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Iahtul se scufundă rapid | BNW | Broncos Guru

32 thoughts on “Iahtul se scufundă rapid | BNW | Broncos Guru”
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Poor dog
12 illegals
So many scientists are building boats to flee their homeland. Why?
"ALL OF A SUDDEN" count ……….3
The "actually all of a sudden" addiction remains strong.
That last boat …. asked if it was safeties captain said " sure , what can go wrong ?"
i didnt see a dog on a sinking boat.
Great channel. Exciting and educational. Thank you for it. (subscribed)
These poor slobs on death ships stuff is truly out of control. I wouldn't ride that homebuilt contraption across a sea for a job, ever….
I got a good feeling knowing the container dog found a "forever home"!
Of course container doggo has already been adopted, did you see those eyes?
Thankyou USCG for being observant, that poor girl, a week in the hot and dark with no food or water she's so lucky to be alive.
BG, there is fiberglass available that is fire resistant, the issue is the cost. The fire resistant version is much more expensive so your $50,000 boat becomes a $500,000 boat if used.
Turned over to Mexican authorities. A day later free in Mexico. A week later in the US
This is a good example why you should have your dog micro chipped because they would’ve been able to find the original owner in Houston. Hopefully they will see your video and somehow get reunited with their dog.
The dog was probably in the back seat when one of those cars were jacked.
Who knew that Carnival Cruise Lines was so racist and bigoted? Deporting these sailors to Mexico.
When do Americans get to float to Mexico or any of the 150+ other countries that they flee poverty from and be taken care of with housing, food, medicine, education, cell phones and prepaid debit cards reloaded every month? Oh wait, NEVER, because only a stupid country that wants to destroy itself would allow that!
They'll be walking right through our border here pretty soon.
They are lucky for having a kayak with them on their boat.
Poor puppy. Miracle!!

That's one way to put out a fire.
Boat to fire dept. you'll taking to long, I'll show you how to put out fire. There you go, 15 seconds, your welcome.
Fiberglass isn’t flammable!
The one boat obviously had the ‘self extinguishing’ upgrade.
The fire shut down half of Canton. You could see the smoke from across the city.
Fibreglass is not flammable, they make fire blankets for kitchens out of it. On the other hand the resin that’s used to make it look like boat is very flammable
Well well well what do we have looks like we have a legal immigrants maybe they will go back to their own country
Everyone is watching this, hoping the vid doesn't cut, before the flaming boat goes underwater. Human nature.
I would like to know more on the the people on the make shift boat- probably trying to get to the US’s now out of control “ open border” situation. I am glad they were rescued. And returned to Mexico. Probably would not have lasted much longer. They were probably disappointed that they were not being processed in to a US port and given a free phone and several thousand dollars of US taxpayer money. Just saying
Can't even go on a cruise anymore.
How i did not heard you report on the carnival ship hitting the ocho rois cruise she terminal in jamaica
She obviously had pups sometime