Un catamaran cu o diferență: designul unic al lui Vision 444

Un catamaran cu o diferență: designul unic al lui Vision 444

Vision 444 este un catamaran cu o diferență: conceput inițial pentru un utilizator de scaun cu rotile, designul a evoluat într-un spațiu spațios și ergonomic. În episodul din această săptămână, facem un tur în jurul acestei oferte unice pentru piața catamaranelor și plecăm impresionați de calitatea construcției și de viabilitatea. Notă: motorul poate fi ridicat prin trape 🙂 Mulțumesc pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să lăsați un comentariu ⛵️ Pentru a ne susține munca ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/sailingrubyrose Videoclipurile noastre sunt gratuite pentru toți să le vizioneze și vor fi mereu. Cu toate acestea, avem o comunitate uimitoare de Patroni care, pentru costul unei cești de cafea pe lună, primesc tot felul de beneficii și avantaje. Acest sprijin ne permite să continuăm să vă aducem poveștile noastre, așa că mulțumiri URIAȘE pentru minunații noștri Patroni 😊 Faceți clic pe linkul de mai sus pentru a afla mai multe. SOCIAL MEDIA http://www.instagram.com/sailingrubyrose http://www.facebook.com/sailingrubyrose https://www.tiktok.com/@sailingrubyrose MUZICA Epidemic Sound Artlist Bună! Suntem Nick și Terysa și am devenit complet obsedați de ideea de a naviga în jurul lumii și de a împărtăși experiențele și informațiile noastre prin videoclipurile noastre despre stilul de viață cu navigație. Ne-am întâlnit călătorind prin India și am fost de acord rapid că, în loc să ne „instalăm” și să facem ceea ce fac majoritatea oamenilor normali, am vrut să călătorim și să ne aventurăm și am început poveștile noastre de aventură în stilul de viață cu navigație, de atunci, am muncit din greu pentru a realiza visele noastre, iar acum le trăim în sfârșit ca stil de viață de croazieră cu vele! Vrei să știi ceva despre stilul nostru de viață de navigație sau despre poveștile de aventură cu navigație? Trimiteți-ne un e-mail prin intermediul paginii de contact http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Sperăm să vă bucurați de ceea ce facem. Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să dați like și să distribuiți.


44 thoughts on “Un catamaran cu o diferență: designul unic al lui Vision 444

  1. I really like your presentation. Your tour is informative and shows aspects that only an owner sailing team can present. I've followed your channel for a number of years and am very appreciative you share your life and experience with your audience.

  2. Air draft great for ICW, but with the bridge being that height, boom also above ,would that make her reefing in heavy winds more often / 4 corners would not make it easy docking. Thank you.

  3. Yes, you can get a person with a wheelchair onto this boat. As someone who studies accessibility though, I would imagine living on board for a wheelchair-bound person would be very hard. They could sleep in the Saloon but how would they get down to any of the heads without being carried? I realize that a lot of people who use wheelchairs can walk short distances, but this is a boat floating and moving through the water. I am not sure if someone who uses a wheelchair can walk would they be strong enough and/or stable enough to do stairs that are moving with the ocean. Obviously, the width of the hull is wider for wheelchairs, but I still don’t see how they would be getting up and down, unless you guys just didn’t show a lift, or the lift was removed at some point?

    Looking at the side entry fold-down gate to get on the boat. It looks a bit wimpy to be holding the weight of a whole person and a wheelchair. Also, the latches to keep it closed were sticking up, which would make getting any wheelchair bigger than that of a small child almost impossible as the latches would be in the way of the wheels.

    The more I think about it, the more this boat would only be accessible for a small child who uses a wheelchair. That would mean no lifts to access the hulls. It would also explain why the stateroom on the port side looked more like an owner’s suite (like on RR2), and the starboard side although styled as an owner’s hull, looks more like a guest or wheelchair-bound child’s hull.

    The concept of a wheelchair-accessible catamaran is cool. This shows that it could be done, but this one is only partially accessible to an adult. To make it accessible for an adult things like lifts on the stairs, and possibly some countertops that are lower for the person in the wheelchair to make the kitchen workable for them. That helm would absolutely not be accessible to someone who uses a wheelchair. I also do not see how the bathrooms are accessible. I guess there was in one of the heads a place to sit down and shower. Again, could a full-size adult wheelchair fit into the bathroom.

    In case you are wondering, my nephew was an amputee and used wheelchairs often due to problems with his prosthesis at times. He and his wife had a special house built to accommodate his wheelchairs and crutches.

  4. It is my belief that a contest should be started for fans of RR2 that people count how many times Nick uses the word "again" in a years worth of videos and some form of prize be awarded. If Nick were required to drop a dollar in a jar for Each "again". The prize could be substantial.❤

  5. The engine does fit through the hatch. In fact it is installed that way, lowered through the hatch above. That is why that hatch is so large.

  6. For the workshop, many wouldn’t be looking for a place to sit and work. In fact, most workshops I have been in (designed for wood and/or metal/ there wasn’t seating at the bench(es).

  7. We were very happy with what we saw in the Vision 444. One of our crew is mobility challenged. The fit and finish was very good. From the helm the taller crew had no issues seeing forward. Our shorter (nick sized) couldn’t see anything. Those winches are too tall to use effectively if you ever try to use them with a handle. The line handlers on the deck have a lot of drag. The price is still out of line for value. We could likely add the accessibility options to a few other brands for less money (though that’s guessing).

