Nick of Time (EP 63) Etapa 3 Ziua 10 #Outremer52 #Miami

Nick of Time (EP 63) Etapa 3 Ziua 10 #Outremer52 #Miami

Misiunea noastră posibilă în MIAMI! Am reușit! AWEN a făcut cel mai bun buștean în ultimele 24 de ore, cu 254 de mile sub centură traversând Gulf Stream. Ajungem pentru o ultimă provocare și, în sfârșit, acceptăm totul. ⚓ Alăturați-vă nouă, în timp ce învățăm ce este nevoie pentru a face ocolul cu succes și a face tranziția la croaziera pe croaziera. Canalul nostru este ultra brut, cu puțin timp pentru producție și editare, așa că veți vedea experiența așa cum este. 🆓Canalul nostru de navigație nu este în prezent FĂRĂ REclame, dar există și alte modalități prin care puteți susține proiectul Outremer 52. 👍🏻 Dați like, abonați-vă, distribuiți videoclipurile noastre de pe YouTube sau consultați blogul, podcastul sau paginile sociale de mai jos. ⭐️Consultă noul nostru blog de navigație cu catamaran! 🎧COVERTCASTAWAY PODCAST oriunde ascultați sau transmiteți în flux direct la 📧 Trimiteți un e-mail la: 🌎URMĂȚI-NE la /display/SV_AWEN/ ⛵️AWEN va fi prezentată la MIAMI BOAT SHOW! Ne întâlnim acolo!! Aflați mai multe despre datele spectacolului:… OUTREMER 52 REVIZIA PROPRIETARII:… 🎶 MUSIC by Epidemic Sound – ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––- Buna ziua! Suntem Holly și Stephane 🇺🇸🇫🇷 Am făcut tranziția de la profesioniști cu normă întreagă a software-ului din zona Golfului SF la exploratori de croaziere care țin mereu cu ochii pe vreme și pe inimile noastre într-un cântec. Scopul nostru este să finalizăm o circumnavigație și recent am trecut la un catamaran de performanță și suntem îndrăgostiți nebunește de Outremer 52. Lucrăm cu Outremer în Franța (cu ajutorul Google translate) pentru a lansa proiectul nostru cu barca și a începe călătoria noastră ca vagabonzi navigatori. Deși nu este o cursă sau un test de viteză, facem prima noastră traversare Bluewater anul acesta și suntem încântați să o vedem pe AWEN întinzându-și picioarele și dansând pe apă. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim ceea ce învățăm trăind fără Amazon, (dar cu Starlink) și încercați această nouă viață de călătorie și aventură pe ocean. Vă rugăm să aveți răbdare cu noi, deoarece continuăm să ne îmbunătățim abilitățile de vlogging YouTube. Scopul nostru nu este să ne transformăm viața într-un film, ci să dăm înapoi ceea ce ne-au împărtășit alții, motiv pentru care nu ne monetizăm canalul. Mai multe despre noi aici: #outremer #boatlife #catamaran #travelvlog #digitalnomad #lifestyle #sailboats #stayhealthy #learning #vlog #podcast #live #motivation #travel #nomad #boattour #sailingadventure #bucketlist #aventura #mediteraneana #nomad #pensie #aventura asteapta #ocean #invatare © Sailing AWEN 2023


44 thoughts on “Nick of Time (EP 63) Etapa 3 Ziua 10 #Outremer52 #Miami

  1. To see how you have succeeded and overcome the obstacles in your path is so very exciting. Congratulations 🍾 and fair winds in the years to come. I have come to love your channel. So honest and humble. Your success and appreciation has brought tears to my eyes. And, Outremer has definitely gone above and beyond and won my respect for their business model. 🍾🎉🍾

  2. Thank you ! Thank you! Thanks a lot for your sincerity and your pugnacity. Thanks to offer us so much amazing emotions! 👏HOLLY BRAVO: you always think to thank the community : JEAN-MARC, NIKKY and all the members of the crews and all the people who helped. You have nice humans qualities !!!
    👏BRAVO to STEFAN who maintained the impetus necessary for success… with a so nice smile and amazed eyes of a happy child🎉
    ❤CROIX DU SUD OUTREMER 42, Sylvie &Patrick🇫🇷 …who hope to meet you, one day, somewhere around the world🌎🏝️👏

  3. super cool. thank you for taking us on your journey … we learned a lot both about sailing, about Outremer and of course you two … Although, I think we saw you mostly in a "go, go go mode …" Cant imagine you two actually relaxing and doing things "at ease". Hopefully you can enjoy those moments soon and share with us. Congratulations on making the show but more importantly making the dream come true …. its only starting.

