the videos ! my name is derick all the way from johannesburg south afrika , we as a family enjoy watching your channel and cannot wait for yaba to go back into the water , all the hard work and time and dedicaation will the be all for the greater good . love you guys
Ben, you are starting to look more like a ship yard worker than a owner of a 70 foot yacht!
Thanks for the mention in last episode. Do you two love birds plan to sail the world ?
I am very much looking forward to the further daily content! Just a remainder to all Patreon supporters: check your membership settings since payments are based on videos. If you do not want to support seven times more than previously per month set a limit.
Worm shoe.
Magnificent !!! The most beautiful boat in the world !!! Fantastic work !!! Respect back to you !!! I am very excited for the launch. I hope its live streamed . Bravo !!!
Another great project!!!

vai dar bem bom!!
vai dar bem bom!!
A great month for the veiwers but a tough one for the crew. Thanks Yabba!!!
Nice shadow figures
keep being awesome team.
That’s a hard days work.