🌊 Puneți pe navigație într-o călătorie nautică cu cel mai recent videoclip al nostru, în timp ce explorăm lumea captivantă a barca cu pânze Hunter Legend! 🚤⚓ Ești pasionat de navigație sau te gândești la un nou plus la aventurile tale maritime? Nu mai căuta! În această recenzie aprofundată, ne aruncăm în cap în caracteristicile și calitățile unice care fac din Hunter Legend Sailboat o adevărată legendă în lumea navigației. 🔍 Ce este înăuntru: 🚀 Design Excelență: Descoperiți elementele de design de ultimă oră care disting Hunter Legend de restul, asigurând performanțe optime și o experiență de navigare de neuitat. 🌬️ Dinamica navigației: explorați manevrabilitatea, manevrabilitatea și capacitățile de navigare ale ambarcațiunii, care o fac o alegere preferată atât pentru marinarii experimentați, cât și pentru cei nou în acest sport. 🏠 Viață confortabilă: faceți un tur virtual al interiorului spațios și bine gândit al bărcii cu pânze, conceput pentru confort în timpul călătoriilor prelungite pe mare. 🔧 Tehnologie inovatoare: aflați despre cele mai recente progrese tehnologice integrate în Hunter Legend, îmbunătățind siguranța, navigația și eficiența generală. 🌅 Sailing Adventures: Alăturați-vă nouă într-o aventură captivantă de navigație în timp ce prezentăm Legenda Vânătorului în acțiune, alunecând prin apă cu grație și precizie. Fie că ești un marinar cu experiență care își caută următoarea navă sau un nou venit în lumea navigației, videoclipul nostru are ceva pentru toată lumea. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce dezvăluim atractivitatea barca cu pânze Hunter Legend – unde inovația se întâlnește cu marea deschisă! ⚓ Nu uitați să dați like, să vă abonați și să apăsați pictograma clopoțel pentru a fi la curent cu toate lucrurile legate de navigație! Vă așteaptă vânturi bune și mările următoare. 🌊🌬️ #HunterLegend #SailingAdventure #BoatReview #SailboatLife #ExploreTheSea Ai nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: https://ladyksailing.com/consults/ Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/
Dezvăluirea barca cu pânze Hunter Legend: o recenzie cuprinzătoare, aventură cu navigație Ep261 Lady K Sailing
45 thoughts on “Dezvăluirea barca cu pânze Hunter Legend: o recenzie cuprinzătoare, aventură cu navigație Ep261 Lady K Sailing”
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Another great video. My wife and I are newer to your site, you have some a great way to communicate a love for sailing. I would love to someday soon get a Legend 37. There have been so many trashing reviews of them; but I wonder if you think it would be a great option to go to Catalina from Long Beach….seaworthy for that? Also, could that be possibly to sailed single hander? Thanks for your extremely informative and entertaining wideos.
All the best, Marty
Great vid Tim. I bought a 94 37.5 legend about 6 months ago and moved on board right away. I love it more everyday I wake up on it.
Really good review of the Legend series … realizing these boats are all now 30+ years in age.
Could you consider doing a similar episode on the "Passage" series, as these are center cockpit boats
We have been cruising full time on our ‘93 40.5. I would love to see your suggestions to bring these boats technologically current, e.g. upgrading batteries, solar,cooking, water tanks, sails. Most of these vessels, like ours, are reaching an age-out point for systems, both mechanically and conceptually, requiring some sort of replacement. Cruising boats have progressed significantly and I would be interested in what you would upgrade to make this efficient hull and interior more tech current.
I believe the Legend is also a B&R rig with a backstay, I could be wrong.
Want to talk about ex charters and why they have bad wrap
I feel like you waffled on your opinions. I got a plastic classic while you were singing praises and kind of down-talking production boats, now you are praising hunter and I'm fixing my old boat. haha. not that you were my only source of wisdom but cant help but feel like you are shifting in the wind. wishing I would have spent more and got something newer that was less of a bust out another thousand, but hey, bailing out the bilge builds character!