    Stefan … you should watch episode 33, 44 and 52 …… 🙂 (just kidding, making up the numbers).

  4. You guys have handled the whole thing like Champs! You always stayed so positive and kept adapting. What an achievement- I got tears in my eyes too as you came into port! Thank you so much for sharing your journey ❤⛵️

  5. Thank you! Congratulations 🎉. The only thing I loved more than the episodes were the smiles on your faces as you pulled into the dock and those matching shirts 😊. My shout when we see each other in an anchorage one day. Cheers 🥂

  6. Congratulations Awen and all who helped you make this possible!

    I am so happy for you Holly and Stephane and all the crew, from each leg.

    I literally cried a little (happy tears) for you all. Which in honesty took me by surprise!

    Your enthusiasm, joy, transparency and love for sailing shone through every single episode!

    Thank you for bringing us along!

    Time to relax and celebrate!

  7. I really enjoyed all the videos, I am curious in due time, let us know what the outcome is with the Dominican. Are guys every going to be allowed to go back there?

  8. Congratulations!! Woo hoo! So happy for you guys. My wife and I real enjoyed the whole series, and also learned heaps. Looking forward to “joining” for your next adventures ❤

  9. Congratulations on this superb adventure. You've not only reached a destination but also a personal goal 👋👋. You've become a close-knit crew ready to sail far and long💪. Thank you for these shared moments, this sincerity and humility 🙏

  10. I actually felt as if I was onboard at times! Thank you all so much! Of course there were lows as well as highs, but that`s life! So so happy that you made it, never doubted that you would, so it`s big hugs from me xx
    Now get ashore, that champagne wonnt drink itself 😎

  11. Hi guys, congratulations I am so proud of you all , you work hard to get this to happen , it was an amazing journey and I can’t wait to see more of your videos. Congratulations once again Cliff from Logan City, Queensland, Australia 🇦🇺

  12. You guys are such beautiful people. Your content is great and mix of everything. I love Stephanes technical content and i feel like im sailing with you guys. Enjoy the next week at the boat show 👍

  13. Thank You Holly for THE best passage vlog anybody could hope to watch, I've enjoyed every minute of highs and lows; I'm still gutted that your lovely new boat got stacked but glad for where you were so that you could get her fixed. Huge congratulations for making it over the line in time for the show, I hope you can all enjoy it as much as you should. I'm out of words now so thank you thank you lovely people for taking us along on this wonderful journey 🙂

  14. Congratulations!! Wow, you guys came sprinting across the finish line. LOVED the journey and am grateful that you took the time to bring us along.The style of your videos are great because it feels like we are on board with you. Loved how relaxed the crew was being on camera and felt comfortable filming footage too. This series had all the makings of a good story…adventure, beautiful footage, emotional variety, heartbreaking tragedy, and beautiful women. LOL This has been my favorite channel to follow over the last 2 months. Holly, you have grown so much and display amazing confidence in your sailing skills now. I loved your show of overwhelming emotion when thanking all the people that made this a success. Enjoy the boat show and please continue to take us along on your adventures to the Bahamas. Oh, and I love the fact that you have no financial incentive to be at the boat show (its ok if there was). This type of a relationship where you are mutually working together without a business arrangement is amazing. It really shows your character and what type of people Outremere truly are.

  15. We are in the Bahamas cheering you guys on. My brother happen to be on a cruiseship coming back from PR and they passed you guys. I messaged him when they went by and he is pretty sure he saw your lights the night before coming into Miami. Great job!

  16. Brilliant. Such an epic project. You had a goal, you had plenty of SMART to get through. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Other than Specific and Measurable, the rest was against you. Mattered not, it was meant to be. As my Dad likes to say, "Nothin' to it but to do it". Bravo Holly and Stephan. Kuddos to Jean Marc, Segalin (sorry to not have that spelled properly, most likely), Nikki, and the Stage 3 crew. How does it go? "When you do stuff, stuff breaks"…

  17. With all the up's and down's you have had from leaving Europe to Miami, I can understand crying. Don't worry about it. You guys did great with the set backs.

  18. Congratulations! What an emotional journey – thanks for taking us along. It is inspiring to see how your knowledge and confidence have increased.

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