Noua eră a navigației este aici.

Noua eră a navigației este aici.

Skull and Bones va fi lansat mâine, pe 16 februarie 2024! Precomenzi disponibile acum:


27 thoughts on “Noua eră a navigației este aici.

  1. Beta is actually terrible! you can't even swim as a pirate? but you can walk..player spawns to shore back to boat, talk to boring people, collect wood just by sailing through it.. no words describe what a screaming disappointment this is. 👏

  2. Pirate era is grinch an old popular thing dead whit pirate of cariban era .. nothing exithing seriously ubisoft .. you waiting too long for release this game..😒 .. A.A.A.A. 😢

  3. Ubisoft you have to realise that people are gonna play this once and then go straight back to black flag. Just make a black flag sequel we wanna know the story of how Edward died.

  4. I was say from the start, the game needs more activity, with the character, sword combat, some pistol, some enemies, farming… etc… if you are only in the ship, very fast is boring… i have reinstalled sea of thieves

  5. I didn’t understand all the criticism.
    Sword fighting as a cool mechanism? Like for honor? If the fighting system isn’t for all the right thing, they ignore it.
    Walking around? Why? To sit somewhere and push the drink emote? Very interesting.
    In black flag all wanna more ship content and less assassins creed, and now all want content like swimming? What’s wrong with the people?
    Its a ship game! With big fights, ghostships, and monsters of the deep. Different cannons and equipment. I wanna more like a room in my ship or more stuff, but at first it is enough.
    Yes you have to farm…
    Like in Diablo, Division, or Destiny..
    That’s normal. The question ist..
    Do you like ships and things like, trading, shipfights, and shantys?

  6. Fire game everyone just wanted a copy of black flag or sea of thieves. The game is so damn good so damn fun i for one am happy to play something relatively different for once instead of a copy of the same damn games with just a new title on it

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