Islander 36 dedicated episod? maybe? With avaliable upgrades like Atomic4 to Yanmar?
We have a 87 Hunter Legend. Great value. Comfortable and spacious below and we still regularly outsail many in our marina. Thanks for showing the Hunter Legend the love it deserves.
It’s not a 37.5 but we love our 1994 Hunter 33.5.
Plenty of room for a couple , easy to handle, shallow draft and a capsize ratio of 1.98.
Perfect for us on the Great Lakes .
I don't think you have ever reviewed the Seaward sailboats…
Yeah, that'll be on my 'look for' list.
Lived aboard and cruised an ‘83 Hunter 34 to Mexico and back to SF in the mid ‘80’s and early 90’s. It was what I could afford, and “run with what I had.” Roomy, goes to weather like a banshee and real squirrely downwind in a breeze and swell. Saw the owner not long after we sold her. The transverse beam under the deck stepped mast had failed. For me, I will never again own a boat whose bulkheads are not spaced off the hull with foam and tabbed with multiple layers of glass.
You found a good compromise for your audio now, Tim. The room is still live but it’s decent proximity. And congratulations for your big break!
I'll add you forgot to mention the 40 legend. I've sailed since just after I could walk. My dad was a live aboard for 10 years on a Pearson 30 Wandeder. I was a navigator in the Navy and have worked in the marine industry since I got out. Up until recently Hunter in general was one of my least favorite sailboat manufacturers. That all changed when I started looking at 40-45ft boats to live aboard. I have two teenage daughters 50% of the time so that was a huge factor in my decision making process. After looking at a Pearson 424 in my price range that need to much rehab and lacked the space that my kids needed I punted and decided it was time to look at boats I hadn't considered. This all lead to me purchasing a Hunter 40 Legend. It was in really good shape for its age and the previous owner even had a series of YouTube videos documenting work she had done including a very recent haul out and bottom job. The firs time I got on the boat to give it a once over, I came away with a different opinion on Hunter and especially the Legend series. I love my boat and feel that I got an extremely good value for my hard earned $$. I'm in the process of upgrading and adding my own touches to bring it to the point that I will be comfortable and ready to go out and have my adventure!
As an armchair sailor who only has experience in sailing a very small sunflower as a 12 year old I found that I like the Hunter boats. I only have to impress myself not others. If I could I would choose the Hunter center cockpit. I find it well thought out and I like to be different.
Hey Tim – love the channel and I think I have an idea for an episode or article for you to research: BOAT INSURANCE FOR CRUISERS.
Long story short, we live on Vancouver Island. Our current insurer does not cover us south of 40N and we want to cruise the Sea of Cortez. We were able to get them to quote on an extension to include anywhere within 100 NM of shore from Cabo San Lucas NORTH. The problem is that they wanted 200% of our annual premium as a surcharge. We also needed to provide a hurricane plan, including what boatyard we would be hauling out at and who would be monitoring the boat. We elected not to head to Cortex this year, but for next season we will.
So what do we do? Pay $3K extra to sail to Mexico? Just not carry hull insurance? Try to go to a different insurer?
Any hints, tips, or guidance you can provide to sailors who aren't as familiar with cruising to different countries would be helpful.
Always 👍🏽 your videos. I’ve never sailed but plan to in a few years. I’m 6’5” so I need something like the Hunter and really like everything I’ve seen about them on YT. I’d like to see a more in depth review of the Hunter boats without the complicated B&R rig.
Remind your viewers to check if there's still subscribed to your Channel. YouTube has mysteriously unsubscribed me from your Channel several times several times. I just had to read subscribe to your Channel. May the wind be on your back.
Love the new format !!
I would NEVER own a Hunter. They were CRAP boats in the 1970s and they are CRAP boats today. I can't believe you are pimping for this CRAP boat builder….
I'm not nearly as interested in speed as you or the ability of having a lot of people on board either. I want something primarily to handle the wife and my daughter to sail around the Philippines and SE Asia. I prefer a rear berth for the wife and me and give the v-berth to the daughter and her friends. It needs to be comfortable as I like traveling for 2 to 3 months at a time.
