ȘTIRI IMPORTANTE! Youtuber de navigație întâlnește un marinar practic! – Ep 262 – Lady K Sailing

ȘTIRI IMPORTANTE!  Youtuber de navigație întâlnește un marinar practic!  - Ep 262 - Lady K Sailing

Săptămâna aceasta m-a sunat Practical Sailor!!! Un youtuber modest care navighează care refuză să folosească fete de bikini care navighează pentru a obține vizualizări primește un apel de la Practical Sailor Magazine. #sailing #bikini #sailingmagazine #sailingboatreviews #boattours #sailingbahamas #sailboat Aveți nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: https://ladyksailing.com/consults/ Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/ladyksailing sau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyksailing/


47 thoughts on “ȘTIRI IMPORTANTE! Youtuber de navigație întâlnește un marinar practic! – Ep 262 – Lady K Sailing

  1. We have been watching you from the start. Sailing the coast, down the ICW and the Islands… Back then the joy and also the frustrations' we found you overcoming the need to learn more as you go. Now you look back with this portfolio showing us" yes you can go sailing more confident with all these noted small passages you have under your belt while sharing what it takes to be a better boater. Thx & congrats..

  2. Hey Tim, many congrats. This is going to be a good move for both Lady K AND Practical Sailor…and for Tim! I look forward to reading your intro in the next Practical Sailor monthly.

  3. Wow! Congratulations Tim. I see you as The Practical Sailor, so this looks to be a great move for both of you. I can't wait to see what happens goin forward. Best of luck.

  4. HUGE congratulations! I've watched every single one of your videos (and love them). I have yet to get my own yacht, but am moving forward by being a crew (your suggestion). I'm still looking for my ideal boat (keep coming back to Hunter) but there are drawbacks with the Legend series for me. Practical Sailor are so lucky to have you on board with them!

  5. Congratulations, Tim 🎉. I’ve been a Practical Sailor Subscriber for more than 8 years and since I bought my first boat and have been reading issues on and off for the past too many decades to want to admit. I think your addition to the team is just what PS needs to move into a more modern and media technical and centric world. Yes, sailors mature slowly, but to continue to get younger people into sailing requires a more modern approach. All the best of luck. I’ll be looking for your work on upcoming PS monthlies and on their website. ❤

  6. I've only been watching your channel for a few episodes, but I subscribed after the second video. Of course I remember Practical Sailor – I used to subscribe to it, it helped me with sage advice as I ran through the 7 sailboats I owned from 1968 to 2017. Old age and medical issues separated me from the sailing life in 2017, but I can still fantasize about number 8, and your channel was just what the doctor ordered. That you've taken over the magazine is a natural step, but I hope it won't stop the videos or change their point of view.

  7. That's great news. Getting back into sailing after years away and really enjoy your channel. Can't wait to see how Practical Sailor evolves with you at the helm! Looks like it's time to renew my subscription.

  8. Whoa there buddy. Whats wrong with skimpy bikini babes?!
    LOL. Good on you my man. (My 'suggests' pop up lots of boat reviews; must be a big genre)

    Biggest thing -aside from No-powerball keeping me from sailing, is honestly fear of (not just unknowns but) huge open water. 'specially if its quite unsettled.

  9. I love Practical Sailor and think you’ll be an excellent asset there. I can hardly wait to see the new ideas and content you bring to it. Congratulations. I can’t imagine a better person for that position.

  10. Congratulations, Tim! Who would deserve it more than you!?!?! You are doing a phenomenal job with your YouTube channel(s) and I trust you will be a huge asset for Practical Sailor! I so much hope that I will be in conditions to upgrade from my C22 to a larger sailing vessel when I finally retire and might need some of your skills, knowledge and experience to find that ideal boat for my cruising needs and wants. Meanwhile, all the best for your new endeavors!

  11. Congratulations! I've been a Practical Sailor subscriber for years. I'm looking forward to seeing your contribution there. I think they made a great choice.

  12. This is so cool. Happy to see that you didn't have to sell out to the bikini thumbnail garbage to get seen. It's hard to compete with the click bate thats out there. 🙂

  13. @LadyKSailing _ Congratulations Mister!! Why not get hold of Sailing CaDoHa for their "Good ole British Anchorages" articles? They have a lot of interesting vlogs about how a team of guys are salvaging an old 2nd WW boat that rescued the soldiers off the beaches in France.Good luck in your new endeavours!! _

  14. Fantastic so happy for you. I always watch you, Don’t have a boat yet but raced for years on C&C 34’s as crew at Toronto’s RCYC and in the lake series always level racing. Got bad back and bad knees but still want a sail boat for the grandchildren. Congratulations!!!!!

  15. Great , you stuck to honesty and it paid off . You got a job in a field you know and happy with , you will succeed and shine just trust yourself as you always have . Happy for you buddy. Good luck. I always love your videos.

  16. Congratulations on the new job. We are very happy for you. I've learned so much from your videos. Although I'm not quite ready to buy my first boat, I feel a lot more confident that I know what to look for.

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