TAYANA 37- Aceasta barca cu pânze taiwaneză este pentru noi?

TAYANA 37- Aceasta barca cu pânze taiwaneză este pentru noi?

https://www.patreon.com/thesirenslog În videoclipurile anterioare, am explorat alte câteva bărci cu pânze, cum ar fi Formosa 51, Mikelson 50 și chiar Ta Chiao CT 54. Săptămâna aceasta ne uităm la un Tayana 37 ( CT37) Construcție taiwaneză proiectată de Robert Perry. Se mândrește cu o punte din lemn de tec, spații încăpătoare și are nevoie de multă muncă, dar dacă o putem obține la prețul potrivit, suntem dispuși să acceptăm provocarea! sirenwilliams@thesirenslog.com Suntem Siren și Căpitanul Hal. Suntem surferi, suntem pescari, suntem brokeri de iahturi, suntem navigatori, suntem căpitani, suntem scafandri, suntem oameni oceanici, suntem floridieni și despre asta se referă canalul nostru ! Sperăm că te vei abona și te vei urmări! ________________________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, nu ezitați să dați like acestui episod și să vă abonați la canalul nostru! Mai avem multe de urmat! Dacă doriți să ne susțineți în continuare eforturile, acum avem Patreon, o platformă pentru creatori care să colecteze sprijin și să distribuie videoclipuri și conținut din interior contra cost. LINK MAI JOS https://patreon.com/thesirenslog ____________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă place ceea ce am purtat, întrebați-ne ce a fost! Codurile noastre de reducere: Cremă solară biodegradabilă Stream2Sea- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la articolele de băutură Puffin (cu alcoolul PFD cu viață flotantă care fac cadouri minunate) SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Rookie Wellness- SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Juice Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare- JBSIREN15% pentru 15% Reducere la medicamente organice Forces of Nature- 20SIREN pentru 20% reducere la cupe și chiloți pentru perioada Saalt- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la Trotineta subacvatică Asiwo Manta- SIREN pentru 50 USD reducere pe Amare- utilizați #1559896 pentru 10 USD reducere la produsele noastre de frumusețe- SIRENWILLIAMS pentru 15% reducere


25 thoughts on “TAYANA 37- Aceasta barca cu pânze taiwaneză este pentru noi?

  1. Everyone thinks they are good at sex, everyone thinks they have good taste, even if half the people were right that explains why people paint over beautiful wood far to often and think it’s beautiful. Interior design is insanely difficult to get right. There is far more bad ones than good and some of the good ones are copy cats.

  2. It seems like a coastal boat, to make it a cursing boat you would need to do major maintenance to most of the systems including rigging. Also repair the soft deck

  3. I would pull the deck and glass it over. Do the work yourselves to keep cost down. That should take care of your leak. Then your going to have to address the rig, you don't want to loose the rig. Then the steering cable needs to be inspected, it probably needs to be replaced. Lots of work but it is doable if you have funds so I would borrow more money than is needed to buy the boat. Get it home and get cracking, good luck 😀.

  4. I’m a sucker for bowsprits, lots of teak and cutter rigs, but that Tayana looks to need more refurbishment than I’d be willing to do on a budget. (Depending on the budget of course…😁)

  5. Get a few sea bags to store clothes, learn how to fold and roll them up. The bags could be used as cushions in the forward birth section. Just an idea, you folks are Sailor's …..right. What would Captian Rob say?

  6. I came close to Buying a Tayana for 10K and she was ready to load supplies and head out. Those are fairly fast too. I have given up sailing in favor of being a HOMO, yep, a Homo Sapien turned Homo Galacticus, With a !00ft Galactic cruiser arriving any time now.What I like is the SPEED, anyplace on the planet in minutes. I am Not kidding. Zero Gravity and Magnetic main drive.

  7. Balsa core deck forget the chainplates run while you got the chance dont forget below the teak deck might be bad too so reply the whole deck 1/2" x 2 layers marine ply fiberglass and paint still a pretty big job stop thinking everything must be varnished more time you spend working then sailing sure it's alright to pick up a project go sailing forget varnish and paint work if it is watertight go put of paint and varnish

  8. I own a 83 tayana 37 I have a 16000 btu under the port satee and it's ducted from bow to stern not a big deal. If the chainplates are leaking 99% sure your going to have to replace them and the knees other than that they are awsome super comfortable even in heavy seas they are built like a tank not a race by any means but will get you wherever you want to go comfortably

  9. Beware of the chain plate knees. The wood underneath the fiberglass are known to rot, especially with a leak like you have going on. Best wishes.

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