Ok, you bought a Hunter from 1987 for $40k
It's nothing like a one from the mid-2000s for $150k
For starters, it's 37 years old.
Im sorry you just can't compare the two.
I was a commissioner of the hunters, outta Florida, coming to Toronto…for Canadian clients…
I adore my 90 legend 35.5. I have been live aboard for nearly a year here on the Texas Gulf coast. I added an arch with a Saturn dingy and 400 amps of solar.
Tim, not sure how to send a PM but me thinks you are going to need editors for your pending missives. PG geologists, been writing for 40 years. OBTW, I have watched every video you have made. Love the new back drop, no distractions, pure content. 5 stars.
I remember in the 80s Hunter was considered an excellent boat so I don’t understand all the hatred from the sailing community on hunters.
Hey Mary, what's that in your hair. 🙂
SMH at how Tim emphasizes the difference between Hunter Legend and other Hunters, and then those with a non-Legend come and say "Right, my Hunter XXX is wonderful."
I would seriously consider a Cherubini Hunter, I wouldn't look twice at any other era Hunter.
Hey Tim, idea for a video. Sweden versus rest of the world or USA on bluewater. Hallberg, Malo, Najad all great boats, but do you want that teak to upkeep, that weird arrangement of beds after in the HR versus the likes of an IP445; great boat, but do you really want to sleep at an angle?. Couple of calls in this. Teak in the Bahamas? Best places and angles to sleep at anchor, aft versus central cockpit. More on Bluewater, what capsize ratio or comfort rating is really needed for your average Joe sailor. Just some brain dumps, great channel!
I’m ready to sail through a brick wall, love the passion
Can the 37’ Hunter Legend be sailed solo?
OMG… I’m getting that itch again! We think alike about our love of sailboats and sailing. It just never leaves. That Legend looks so sweet. Wet Wednesdays or Thursdays with friends. trips to Catalina Island. Just don’t know if it’s safe for me at 72.
I had a 35.5 and I sold it and got a 40.5 I absolutely love them I appreciate the shout out!!!
I'll also be at the boat show in Miami, hope to see you there
While not a Cadillac , any Hunter is a good choice. In the hands of a thoughtful sailor you could go anywhere.
An old salt in Canada
Love it,… performance
I got a short story I have sent a deposit for a Hans Christian my dream sailboat, what could go wrong with sending that deposit, let me tell you everything can go wrong! my deposit was one week late because my atty. didn't go to work because of the ice storm my broker was upset and rightfully saw because my money was one week late, what I am trying to say is what can go wrong will go wrong, I wish I had contracted sailing Lady K to negotiate the boat price and handle the problems that are new to me, if this deal falls through the first thing i will do is to hire Sailing Lady K
!0 seasons with out 83 Hunter 34 and we love it.
Great down to earth presentation. What about the Hunter Legend 42 center cockpit, how good is it?
Hi Tim, you're frequently talking about cruising the Caribbean. Suppose I want a boat for the Pac Cup. Race it to Hawaii then cruise around a bit. Sounds like the hunter legend would fit the bill? What makes a good PAC cup boat?
Could you explain the difference between a Hunter Legend and a Hunter ?
always good info. i'm doing lots of homework before pulling the trigger
You've given me a lot to think about regarding Hunter. I'm looking at 30' boats, and I had my mind set on a Catalina 30. But I think I should throw Hunter 30 into the search, too.
You have been clear about supporting a walk-through transom. I realize that's an important thing to consider, as I age (and if I try to convince the wife to come along). And a sugar scoop does seem nice. Catalina put a sugar scoop onto some of their later 30' models, but it doesn't look quite right. Catalina is a more traditional design, and then slapping a sugar scoop on it seems a bit off. Hunter, on the other hand, looks more natural with a sugar scoop, because that's what is expected. It seems like a more natural part of the design.
The question is whether I want to give up a bit of "saltiness" for comfort.
Anyway, this is not directly related to the Hunter Legend models, but this video did make me think about considering Hunters. Thanks for your perspective.