Adrian Newey Building My Oyster | Oyster Yachts

Adrian Newey Building My Oyster |  Oyster Yachts

Alăturați-vă inginerului de curse de Formula 1 Adrian Newey, în timp ce împărtășește cunoștințele și experiențele legate de construirea lui Oyster 885. Directorul tehnic al Red Bull Racing, Adrian Newey, trece de la combustibilul cu octan mare la energia eoliană naturală și își urmărește ambiția de a naviga în jurul lumii într-o zi. . Într-un documentar viitor, mergeți în culise, în timp ce cel mai de succes inginer de curse de F1 din lume își împărtășește experiențele, învățăturile cheie și informațiile neprețuite despre procesul de construire. Cu o privire în profunzime asupra modului în care Oyster construiește cele mai bune iahturi cu vele cu apă albastră din lume, este un documentar obligatoriu pentru orice proprietar care construiește o barcă sau care aspiră în viitor. Descoperiți Oyster 885: #OysterYachts #Oyster885 #Sailing #F1 –––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –– Oyster Yachts sunt constructori ai celor mai bune bărci cu pânze cu apă albastră din lume. Un constructor britanic de iahturi cu vele de lux pur-sânge, am proiectat, construit și susținut cele mai bune bărci cu pânze de croazieră din lume din 1973. ADN-ul iahturilor noastre de croazieră oceanică de 50 până la 90 de picioare este înrădăcinat în peste 20 de milioane de mile de navigație în apă albastră și peste 90 de circumnavigații de navigație. . Folosim această experiență pentru a perfecționa iahturile noastre cu vele de explorator, astfel încât să vă poată duce oriunde în lume în lux, confort și siguranță complet. Contact pentru întrebări: Marea Britanie: +44 (0)1473 358317 SUA: +1 401 846 7400 ––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––– Abonați-vă la canalul nostru: Vizitați site-ul nostru: Dă-ne Like pe Facebook: Urmărește ne pe Instagram:


50 thoughts on “Adrian Newey Building My Oyster | Oyster Yachts

  1. He should look at Royal Huisman Yachts, that is the top. But even he might not be able to afford. Anyway great to see sailing and F1 team up, my 2 favorite interests.

  2. Forget any noise about what team he’s going to, he’ll sail that boat around the world,between racing his collection of vintage racing cars , Bon Voyage AN

  3. With no sailing experience and jumping in the deep end like this , I’m sure sailing along with family and friends , 33deg lean angle, going to be very interesting 🙂

  4. we all e[xpected Adrian to apply his F1 magic to the poyster yacht designs following the heals of thelaunch of The New Patriot: AC75 Americas Yacht Challenge this year ? Perhaps oyster will have a racing hull quite soon ?

  5. My interests have intersected here! Haha congrats to Adrian on what I’m sure will be an excellent craft. Might want to hire a captain 😅

  6. I am impressed that he is doing this. It is not easy getting into this pastime later in life. There is a lot to learn. I speak as one who has done this with the benefit of having spent my youth racing dinghies at quite a high level. Cruising yachts with your family is difficult!

  7. Fascinating video… thanks for sharing. No wonder Adrian has had enough of all the recent nonsense at Red Bull and just wants to get some peace, sail his Oyster before turning up at Ferrari… Is he having the Oyster painted red by chance?

  8. As much as I dislike ''Red Bull Racing'', I have the utmost respect for this gentleman from is great stint with ''Williams Racing'' to today; everywhere he's been working is magic, he left a trail of winning championships. I wish him the best sailing trips around the globe and hope that he docks is ''Oyster 885 hull14'' in Italy someday, very very close to the ''Ferrari Scuderia''…I'm positive that would be amazing for ''Ferrari'' and ''F1''. Best wishes to you Sir from Canada.

  9. Just imagine, Adrian ends up actually going to Ferrari 2025 but ends up having a catastrophic accident … That's the most Ferrari luck to ever happen

  10. It seems a principle problem faced by ocean sailors/boaters is that unexpected event, like a massive wave breaking over your boat, smashing glass, hatches, snapping masts, breaking rigging, etc. resulting in water entering places it shouldn't – like behind your electrical panel and blowing out instruments, fuses and switches leaving you close to dead in the water. Surely, in this day & age, there must be some sort of transparent silicon, plastic or rubber that can be applied to or painted over every single electrical connection, switch, control, circuit board and battery terminal offering absolute 100% waterproofing to 100% of everything electrical & digital on your boat. THAT, plus a couple of extra cans of it & some paint brushes to apply it while on a trip would provide me more peace of mind and confidence than pretty much anything else. No, I'm not a sailor.

  11. Around a cool £5m second hand. Opaaaaaaa. Fully deserved though, you work hard, you reap the rewards.

  12. Now the fact that he's leaving Redbull makes sense, I bet he won't join another team, he'll just sail around the world. This is his plan for retirement

  13. You made Adrian retire. Shame on you Oyster(!) Shouldn't have made it so accommodating, no wonder he wants to chill out.

  14. What an absolute marvel! A top class sailing yacht is the perfect melding of when artistry means engineering. The technology combined with the finish work really makes this seem like a bargain in the grand scheme of things nowadays, even considering it's immense price.

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