  8. Love the reviews. Would appreciate more discussion about vessel construction i.e. core materials, bulkhead tabbing and construction. These are the things I worry about in production boats. FWIW, I toured this boat at the same show and came away very impressed.

  9. I don't understand with limited visibility they don't add cameras to the mast looking down so you can see the perimeter just to increase visibility that way. They already have the electronics. It seems they are really turning the boats into homes on water rather than boats you can live on.

  10. The Vision 444 has been on our short list for a couple years. I never noticed the visibly issues from the helm. I've been on three of their hulls and thought visibility was great. I am 4" or so taller than Nick but my wife is the same height as Terysa. I'll have to get my wife's opinion at the next Annapolis show.

  11. The 444 truly is one of the best cats being built for a “reasonable” price in the 45’ range. The base boat is LOADED with options that other builders would charge extra for and its construction makes it pretty light so the smaller sail area isn’t really a problem at all. BTW also Cruising Worlds 2024 Multihull of the Year under 50’. Pretty sure there is an open slot of 2 before #38 (even though that is sold) and prices are lower I hear on the earlier slots as each slot is inflation adjusted. At the show #38 was $888k but earlier slots were under $800k

  12. Not sure why you make such a deal of the helm visibility – anything is an improvement on the Seawind boats 🤣

    However in regards the disability design brief – i would like to see the helm station with wheel chair access and maybe a spiral sloped floor from the stern with a lowered coach roof in front of the helm would be a cool and unique aspect that would allow those with disabilities the capability and experience opportunity to sail the boat. Also how about a saloon/deck level disability toilet? – maybe opposite the helm station – or where the nav station is.

  13. Do not like to have the engines inside the living space of the hulls! Exhaust leaks, water leeaks and fumes makes it an unwanted location for a fossile fuel enigine. I have had two cats one like the 442 and one with the engines aft of the living area, which I have found to be the best location. The enignes are easy to access, a one band show to lift out and in, and no fumes inside the living area.
    The aft areas of modern cats in my opinion is way to short from the back end to the cockpit area, which obviously is to create better living space, but I for one do not like that! The boats do not behave as good in a seaway and they look too stocky I think.
    Just my two cents worth.

  14. I love your channel and the reviews. Cracks me up when you talk about all that great headroom though. Hubby is 6'4" and would be hard pressed to stand up straight on board. 😅

  15. Nice review of a nice boat. A couple of points- The advertised lightship displacement of 9 tons seems like a stretch. I have concerns on how Vision (and Balance as well) are using space in the far forward sections of the bows for workshops/lavs seemingly at the expense of a proper crashbox. Maybe not an issue, but I like the thought of a proper watertight bulkhead/crashbox in the bow. Cheers

  16. Another great review guys! This was one of my wife and I’s favourite boats at the show. I’m surprised Nick didn’t gush over the maintenance closets on this boat. There was great attention to detail with thru hull fittings and having everything located in one spot (per hull).
    Did you guys get a chance to look at the Catana OC50 by chance and can we expect a review of that boat??

  17. My wife and I jumped into the Uber you brought to the award show in Annapolis and shook hands with you. (We were checking out and heading to Washington, DC.) We were really looking forward to your thoughts on this boat. What did you think of the steering system, and other safety at sea items? I really wanted to see your model of Seawind at the show, to compare to Balance 442, the Vision 444, and the TAO (older Balance design). You are still our favourite channel. So happy you are out cruising again.

  18. I first watched you two when you were reviewing boats in search of RR2. While I prefer your adventure videos, you're still really good at reviews! Versatility is an asset!

  19. This cat does not meet the needs of a person that is truly wheelchair bound, such as spinal cord injury or deseases such as MS, MD, or just very aged. JUst being mobility chalenged as many people are they would have Great difficulty participating in the actual sailing.

  20. 🏆The Vision 444 is my choice of the cats of this size. 👉The invisible strength in the 444 is the watertight compartmentalisation between the floor and hull. Also their Vinyl Ester Resin build is a high quality construction choice rarely offered by others. Not enough said about it IMO. I have little concern about a 'crash box' at he bow, but if one could be added as an option, I'm sure it would satisfy such worries.

    I like the boom-furling option best, and I would love to see the HH engine/power options made available for the Vision 444. I can also envision a simple, lightweight lowerable swim platform/ folding transom catwalk, with sliding poles built within the davits/coach roof posts on the transom! – a new custom option perhaps?

    I have heard no complaints about helm visibility from those who share videos of actual sailing on the 444, even through reef shallows, but would agree that a built-in step-up feature would be a satisfying add-on, especially when slow manoeuvring; – the more viz the better, no matter the vessel. I much prefer the single raised helm position over the dual helm options offered elsewhere.

  21. I really like this boat lots of room. I really like the lay out. The last bedroom i would make my master i think.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful boat !

  22. Come on guys, I repeat my comment from last week. Will you get on with the sailing. I’ve been watching you rabbit on about boats for the past 2 years, enough! In your Christmas vid you told us of all the sailing you have been doing so how about showing us.

  23. Did a short sail on this after being on a lagoon. The difference was stark. Im not a sailer by any stretch but even i could tell and feel how light and responsive whe felt under sail. It was an absolute pleasure. This boat has been on my short list ever since.

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