Navigarea este plictisitoare

Navigarea este plictisitoare

Bucurați-vă de tamburul meu cel mai important al traversării, precum și de câteva treburi cu barca și de schimbul de noapte. Acesta este ultimul videoclip al traversării înainte de a ajunge în Caraibe! Instagram – Muzică – Asigurați-vă că vă abonați pentru videoclipuri în fiecare miercuri🤙 🏼


20 thoughts on “Navigarea este plictisitoare

  1. Ohmigosh Luke this video is awesome! It’s obvious that your views and subscribers are increasing too! I’ve been watching Sailing Zatara for a couple of years and now watching your videos as well. You’ve definitely stepped up your game on the video content and editing. Living on a catamaran myself, I really enjoyed this video because for one, you highlighted a lot of what one needs to be looking at on all the instrument panels. Also, love the great video editing!

  2. If you think sailing is boring after being on that boat for less than a month, imagine how it has been for Finn having to have been on that boat for 8 years. Sure, the islands are cool, the water is blue, but it is same old same old day after day. But then, that is what life is like. A lot of boredom punctuated by excitement now and then.

  3. Thank for this awesome, fun recap video! You guys never mention sunscreen… I assume you are all using lots of sunscreen… On night shift you listed what you look out for but didn’t mention Godzilla or other sea monsters…?!

  4. Another good video. Each time I'm amazed. Even though there are 3 other YouTube channels all videoing the same trip, your video is still unique and interesting. Good job.

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