În acest episod ne îndreptăm spre Bahamas! Este timpul să părăsești SUA și să începi să explorezi acest nou loc de joacă din Oceanul Atlantic. Ne facem check-in la West End, apoi vizităm Insulele Berry pentru o joacă în gaura albastră și ceva de pescuit sub apă. Apoi ne îndreptăm spre Spanish Wells pentru o sesiune EPIC de zmeu! Să vii cu plăcere pentru distracție. ÎNSCRIEȚI-VĂ LA PATREON AICI https://www.patreon.com/sailingwithsix CUMPĂRĂ MARFĂ AICI
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Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingwithsix / Facebook https://web.facebook.com/sailingwithsix/ Website https://sailingwithsix.com/ 00:00 Introducere 00:36 Traversarea Gulf Stream 08:45 Check-in în Bahamas 10:45 Insulele Berry 15:40 Spanish Wells 19:06 Kite Surfing
Bahamas sunt destinate aventurilor epice de pescuit sub apă și kite surfing! | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E43

38 thoughts on “Bahamas sunt destinate aventurilor epice de pescuit sub apă și kite surfing! | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E43”
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Fun video. Thank you
Happy to see the SwS crew return to the joys of tropical life. At one of the prettiest places on the planet. Pippi's got the new flag! Back to diving, swimming, kite-surfing– you excel at these of course. Nice catches for dinner, yum! An exquisite sunset at 12:59. Liked the Bellacam. Good show, thanks.
Awesome video. Love to watch them!
Wow great video! You all look like you're loving it. I just want to say that you might want to check to see if your generator start battery is getting charged. I'm not sure if you got an alternator going to it, but you might run into the same problem down the line. The new battery will probably crank the gen up many times before it dies too. cheers
Very cool video

Hope everything is good guys
Nice family!
Your daughter looks ready to do some captaining
Thank you for sharing your adventures to us all!
Bahamas always looks so beautiful!
Please improve the sound quality , love following your family adventure, you passed very close to my home in Virginia
You guys are awesome, love the way you all work together. Mum, Dad you are doing a great job, just to note, be careful of eating reef fish, as I understand it some can make you very poorly. Oh yes, thanks for taking me an old man along with you xxxxxx
What does the little yellow flag mean?
Loving your journey!!!!
YAY! A new episode of Less than ordinary and less than ordinarier!!! I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't start without me!
Amazing parents of amazing kids, keep living your beautiful lifestyle!
How much actual time has passed since the last video!? Finn has GROWN!!!!!!!! He was still a little boy in the last video. In this one, WOW! He grew like an inch in the hair department, gained half a meter more legs and his voice got those raspy notes that melt every supermodel's heart. Female supermodel too!!!
1:49 No, Mom, it's not crazy! You just did it! Remember that tiny country you visited called Canada!!! It took you less than a day to sail there from another dwarf state of the USA.
4:11 Fun fact. This type of ship is called geared bulker. It has self-loading gear on the deck.
4:16 Tom Jones just died of envy of those curls!!!! And Ted doesn't use as many curlers!
4:24 Indeed, your temp sensor is VERY off. I noticed that last time, but thought, hey, maybe Gulfstream is hotter in winter. Last time it showed 34C which is WAY too high. I've seen water this warm in the Sea of Cortez on the opposite side of North America.
You guys should REALLY stop wearing those wetsuits all the time. You crossed half the world UNDER SAIL but still look as pale as a sober Irishman! I'm just coming out of a polar night but I have more tan than all of your combined!
7:00 Ooookay, enlighten me here a bit. WHY are you raising a quarantine flag? You all are Kangaroonians, your boat is registered in Kangaroonia (unless I missed something?). Both Bahamas and you are in the Commonwealth. Isn't there some sort of visa-free treaty between the Commonwealth countries? In my mind that means you just go in when you want and don't need to ask permission. No? The question also concerns your trip to Canada, btw. I forgot to ask last time.
How many countries has your family sailed to?
10:51 OF COURSE there's a cliff and if there's a cliff… 10:53 OF COURSE they will jump off it! *EYEROLL*
11:07 WOW! That hair shake is JUST like in those shampoo commercials. Archie in a shampoo commercial… right.
You DO know there are pneumatic fishing spears, right?
14:06 HOLY MAKREL!!!! Literally. I didn't realize they were so huge!!!! Didn't look too big in the bucket.
14:51 "We're keeping a keen eye on depth" – famous last words. Experience shows – it's no use. JUST saw a boat in the Society Islands going from 50ft to running aground in 10 seconds. And they couldn't stop in time even though they saw the sensor counting down to zero. Remember, your "tiny boat" weighs TWENTY TONS and you are in the water. It's like driving a bus on ice. Just trying to be optimistic…
20:20 Bahamas are HARDLY "in the middle of nowhere".

You can order anything from the States there. Including kite gear!
And considering how popular kitesurfing is in Florida, it might take less than a day to get it.
Do your ungrateful brats (don't you walk away, Kris!!!!) ever let Mom off the boat. It sure looks like every time you go out to have some huge fun, she stays on the boat to cook, clean, take photos of beautiful sunsets, etc. COME ON!
Just be careful where you are in the Bahamas as the USA have put travel advice warnings about the area…
If ever possible, I would highly recommend the Abaos, Bahamas. It is more to the north of where you are though.
nice going on the Mutton fish but please leave the Margate
Love love lov your adventures
So groovy. You are a very healthy and athletic family.
Love The Bahamas!! Keep living your beautiful and awesome lifestyle!!!

I love it when you can tell that the kids see dad as their hero. The kids are awesome! Bella and Dad's relationship is the best. You can easily tell that Bell and dad are best friends. She's his mini me.
Glad to see you guys have finally left Florida. It's like sailing on a super highway. ( i live in the US so I can bash on em) I especially like the way all the kids are getting more involved and taking more responsibilities. Captain called out what was needed and everybody jumped to help. Your guys are doing an incredible job raising 4 great kids.