Găsirea speranței în Hopetown după eșuarea multiplelor navigații | Ep 37

Găsirea speranței în Hopetown după eșuarea multiplelor navigații |  Ep 37

Urmărește călătoria familiilor noastre în timp ce intenționăm să ocolim Globul în 3-4 ani, cu un buget de 4.300 USD/lună. Intenționăm să părăsim SUA în octombrie 2023 și să vizităm 26 de țări și 6 continente. Vrei să știi ce unelte adorăm? Verifică-l pe www.SailingParadiseFalls.com Muzică: Epidemic Sound și abonamente Musicbed


22 thoughts on “Găsirea speranței în Hopetown după eșuarea multiplelor navigații | Ep 37

  1. Hang in there sister girl I think you're doing a fine job of driving that big boat that is not a easy job you're doing great you haven't killed anybody yet so put your smiles on and be happy everything's okay And that's my favorite when the cinnamon rolls are still just a little bit gooey Yum yum yum Great episode will see you next week

  2. Seizing wire is a must. But make sure that there isn't a part of the wire that sticks out. It can easily rip the Spinnaker for example when it's flopping around. You could use plastic zipties, but they would need to be checked on a more regular basis because they will wear out faster.

  3. Unless you are in a harbor/marina, you should use your water maker. They need to be used to function properly in the long term. You are depriving yourselves for no reason. That water is cleaner and safer than the water you are getting from the marinas.

  4. Nice job piloting Shannon. The town was well worth the visit. It looked spectacular. Loved the lighthouse- whenever I travel, if there is a lighthouse I make it a point to climb to the top whenever possible- they always have the best views!!

  5. Great job piloting! I remember it was so shallow all around hope town. We anchored just west of the lighthouse and had maybe 2 feet under the keels! Definitely need to go in or out at high tide!

  6. The answer to your question if we all fight while moving,docking is yes. Every time we move our boat, back up a trailer or park our motorhome, it always turns into a screaming match.

  7. Shannon you did do pretty dang good. 👏 And good for you standing your ground with the boys on that boat. I love to see you celebrate your successes. I know that so much of this travel can be very stressful, with so many firsts for you guys, but Rob be mindful that your team is doing their best to get the job done. It’s easy to be curt with each other when things are not going well but take the time after to make amends. You guys got this! Thanks for taking us along.

  8. I really don’t know much about shifting those engines from fwd to rev and from rev to fwd, but that seems really fast with no pause in neutral for the shaft to stop and would like to know if this is normal for the transmission? Seems like that’s really risky for the transmission in an environment where fixing it could be extremely problematic. Maybe I’m wrong? Would like to know.

  9. Yer Sorry can`t watch anymore. There are hundreds of Youtube videos out there from people just like yourself who have done all of this and posted how to maintain Your Cat Apparently You have watched NONE of them. That shackle was at deck height the whole time You have owned the boat and You never inspected the Rigging Yourself Once.

    Your son is right You need to go back home and stay off the water until You know something about sailing. You probably should have bought a motor boat because You are reluctant to raisde the sails and turn off the engines.

    Good Luck to Davis I hope he abandons ships and lives a long and happy life.

    This channel is not for Me.

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