Legenda navigației offshore și inventatorul Rocnei Peter Smith.

Legenda navigației offshore și inventatorul Rocnei Peter Smith.

#sailing #Learningbydoing #sailor Navigarea este pasiunea omului și navigarea este ceea ce a făcut el, o mulțime de ea! Peter Smith a navigat peste 350.000 de mile cu barca pe care a proiectat-o ​​și a construit-o el însuși. Multe dintre aceste mile a navigat în regiunile de latitudini mari, în gheață, vânturi feroce și ancoraje dificile. Acest lucru l-a determinat să-și dorească cea mai bună ancoră posibilă și după ce a încercat tot ce există pe piață și-a proiectat-o ​​pe a lui. Această ancoră, Rocna este acum considerată una dintre cele mai importante ancore din lume. Am avut norocul să petrec o după-amiază cu Peter la bordul lui Kiwi Roa, barca sa cu vele de 52 de picioare din aluminiu și să ascult o parte din povestea lui. Bucurați-vă de acest interviu. Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre și apreciați efortul depus pentru realizarea lor, atunci poate că ați fi interesat să susțineți producția lor. Un pic merge mult Patreon-ul nostru: https://www.patreon.com/SailingLearningByDoing Paypal-ul nostru: https://paypal.me/vernondeck?locale.x… Un link către podcast-urile recente pe care le-am făcut: http://www.visualrevolutionary.com/podcast http://wearelookingsideways.com/podcasts/073-vernon-deck https://www.oceansailingpodcast.com/p… NOU!!! Obțineți marfa Learning By Doing aici!!! https://teespring.com/stores/learningbydoing SUBTECH https://www.subtechsports.com Cod promoțional: teamsubtechvernon Reducere: 20% (livrare gratuită în toată lumea) Indiana Paddlesurf: https://shop.indiana-sup.ch VERNON10X (cod de reducere de 10%) Vă rugăm să vizitați: http://www.vernondeck.com INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/Vernondeck/ FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/WNrSV5


17 thoughts on “Legenda navigației offshore și inventatorul Rocnei Peter Smith.

  1. I once had the honor of meeting him and getting a tour of SV Kiwi Roa in my late fourteen (2023) in New Zealand.
    One of the Great Sailing Legends!!!

  2. You’re a heavy hitter eh Vernon! Wow There’s something about these old time true sailors… it feels like they’re connected deeply with “something out there”, feels like they mastered their craft here knowing that this is just a passage port, and that life isn’t worth if you don’t learn your stuff and enjoy what you do… I can’t wait to hear what Peter has to say (Vernon always being a great host, of course). See y’all tomorrow!

  3. Your accomplishments stand as a testament to the spirit of adventure and resilience that defines a true sailor. The Rocna anchor, a testament to your ingenuity, has undoubtedly contributed to the safety and efficiency of countless sailors around the world. Your legacy extends far beyond the miles you've sailed, reaching into the hearts of those who have been inspired by your remarkable journey.

  4. Obviously very knowledgeable and arguable a genius of his craft. Reminds me of Les Paul of Gibson guitar fame and legendary cricketer, Sir Donald Bradman ……. they were rude pricks too.

  5. An accomplished salty sailing Kiwi with a one of a kind sailboat. Kiwi Roa is a wow boat bow to stern.
    The engine room 🤯.
    Thanks Peter for taking time to sit for a chat.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, Vernon.

  6. Hello Vern
    Yes this was a very interesting video. I have never heard of this man before and of his sailing accomplishments. After watching this video now I know a little about him.
    The design of his Monohull is absolutely amazing. I could go on and on about his sailboat, but to much to type in. Just all around a fantastic build. And where this man has sailed South Pole, North Pole and the miles he put into his journey of life on the open Oceans is incredible.
    And yes this video was different as it wasn't all about you this time lol. Just joking my friend.
    Well looking forward to next video take care and hope Marie and the baby are doing well as well as you of coarse.

  7. Nice interview, liked your editing so that he told his story. A great example and role model for what the individual can do and persevering through the ups and downs of life.

  8. What a legend, well done with this, it’s really inspiring to listen to the pioneers of cruising for us dreamers. Love the post shearing … hair cut, less windage!

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