Plug My Hole Ep133

Plug My Hole Ep133

Astuparea unei gauri, lumini, decapare vopsea, iguane, ratoni, plajă, bikini, roată și multe altele. Continuăm detalierea despre Isabella mai jos. Steve a instalat lumini noi și a mutat una veche. Ne place lemnul natural și continuăm să dezlipim vopseaua de pe peretele holului, restabilind acel aspect. O mulțime de bricolaj duc la distracție la plajă. Karen a încercat să facă o roată de căruță. Am văzut mai multe specii diferite de animale sălbatice. Știați cu toții că atunci când temperatura se apropie de îngheț, iguanele intră într-o stare, uimită la rece, în care încep să cadă din copaci? Există o singură specie de raton în Florida, Procyon lotor, și este activ după-amiaza târziu în loc să fie nocturn. Ne iubim abonații și vă trimitem tuturor gânduri calde și fericite. Apreciem cu adevărat abonații noștri de lungă durată și urăm bun venit noilor noștri abonați. Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru că ne urmăriți și ne ajutați să creștem. Tu ești ceea ce face ca canalele noastre să merite. Dacă nu ați făcut-o deja, vă rugăm să vă abonați la Sailing Intermission pentru a putea continua să creștem. Ne puteți urmări și pe: Atribute muzicale: Tiki Tiki – Habanera Cruise Jay Cano – Back in Rio


36 thoughts on “Plug My Hole Ep133

  1. I'll let you guess which I liked the most, the Iguana or the yellow bikini. Just know I'm going to be singing Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini for the rest of the day, just hope my wife doesn't ask me why.

  2. What a start to the episode, Karen is the beauty, and the Iguana gets named Steve. Hi, Karen, 😀 Steve, why did I know you were going to do that (o o) with those lights 🤣The view of your boat is comforting, it looks very comfortable and love those new lights. I wonder if a large aluminum trim ring would make then shed even more light. Karen, are you not shocked Steve didn't say anything about the exposed wood comment? lol I am. All in all, another great episode that provided a much-needed mental break from all the snow here … thank you so very much!! –Jerry

  3. you make that blue dress look so sexy! Blue is my favorite color and you were so nimble doing your cart wheels in your little yellow bikini. You awesome as always Karen, thanks. I always enjoy watching you, you are so much fun! 🤸🤸♂🤸♀

  4. I watched this video in 8°F weather w/ 5 inches of snow on the ground and more due here in Md this Fri… I envy your weather❤

  5. Yayyyyy!!!!! A cartwheel from Karen. It's been way too long between cartwheels. Just like your dancing and Steve's toilet work they should be a compulsory feature of every episode. And Steve, I'm still waiting for one from you🤣🤣 I do have an issue with your episode precis, though. "Karen attempted to do a cartwheel". attempted????? Really. The cartwheel got a TEN from the Russian judge. And a ten from me too.🥰🥰🥰
    Great job, as always on the maintenance, Steve. You had me wondering when you were cutting wires, but obviously you know what you are doing. I'll trust you cutting the right wire to diffuse a bomb, that's for sure. And paint stripping with the heat gun. Is there anything you don't know how to do? I learn something every episode.
    And I love the iguana footage, but everything is eclipsed by the raccoon. So cute! That's another thing that should be a prerequisite for every episode – a raccoon!!!! Perhaps you should have one for a pet! He could live in the VIP cabin. As always, Keep dancing.🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤

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