Procesul de adăugare a unei noi abilități la OSRS | Navigație 2024 Actualizare

Procesul de adăugare a unei noi abilități la OSRS |  Navigație 2024 Actualizare

Ancorele sunt afectate de dezvoltarea Sailing, prima abilitate nouă a Old School RuneScape. Am colaborat cu ScreteMonge pentru a arăta progresul nostru de până acum și pentru a vă oferi o privire asupra a ceea ce ne așteaptă pe măsură ce vom naviga spre 2024. Descoperiți mai multe: Urmărește ScreteMonge: https:/ / Old School RuneScape este o versiune de joc retro a RuneScape din 2007 pe care am returnat-o la cererea comunității. Comunitatea controlează direcția de dezvoltare a Old School RuneScape votând ce actualizări ar dori să primească. Cel mai mare și mai popular MMORPG din lume, Old School RuneScape a fost jucat de peste 260 de milioane de jucători de la lansarea RuneScape în 2001. Old School RuneScape unește mecanica complicată a MMO-urilor moderne cu jocul nostalgic de tip „point-and-click” al jocurilor de rol timpurii. #OSRSMobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape


23 thoughts on “Procesul de adăugare a unei noi abilități la OSRS | Navigație 2024 Actualizare

  1. 23k Views and less than 1k likes so far….. Yea I am sure this passed the voting poll system….. As long as this skill does not block me from doing quests i am not touching it.

  2. Jmods-"lets nerf all the affordable weapons and fudge the polls to jam in the least oldschool skill we can think of!" While we're at it lets create a shitliad of bots and ruin our games economy while falsly banning real players and then igoring them! Quitting this lifewasting game…. its just not worth it anymore.

  3. Fire that woman, honestly. The attitude along with the fact that she’s wrong about the skillset leads me to believe she doesn’t know shit about this game. Fix your staff Jagex

  4. I'm glad to see the game i love flourishing. a great addition to logging out on ships would be to function like the poh system except have the player return to the nearest dock location!

  5. I wish theyd just send the skill. it would bring back players that quit and new players. The game is dying and being led by a handful of maxed elitists

  6. I would say one of the biggest things they need to get right is give you a good reason to use your boat instead of just teleporting and running around.

  7. The skill cape is perfect…. it's the same blue as the water and the brown trim looks like the wood of the ship. The icon is pretty good but I'm open to other ideas.

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