Un veteran al armatei americane reacționează la „Blackadder – S4E2 – Pedeapsa corporală”

Un veteran al armatei americane reacționează la „Blackadder - S4E2 - Pedeapsa corporală”

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50 thoughts on “Un veteran al armatei americane reacționează la „Blackadder – S4E2 – Pedeapsa corporală”

  1. If you want to see something from world war one with a very similar plot (but done seriously rather than as a comedy), then I recommend without reservation the film Paths of Glory starring Kirk Douglas (in the role analogous to Blackadder) and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

    It was based on a true story and you know that it must be good because the film was banned in several countries when it was released.

  2. Nice one lads.
    "Always leave them wanting more." Great advice for comedy IMO, but can imagine the pressure to keep cashing in until you're not as popular anymore.
    They did a one off Christmas special after this series. I think Baldrick aka Tony Robinson wanted to be the protagonist rather than the butt of the jokes for a change. He went on to be the Sherriff of Nottingham in a kids comedy series, then TV presenter roles.

  3. 'Red Dwarf' is a Brit series that was 12 seasons so against the grain in terms of series ending after a couple seasons…It's very well written and acted…and I know there's quite a few US reaction videos to it too…The first season is a little dated but the whole series is one of the favs as far as Brit comedy fans go…Definitely worth a looksee…It's certainly up there with 'Blackadder' ,'Porridge', 'Only fools' etc…Have fun chaps!

  4. Guys, the reason why so many of these programs are as legendary as they are is precisely because they are relatively short runs and don't drag on milking the cow like so many American programs, there is after all only so many jokes for any given topic. This is the reason why everyone remembers them so fondly and wishes there had been more because they mostly all finished on a high note thus leaving the audience wanting more.

  5. The series ending was mainly down to the writers Ben Elton & Richard Curtis. They both got exhausted by the process. It did come back in 2000 for a one off called "Back & Forth", which wasn't the greatest. Ideas for a 5th series were rumoured for years, including doing it at the Prisoner of War Colditz style prison in WWII. Also as a 60s rock band called "The Black Adder Five", with Baldrick playing a drummer called Bald Rick. Another was a film set in the Russian revolution called "Red Adder". I think they've left it far too long now, and it is better to remember it as it was.

  6. Any plans to do the specials? Have you done "Blackadder's Christmas Carol" from '88? Good parody of Charles Dickens. There was also "The Cavalier Years", which was part of Comic Relief's Red Nose Day in '88.

  7. The Barracks where the opening credits were filmed, is Cavalry Barracks, Colchester. I was posted to Colchester just over 20 years ago, and Cavalry Barracks was visible from my office window. I still live in Colchester. It was one of the last Victorian barracks, and sadly has not survived the various phases of selling off of land, and it has been redeveloped into housing. A few remnants remain, and are recognisable to those who know what to look for, but the Garrison has undergone massive changes in the last 20 or so years, with at least 4 large barracks being sold off and redeveloped. The entire Forth series, is absolutely epic, as though all of the combined wit, humour, and energy of the first three series, built to a crescendo to create this comedy masterpiece, which has been recognised not only for it's attention to detail of things like the uniforms of the era, but also in the tactful and respectful way that the series was completed. The ending, without spoilers, is one of the most brilliant pieces of television ever made, regularly topping polls of memorable tv moments.

  8. Fawlty towers was short too leave them wanting more. There are a few specials of blackadder as well to check out blackadder Christmas carol, the cavalier years and back & forth and there’s a lost pilot episode

  9. Communications – a well known anecdote is of a message passed from runner to runner, suffering the effect of 'Chinese whispers'. What began as 'Send reinforcements. We're going to advance', became 'Send three and four pence, we're going to a dance'.

  10. Great to see how much you're enjoying this series. Advance warning: Allow a little extra time for your thoughts about the series at the end of episode six. And definitely give the "Blackadder's Christmas Carol' one-off episode a watch as it's right on form like this series.

