Navigam cu un MONSTRU de 70 de picioare

Navigam cu un MONSTRU de 70 de picioare

Cursa oceanică Clipper în jurul lumii este o cursă finanțată de echipaj, care tocmai s-a întâmplat să facă portul în Newcastle, Australia, unde ne-am bucurat de Crăciun și de Anul Nou. Cursa este formată din opt etape iar echipajul poate alege o singură etapă a cursei sau întreaga circumnavigație. Cursa este creația lui Sir Robert Knox Johnson, primul om care a circumnavigat solo. În ultimii 28 de ani au participat 6000 de echipaj și caută mereu mai mulți care să se alăture distracției. Vino săptămâna aceasta, când ni se arată imensele 70 de picioare care sunt construite pentru a fi una dintre cele mai puternice nave concurente. Aflați toată cursa Clipper în jurul lumii aici: Alăturați-vă echipajului Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, am fi să nu fii unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Mărfuri, cămăși și multe altele Paypal Instagram https://www. Facebook Sponsori și colegi UK Sailmakers – Predict Wind – https://


30 thoughts on “Navigam cu un MONSTRU de 70 de picioare

  1. Joshua Slocum, (born Feb. 20, 1844, Wilmot, Nova Scotia, Can.—died 1909/10, at sea), Canadian seaman and adventurer who was the first man in recorded history to sail around the world singlehandedly.

  2. Wow – what a treat! I’m jealous!! Did you know that Sailing Aquarius lost both their masts while sailing east to west across the Atlantic to Martinique? It happened suddenly and with no warning or advance signs of wear or breakage. The main mast came down after breaking about 4ft above the deck. The spar fell just off the centreline of the boat. Other than the boom nothing went into the water. The mast actually was “hung up” for a while because of the “triatic” shroud. The mizzen collapsed after a while. No injuries as Ken and his wife were below. Seas were very flat ands wind was under 14kts. They were 1200nm east of Martinique. They had to motor to Martinique and were able to get 300gal of fuel from a large cat that overtook them and had spare fuel. Ken got most electronics – Starlink, radar, AIS and VHF running. They are now trying to organize new spars and almost all of the SS deck gear and solar panels. You should look at their IG and YouTube posts.

    Incredible display of seamanship and ingenuity!

  3. Robyn Knox Johnston was the winner of the first non-stop single handed race, not the first person to sail around the world.
    His story is very interesting in many ways. He was sailing the oldest and slowest boat, he won because the sailor who was way ahead decided not to finish but continue around the horn again and go to the south pacific. I can't think of his name at the moment. His voyage and boat are also very interesting. Also in that first race was Donald Crowhurst who faked rounding the horn and South Africa while stying in the Atlantic. He kept a log and came to realize his lie would be found out so he took the long dive overboard. His boat was found drifting.

  4. Congratulations, you two. I hope that you can sail with twin babies, but I'm sure you'll make any calls that need to be maide if things don't go as well for you as we all hope they will! You haven't mentioned what sex(es) they are – at least I didn't hear it if you did mention it. Inquiring minds want to know … 🙂

  5. I guess you stolen the most gorgeous marmaid of the sea, and obvious Capt. Flaco will have twins because he is a skiny great sailor. Are you going to live sea or land life in the future? Blessings from OsoYolo, Antigua Guatemala.

  6. What a pleasant surprise to see you two on Sunday. Isabelle, you look radiant. Best wishes for a wonderful birth. Keep us updated. Cheers!

  7. Hi guys, just wondering why are you having the twins in Sweden when we have a perfectly good hospital system here in Australia probably one of the best in the world I don’t understand

  8. It's so great to see you both again! Glad you are doing well. Love your smiles! Isabelle you look fantastic! There is a glow about you! I wish you both the best! Looking forward to another video soon!

  9. Say hi to the "Sailing Frenchman (YouTube Channel)" if you meet him From Mike, CaliforniaKayaker. I've been following him far before his involvement with Clippers ATW.

  10. That was great, we had a tour while they were hear, our home town Newcastle, nice to sea them sailing, congratulations mum n dad, bubs first sail on an ocean clipper racer no less,
    Thanks heaps

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