Ne încheiem aventura într-un mod spectaculos, cu o vele în adiere mare, navigând la peste 11 noduri, navigând noaptea prin trafic intens și evitând pericolele și obstacolele nemarcate înainte de a încheia în sfârșit aventura noastră de navigație în Patagonia, aterizarea în Puerto Montt, Chile. . #sailing #adventure #navigation Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să obțineți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe: Patreon: Site-ul nostru: Cartea noastră scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
Navigați spre sfârșitul unei aventuri de 1200 de mile în PATAGONIA [Ep. 143]
![Navigați spre sfârșitul unei aventuri de 1200 de mile în PATAGONIA [Ep. 143]](
34 thoughts on “Navigați spre sfârșitul unei aventuri de 1200 de mile în PATAGONIA [Ep. 143]”
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Another great video. You both did great work. Thank you so much for sharing in your adventures.
Yeah… Another fantastic episode of "Cooking With Kate"
Hey, super well done Guys… Thank you both for sharing your adventures with us… I've appreciated and enjoyed every moment of your Patagonia fjords journey … Be safe… 
Congrats to the 4 of you! (Of course I'm counting Sweet Ruca!) Can't wait to see what you'll get into next XO Darcee
Wonderful trip, we spent a couple of weeks in Peru in December maybe its time to head further south. "Watch the Winds" per my 97 year old grand mother.
Hubby said that white thing in the ocean was the ocean plug. Lol
Great job, y’all. Congratulations. Thanks for sharing everything y’all have experienced so far. I understand the bittersweet feeling and I know y’all are excited about the upcoming adventures in and after Puerto Mont. Enjoy life.
Well your meal selection seems to of improved . Looks better than hot dogs .
Welcome to the Club de Yates Reloncaví, the club where the boat on which I am a crew member is located.
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop…Confucius.
Chile is a land of contrasts with desert land in the northern regions, valleys, agricultural land in the central region, and lakes, forests, and glaciers in the southern regions. Also being the second salmon producer in the world explains all those buoys.
You guys and foxy were in Calbuco, there is a volcano there that had a massive eruption in 2015. There are youtube clips about it.
You guys are brave and the “real deal” sailors and I enjoy your videos very much!! Good luck in your endeavors!!!
You've opened eyes to a new world that I didn't even know existed. Thanks so much. Incredible journey.
Congratulations on an incredible journey! Thank you for the effort to document your travels and for allowing us to follow along. I can't wait to see what comes next. Safe travels!
Congrats. Love you both. Waiting you at Puerto Rico.
" It doesn't get any better than this, Kate handing me breakfast in the cockpit." Everyone needs a Kate

Curtis, and Kate [and Roxy], thank you for an thrilling and exquisite adventure through the fjords of Patagonia, Chile. What a marvelous escapade you are on and thanks again for taking me with you. A once in a lifetime excursion into the Chilean wilderness. And, I learned the value of shoes trying. OMG
See you next time.

You are the first sailing YouTube channel to round South America. I thought it was going to be Sailing Zingaro. I hope to do that trip when I build my Cyber 48.
I think you gave us a beautiful series of videos of your passage round Cape Horn and up through Patagonia. Thank you so much. Oh, yes and I like the way that you can be "almost here" have to let us know how you do that.
Congrats Guys well done to you both, again great editing congrats again.
Thank you for sharing your adventure. Looking forward to more.
Fenomenal!!, Siempre con esa sonrisa .
Epic 1200 nm! Having lived in Peru for 6 years, I always dreamed of knowing the Patagonian area. Thanks to your efforts and not only this my learning J curve, has increased just watching you two solve sailing and navigation problems and boat handling. You have my hardy congratulations on an epic successful adventure. Thanks for taking me a long, without me having to raise the anchor reef the sails, or tie my boat to a tree or rock for the night. SV Skioiern IV.
Hey guys,
I just wanted to give u all a shout out. I love ur weekly shows…. I especially like the value u get from them. Most youbtubers are trimming their weekly shows to around 15 minutes only…. Add into that, the fact that they’re also including advertisements into that time too, and it’s pretty easy to c how we r losing value?!
U guys are bucking the trend, and we viewers love that! Im not a “joiner,” but if i were, this would b THE only channel i would pay extra for….
Great job!!! Keep it up and soon u will dominate this space! I have gotten around 35 of my friends to subscribe, and more are on the way…. Shoot, i even love it, when u just “bulk” an episode up, w “b” role, of you guys just sailing…. It’s relaxing to watch, and i learn a ton of techniques by observing how u do things, how u have your helm, and all the lines positioned etc, and yeah, we all enjoy watching actual sailing, on a sailing channel, (imagine that)?

I was hoping you guys would be in shorts and a T shirt by now. Oh well … the warm weather/clims are coming.
Loved sailing with you guys!
Thanks for the ride… your work is inspirational and inspiring.
thanks for letting us be part of the adventure.
I missed it probably, but what tim of the year is this?
It must be really satisfying having your boat cut cleanly through the water, in relatively calm seas, at ~10 knots. I know that's how I feel watching the video
This has been an awesome series (not used lightly). I wonder what southbound through the fjords and then east and up to Brazil around the horn would be like. Do you have any sense or opinions on "doing it backwards?" Thank You!
Love your sailing channel

Why is there a block hanging from the starboard side of your dodger….just at head banging height?
Thank you so much for this fascinating video logbook of your cruise through Patagonia! I sure hope to see some footage of your repair and maintenance work now.
Actually, Puerto Montt was as little known to me as Berwick-on-Tweed, Tromsø or Novato, but I was quite surprised to learn of the 249,106 inhabitants of the city. I sure hope you get all the tools, materials and provisions you need, and keep my fingers crossed for your r & m!
Truly amazing, this journey has been awesome. Your cinematography, sound and interesting facts along your epic journey has put both way beyond any other YT sailing channels. After such an exhausting journey both must be ready for some R&R. Thank you so much, we have never seen these spectacular views anywhere else.
Great, good show…!!