  11. You're right about British series not overstaying their welcome. The US series, Mr. Robot, only stuck to its intended narrative arc because Rami Malek point-blank refused to sign a contract for any more seasons than were originally planned. Which is also why seasons 3 and 4 are the best!

  12. We always feel very sad when a great show ends, seemingly at the very top. In retrospect though it's the perfect end. There's nothing worse than seeing a show you loved dearly run out of ideas and fall to pieces, its legacy ruined. Much better to look back and remember nothing but how great it was.

  13. Just a little bit of constructive criticism for you editor.
    We know you have to comply with copyright rules, just like every other reactor,
    But, It's always handy when doing these videos, to let your audience see your reactions, instead of editing the life out of them.
    It also help if you let jokes play through, again without editing them mid flow.
    Otherwise, there is zero point in your audience watching your reaction posts.

  14. You'll understand why they finished with season four, once you've seen the end. Would be extreamly hard to top what they achieved.
    Worth checking out "Back and Forth"" though.

  15. "And I firmly believe that, like me, you will conclude that Captain Blackadder is, in fact, totally and utterly…GUILTY!"
    📄 🔄
    "…OF NOTHING MORE!…than trying to do his duty under difficult circumstances!"


  16. Not sure how the algorithms have brought me to your channel, but very happy it has! 2 blokes from the US watching Blackadder for the first time! class!

    As a Brit, Blackadder has always been a favourite, everything about it is comedy gold, but most of all it's the language, it's outstanding!! As many I am sure have said, the final episode of this series is one of the greatest bits of UK TV history, ever…

    Also knowing my Great Grandfather fought and was awarded for his gallantry in the trenches in the Somme adds added weight and poineiency to this final series, it really is something special!!

  17. The film ‘King and Country’, produced in 1964 and starring Tom Courtenay and Dirk Bogarde, is a bleak and tragic portrayal of the court martial and ultimate fate of a British soldier in the Great War. Unfortunately, it is no longer available on YouTube.

  18. Top British Shows usually leave the audience "wanting more" which is the oldest Show Business adage. Also, actors move on. Usually only 2 writers and NOT sponsored by ADVERTISERS wanting the $$$$$ to keep flowing in. BBC is the Main Channel and NO adverts or sponsors.

  19. OK. 'Fess Up Time. Both my husband and I were Red Caps. Royal Military Police OR Monkeys OR (and there is a youtube video about it) The Most HATED Regiment in the British Army. We never actually shot a deserter or the like, but we did arrest army peeps for crimes. This one is our fave episode. Thank you for not pooh-poohing :o)

  20. Oh I can’t wait for you to watch the episode Private Plane! While the last episode is so perfect and right, I think private plane for me is the best episode of them all. But maybe because I am a huge fan of you know who. I won’t spoil it.

  21. Fun fact about the whole black adder show there is a clever gag where If you notice as the episodes go on black adder gets smarter and smarter and baldrick gets thicker and thicker

  22. Each Blackadder is for prominent time in British history so that’s why they are limited. Another thing writing rooms are not really a regular thing over here. Most shows are often written by one or two people, so we won’t have lots of series with a ton of episodes.

  23. Stephen Frost who played Corporal Jones lives not far from me, I saw him once in a local burger place and could not resist saying, ready aim fire would have been rude not to ha.
    The final episode is one to be remembered.

  24. White feathers were given to conscientious objectors by the public as a sign of cowardice during WW1. The mention of them as Blackadder is attempting to avoid following orders.

  25. If you paid any attention to early parts of first Ukraine invasion, you'd know, that smartphones are trackable by enemy and not in fact a boon in war. Russians artillery struck a few commanders before Ukrainians figured out what was happening.

  26. I know that you're admirers of Sean Lock. One of the firing squad is played by Lee Cornes, who also played one of the Spanish Inquisition guards who gets punched in the balls in the last episode of Blackadder II. Sean L was a huge admirer of Lee's and he was one of the few comedians Sean would always go to see live

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