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Navigați în largul mării către Insulele Canare și PREGĂTIȚI-VĂ PENTRU A TRAVERSĂ OCEANUL ATLANTIC – Ep 168

21 thoughts on “Navigați în largul mării către Insulele Canare și PREGĂTIȚI-VĂ PENTRU A TRAVERSĂ OCEANUL ATLANTIC – Ep 168”
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Wishing you safe passage, of course you did…maybe see you in the Caribbeans!!
very nice video. And I was surprised those two tanks of propane will last you approximately 8 months.
I think your food purchases were well thought out. With the produce and fruit, I've seen a lot of boaters hanging outside the boat, but the same number from the inside. Sometimes in and out. As time goes by, you'll figure out where exactly those hanging produce and fruit will finally go. Personally, for me I do think where you have it hanging in this video will be getting in then way. Hope the weather window for you leaving was a good one. Catch you next video.
roll tinfoil around the banana root, dont mix with other fruits, store separate. rinse all fruits with fresh water once its on the boat.
remove package of food and store in containers. saves waste and garbage. includes pasta, cardboard boxes, etc.
Fare winds you two
You guys have come a long way.your videos are better and better..from the background music,to the footage itself,you guys are doing a great job.thank you for sharing your experiences.we live thru you.
all the best to you
I can see what time has done to those Dinghy chaps man oh man, i had to stop watching Jibsea videos to watch a Jibsea video hahaha, I love this longer format, like a mini movie!! Those sand dunes were super COOL! Hopefully no more canned Green beans hahahah, old Jibsea joke from the Bahamas
You two are so impressive. Have a safe and enjoyable passage.
Electric, oh no big mistake
I just love you two and your zest for life, always smiling. I also love these vlogs where I get to see Islands in the middle of the ocean, thank you so much for creating, I was waiting for this video! lol
I love watching crossings. Safe travels you guys.
First rate again guys. My humble opinion, don't change your recipe. It all works perfect, great content, polished storytelling and exceptional videography. Sailing and seeing the world on a budget relates with your viewers. It keeps you authentic and obtainable from our, the viewers, perspective. Your salty growth shows through the lens building your reputation stronger and stronger in the sailing community. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us and making it feel like you've taken us along. I tip my hat to you both. Always look forward to Friday's vid drop.
Stay safe and salty on your journey.
I'm very curious about your boat. You said your boat is a Hunter 42. When ever I see a Hunter it reminds me of a Catalina. But everyone talks bad about Hunters. What are your thoughts about the Hunter boat? What do you think the Hunter needs? The Catalina doesn't get bad reviews but the Hunter does. Everyone says the reason why they are so cheap is because they use really bad equipment and undersized gear. Can you give me your input? I noticed that you have a keel stepped mast. Catalina don't have keel stepped masts. But I do like the inside of your boat.
Bro raged on you
Good prep video. Safe travels.
That was a very mean brutal fight at 39 min ( laugh )
I came across your channel and saw that you were Canadian. Always looking to follow Canadians. Stay safe!
I’m prejudiced, I don’t think you can beat Propane for cooking tbh, but my next Sailboat I’ll have enough Solar plus wind with good battery storage plus a high output alternator on the inboard diesel engine, so it will be really worth getting one of those portable induction hobs, and use that to get everything up to cooking temperature before finishing cooking with Gas, which should save a heck of a lot of Gas. Electric does work well with slow cookers/ Crockpots, as well as with Bread makers.I think it’s the appliances and cookware that I like, which have forced me into getting a bigger boat tbh.Bob . PS Damn, almost forgot the Toasted Sandwich Maker.

Thanks for sharing, hope to see you head for new zealand one day, would be really cool to meet you guys.
We are in Cabo Verde, headed to Brazil, hoping to see ypu put there.
thank you