Primele furtuni de zăpadă din sezonul de iarnă aici, în Alaska! Doriți să susțineți crearea acestor videoclipuri? Consultați pagina Patreon la: Patronii au acces la videoclipuri fără reclame, la un grup de chat WhatsApp și la o hartă de urmărire a bărcilor cu o listă cu toate ancorajele și porturile de până acum Organic t- cămăși și hanorace + autocolante: Instagram și Facebook: Întrebări de afaceri:
Călărit pe o furtună de zăpadă cu barca noastră confortabilă din Alaska!

50 thoughts on “Călărit pe o furtună de zăpadă cu barca noastră confortabilă din Alaska!”
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Thank You for your Video log of Alaska!
Is it about skiing or the boat?
Half point of vid. That's the most beautiful piece of ice I've ever seen.
couldnt you pump saltwater all over deck
Looks like you both are heading south from the looks of the background enjoy the serenity and only the sound of nature guys .
wow very interesting experience friend
Bigfoot Country
warm water works well
Great. And only few snow
YouTube Influencer sailers sail to Alaska in January…. How dumb do you have to be. ? Shore lines tend to freeze up overnight up to 4” thick at times and there is no escaping it, Once it starts to freeze your stuck for 7 months of the year, Sail Boats in the past have been crushed by the ice and Sailer,s have died … Do yourself a favour and come back in the summer,
Another wonderful video of the awesome Alaskan wilderness. Thank you so much for that

There’s been a lot of killer Wales biting and breaking ships ruders
If you fall, or encounter a bear, god help you. Nobody around to help!
I haven't watched any of your video's in awhile, this video was very good! Even your English is better! Good job on your adventure.
Seems like the Carribean is the place to be in winter. I lived there 15 yrs, many of those on a boat. Enjoy your spectacular adventure!! Blessings
This guy is so quietly determined and courageous.
RS. Canada
Haha , ya exactly
I might want a large bore sidearm. I know the bears are sleeping, but there's a few other predators I might not want to risk an accidental encounter with. Just for peace of mind.
I love winter – even to the extreme! Thank you so much for your energy and education. I love learning the details of your life on board, and I especially liked how you acknowledged that you and your partner had no other human contact for 4 weeks…I’m living vicariously
Cant you just pour seawater onto the snow to melt it?
Do you have a blower to get all the snow off
It's wonderful to watch sailing in snow and ice from my warm, California living room.

I'll try it in my next life, I promise!
Make sure through holes and bilge pumps don't freeze up
You should get a leaf blower, it'll take that snow off the deck a lot easier
Thank you for sharing your adventure.
I cannot think of a more beautiful place to be marooned in a snowstorm.
Wow! Wow! Wow! This adventure is just incredible!!! Don’t care for sailing, I like cruisers, personally . But adore Alaska! Please stay safe. So many things could go wrong.

Shoveling a sailboat is something I’ve never seen nor care to do! You guys are brave and amazing
I would Winter in Alaska on a cruiser in a heartbeat!! Didn’t realize you were on a small boat.
Take extra special care!!!!!
You have simply perfect English and are so easy to understand and follow
Great Adventures!! Something I never want to see on my sailboat, is a snow shovel!
Safe travels!
I would just like to tell you something it’s my first time watching you but anytime you have a problem with any kind of seal that goes around the door or rubber seal, car boats anything use Vaseline just enough rub it on your fingers and run it around the whole rubber seal on both sides and you’ll never stickit doesn’t freeze at all it might help you next time so you won’t have to use your hammer or a screwdriver to break anything because if you break something where you are you can’t repair it OK this is Alan Weir from Massachusetts
I have no idea why anyone would want to sail in that environment??? Being from California, shoveling snow off the deck of a sailboat doesn't compute!!! That being said, very cool video and enjoyed. Just glad it's not me!!!!
OK. The scenic shots were awesome! That bay is beautiful! But I was really curious to see the inside/interior of your "cozy sailboat", so disappointed not seeing the inside
. Plus I was wondering how you heat your interior?
This is my frist time seeing you guys. Sure glade I come across it. Your video is top notch. I really enjoyed it. Your guys have to work very hard out there. Be careful and safe. So for all that I'd have to give you a very high 10 for sure.

New to the channel. I don’t know anything about sailing…but I love the Alaskan landscape. The scenery is absolutely beautiful!!
Good to see you in life jackets. You are brave. I may motors to warmer weather and let it melt.
I tought Prince william sounds was the soundtrack playing loll
found out its the place you were ! Great video !
who is flying the drone!??
SUP in ice water, interesting..
Your channel is the best! Every time you ski from your boat it takes me back to my past, skiing from my kayak in beautiful Lake Tahoe California! You are one of the reasons my wife and I recently bought a 38 foot sailboat and started sailing in the Pacific! We currently are living on the boat, fixing it and doing a few day sails each week and the occasional overnight out to the beautiful Channel Islands off the coast of California. Maybe someday we will sail to my favorite place Juneau Alaska! Maybe someday you’ll come here! Fairwinds!
You say it’s cozy show the inside of the boat
Another fabulous video detailing your winter Alaskan sojourn. Always so informative and full of brilliant camera work and editing
I don't imagine you leave comments up that disagree with you but your dynamic of seeking fun and placing yourself in hazardous situations alone doesn't fit the genre of trying to survive an Alaskan storm. I don't think you have an understanding of your target audience. That's as kind as I can put it…
There are polar bears in Alaska but definitely much further north. What a beautiful video.
Do you carry a walkie talkie? what if you break something while skying alone? what if something happens to your wife at the boat?
Too dangerous for me but I love to watch, just freshly subscribed, thanks for sharing, I love when people truly use 200% of their boat and show everything.
I never thought of Winter sailing. But I’d probably take it any day over a hot sticky mess of a Summer day. Beautiful scenery.
This is a breathtaking location. Your drone footage is exceptional. Stunning. And whales!! SUPing in dry suits!! Thank you Juho & Sohvi. Safe travels.
show life inside the boat