A trăi cu o casă în care consecvența se mișcă în întreaga lume are aspecte pozitive clare, dar atunci când încerci să dai naștere a doi copii, ai un sistem de sănătate bun și familia ta chiar ajută. Săptămâna aceasta am ajuns înapoi în Suedia pentru a începe să ne pregătim pentru nașterea gemenilor noștri care urmează să fie programați destul de curând. Acum, la mijlocul iernii, în emisfera nordică, ne aventurăm în Stockholm pentru a vedea cum funcționează exact un oraș când temperaturile coboară la -16C sau 3,2F. Găsim un loc foto unde am făcut o fotografie după ce ne-am întâlnit acum patru ani și ne-am hotărât să facem altul și să vă arătăm contrastul. Ne aventurăm în Gamla Stan sau în orașul vechi al Suediei și oferim o lecție rapidă de istorie în oraș. Alăturați-vă echipajului https://www.patreon.com/SailingMerewether Patronii noștri sunt cei care fac totul posibil și fără ei, nu am fi acolo unde suntem astăzi. Când vă înregistrați, nu numai că aveți acces la toate videoclipurile noastre cu săptămâni înainte de public, dar aveți și o linie directă cu noi și încercăm să ne cunoaștem pe toți patronii noștri. Pune-ne o întrebare, dă-ne un sfat spune-ne ce vrei să vedem, ne place să vorbim cu echipajul nostru cât de mult putem. Mărfuri, cămăși și multe altele https://sailingmerewether.com Paypal https://paypal.me/sailingmerewether?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingmerewether https://www. instagram.com/neeisabelle https://www.instagram.com/kieranwyse Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingmerewether Sponsori și colegi UK Sailmakers – https://www.uksailmakers.com Predict Wind – https:// www.predictwind.com
Este acesta cel mai rece pe care l-am experimentat vreodată?
28 thoughts on “Este acesta cel mai rece pe care l-am experimentat vreodată?”
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Educational and entertaining, a perfect blend executed with finesse and sophistication.💝
From the home of the Canada Goose coats. that day would be described as "brisk"
…Aaaaand I live in Sundsvall. We have had about 2 m of snow this winter. So, yeah, I want the ever lasting summer too. Lets just go. Ill wait for the twins, then GOOOOOOO! /Catta from the cold and damp Sundsvall
Great video. You know if you ate meat once in a while, and put some meat on your bones you wouldn’t be so cold!
Heja Sverige
Awesome to see you, Um, four back in Youtube land. I am with Kirin, born in raised in So California my Swedish blood has been thinned so 60f winter is fine. So happy for you'all n Isabelle is simply radiant. Best as always.
Checkout “RAN Sailing”. Building 50’ there
Awesome! Isabell take Kieran to Kiruna. All the best and good luck!
Would love t visit that beautiful country (in the summer)😀
The two of you,look beautiful together in the Swedish winter sun!Get some rest,you’re going to need it,when those two little ones arrive. Congratulations on your babies!
Good to see you guys looking so well even if you are freezing your jibblets off 😂
You both look great! Thanks for the walk-about! In Michigan (USA) we would say that’s just a little Brisk!
Keep warm! Praying for healthy babies and Mom!!!
Nice to see you. Thank you for taking me to the Vikings!
Good luck with your 2 new babies!
We got to -50 deg Celsius this winter for a week then it got up to -10 deg Celsius. Hope you all stay safe.
I admit, the Swedes carved out a lovely town in this place. But… It is kinda hard to enjoy a beach party in these temps? So, might want to head back down south some time, yeah. After you double your family membership.
Skippy you are defiantly not in Oz anymore. Seriously this was a really beautiful episode and wishing you the very best for the birth of your babies. Looking forward to the next episode but imagine it might be a while.
So wonderful to have you back. If you ever give up producing sailing vlogs, you could always produce a travel channel. 😉. Loved seeing Stockholm through your eyes. Wishing your good health and all the joys of parenthood. Cheers!
Thanks for the update, Isabelle looks radiant, Kieran looks cold, The babies must be getting close by now. And thank you for the tour of your beautiful city. Hope all goes well.
You have shown us the beauty of ocean beaches, the island people ,and have captured the beauty of a big city in winter. both well done…..artistic and showing the beauty of small ordinary shadows…… great job!
She looks like a Swede, but then she speaks !! That must surprise the locals eh. Congrats on the twins ! Get yourselves some tube scarves, so you don't freeze your throat when it's really cold. Besides, a warm scarf will keep the wind from getting under your collar. Cheers !!
Cant be that cold since no ice on water.
Isabella, take that man for a Fika. It will make him happier. Then take him to the Vasa Museum. 😊
Come a little bit more north and feel -30C.
I’m English with a Swedish wife living in Bromma and my twins were born in Karolinska in 2002 👍👍 For sure you are in good hands 👌👌👌