Cum funcționează de fapt o petrecere sexuală | Informator

Cum funcționează de fapt o petrecere sexuală |  Informator

Un informator vorbește despre experiența lor în scena swinging-ului londonez. Petrecerile sexuale pot oferi o ieșire excelentă pentru libertate sexuală și experiențe pozitive, consensuale. Cu toate acestea, ele pot deveni, de asemenea, o obsesie consumatoare sau un instrument pentru abuz în relațiile de control coercitiv. Informer este o serie în care auzim mărturisiri anonimizate și intuiții ale unor persoane aflate în poziții de putere în interiorul instituțiilor importante. 00:00 Introducere 00:26 Ce este stilul de viață swinger? 01:45 Eticheta orgiei 02:48 La ce petreceri sexuale ai fost? 04:11 The Dark Side of Swinging Urmăriți mai multe din această serie: însoțitorul de zbor dezvăluie secretele întunecate ale jobului Curățez după crime, laboratoare de metanfetamina și ucigași în serie x5XjEH5ukp0 Cum am furat 300 de milioane de dolari în diamante rare Faceți clic aici pentru a vă abona la VICE: Despre VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. Din fiecare colț al planetei, poveștile noastre captivante, caustice, inovatoare și adesea bizare au schimbat modul în care oamenii gândesc despre cultură, crime, artă, petreceri, modă, protest, internet și alte subiecte care nici măcar nu au nume. inca. Răsfoiți biblioteca în creștere și descoperiți colțuri ale lumii despre care nu știați că există. Bun venit la VICE. Conectați-vă cu VICE: Consultați catalogul nostru complet de videoclipuri: Videoclipuri, editoriale zilnice și multe altele: Mai multe videoclipuri din rețeaua VICE: https://www.fb .com/vicevideo Faceți clic aici pentru a obține tot ce este mai bun de la VICE zilnic: Like VICE pe Facebook: Urmărește VICE pe Twitter: vice Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Urmărește-ne pe TikTok: Rețeaua VICE YouTube: VICE: .com/VICE MUNCHIES: VICE News: VICE TV: Viața VICE: Noisey: Placa de bază: VICE Sports: .com/NOC Waypoint:


43 thoughts on “Cum funcționează de fapt o petrecere sexuală | Informator

  1. In north Alabama if the wife's or female partner wanted someone smaller than her husband genital wise was the only way they could be with both of them.

  2. It's the steroids and penis enhancers that makes them like they are in foreign countries when they served and foreign women in brothels were raped by united states servicemen wives at home who still are that way once iff duty or in their normal lives or jobs because of Kat Campbell Katherine farmer shandi white gina bres Brooke izzo Ron Grimes hippie era Kim Kardashian Paris Hilton orgy parties joy e Morris Lisa Sherron etc….Adrianna Lima former athletes etc..

  3. So much cringe at the end there with saying feeling pressure to have sex at the party because you bought a ticket. Don’t buy a ticket in the first place then bruh you’re a grown ass adult you made the choice

  4. I can't imagine all the people that end up with std's or something worse coming out of this parties, and also is too much work trying to have sex with many people at the same time. I have watch group of people having sex and in the back of my mind I am thinking many of them are going to end up in a clinic for shots and pills.

  5. Why is this so shot so ominously as if it's something scary or illegal. This is literally just peoples hobby. Live and let live

  6. 2Chron 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will heal their land.

  7. As a recovered s@x addict, I can say these parties are a bunch of mentally ill child abuse victims looking for love in all the wrong places. Please don't fall for the trick folks!There is only one solution but I can't mention His name without getting blocked! mmm, my comment wont post. Oops, i mean 'Go for it guys! love is love!' Heh, that worked! Now it's posted.

  8. I know next to nothing about the swinger lifestyle, but I think large orgies are just part of it. A lot goes on between less people, like switching partners and whatnot. They meet the people, get to know them and then proceed to more intimate matters. This sounds more rational to me than just going and joining a 50 people orgy without knowing anyone…

  9. Very misleading videos and title. This is not how a sex party actually works and definitely not in London. Some sex parties might, but the majority of mainstream queer parties (Joyride, Quench, Riposte, KV) are very safe and a wonderful place where people can be themselves. While I appreciate you wrote in the description that 'Sex parties can provide a great outlet for sexual freedom and positive, consensual experiences' I wish you used a different title and didn't make the London queer/kink/sex scene look like an awful thing. If you want to get the truth I am happy to be your next informer and with no mask on.

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