Continuăm să explorăm fiordurile magnifice care pătrund adânc în coastele de vest și de est ale spectaculoasei insule Baranof din SE Alaska.
Insula Baranof – Coasta de Vest și de Est. SE Alaska

42 thoughts on “Insula Baranof – Coasta de Vest și de Est. SE Alaska”
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Another little Piece of Tranquil Beauty…… Thank you Tony and best wishes for 2024… :-))
Such peace! To know such peace. Beautiful!
I wonder what those French people did when they got out? I'd put in somewhere for a Cheeseburger.
Another great video Tony, thanks for sharing
beautiful sights..per usual. It all looks young to me. Volatile. how much is under the sea, that has never had a foot print. Let alone what keeps standing above it.
Thank you for the beautiful filming of one of our most beloved places on the planet! We got to meet your crew last summer is Ketchikan. We were cruising in our steel hulled sailboat Hongvi. Keep adventuring – and sharing!
Wow, the voice, the narration, the scenery. Just superb.
Definitely living the dream
I always enjoy watching your videos. Really can't watch what's on TV those days, when they change shots every 10 seconds or so. Your videos is very pleasant to watch.
Thanks Tony, not many people can share the dream like you do.
Absolutely love your commentary and videos Tony. You are an inspiration to a RAN veteran. Thank you
Epic journeys coupled with poetic narrations. You are simply amazing Mr. Fleming!
Muy bonito video !!!
Thank you! The only one online that shows the greatness of our earth. With nothing but stories, rarely seen views and facts about these areas you visit. You inspire me to do the same and I pray that my dream comes true – Thank you/Micke from Sweden
Love your videos greeting from holland
Always enjoyable. Thanks for taking us on your spectacular journeys.
Yet another breathtaking addition to the collection of stunning videos. I can’t express just how much I appreciate you taking us along on your voyages. Thank you, Mr. Fleming.
WOW …. Just wOW great video
'Beautiful boat in beautiful scenery.
If Jeff Bezos had any brains he'd sell the mega yacht
and get a boat like yours
'Camera man & Editing Dept. both get A+'s
Love your videos, but I swear, it sounds like you have Alfred Hitchcock doing the narration.
Wow . . . is that nice or what. What a delicate blend of music and fine photography. Gorgeous.
Fleming is a great leisure craft to cruise around the coastal waters.
Superb sir. Delightful.
Thank you for taking me along. It's the only way I could ever visit here. From Texas!
Very well done.
That was Spectacular ! . . .
I apologies for ghosting your channel for so long. Your package of film, narrative and music is compelling and engenders an emotional response. Were your intention to sell motor yachts, I find that in sotto voce. There is more to your presentations, you have the eye and the voice of a poet in the landscape. Thank you for the opportunity to follow along. I hope it gives you some measure of return as we the viewers. Thank you.
You blew it, the best hot springs and scenic harbor on Baroniff Island are just below Takatz bay.
What wildlife lurks within those impenetrable forests?
Sitting here in awe eating a chili dog
for lunch…. 
What a breath of fresh air this video is.
A great place to kayak!!!
Those dead trees ARE NOT Doug Fir!!!! WTF would make THAT claim????
Prachtige reis, ga u goed.
Behouden waar u om geeft
Yes he does great videos but it’s to bad he believes in global warming like that’s a thing , the real scientific research says it’s not and are not part of the agenda their shoving down our throats.
Thank you for this considerate gift, Tony and team.
Your videos are superb – visually gorgeous, so well edited and the narration always interesting and o point. Your voyages bring much vicarious enjoyment. One tiny suggestion – the music is often a bit baleful and melancholic and while it can sometimes suit the misty, cold looking vista can be slightly discordant to the pure enjoyment of the videos.