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Salt & Gudron: Ep.276- No Time Like the Present
47 thoughts on “Salt & Gudron: Ep.276- No Time Like the Present”
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I had a 36ft gaff ketch a couple of decades ago. She was built in 1917 by a fishing boat builder, but never had any input from a professional designer. I spent seven years restoring her, and a couple of years sailing her before I ran out of funds and had to sell. I now have to be satisfied with accounts of sailing like your series on youtube.
I can't help but think that tanker was probably fascinated with REDIVIVA. It's not often you see a wooden ship like her these days!
I luv the way you two live your lives not just the epic sailing and adventure,but not having to stick to your plans. I was married to a planner and we could never change the plan. If the plan wasn’t going to plan let’s just say it wasn’t good. I was never a plan person and like to fly by the seat of my pants, it was a rough 15 years for me. Life lesson learned! Thank you for inspiration to be free🍻🍻🍻🤘😎
Next thing that'll happen, you'll get another wild hair & we'll find you kids in the Marquesas!
Hopefully costs will reduce as you sail south! Much love to you both ❤ if you can afford 2 money pits, you are far more wealthy than me!
I was totally “meh” about your boat when you were building it but seeing it on the water and you sailing it, I’m convinced you have the coolest boat. Total class. 🤪
Wow. With each passing year, the quality of these videos grows, and grows. May the journey be long and joyful!
Summers in Alaska are awesome. Will watch for you in Sitka.
such a great video, the story the videography, the whole enchilada!! thank you for this awesome installment and for living your best lives!
That was awesome. Beautiful narration and perfect music. Still blows my mind that you're not a 100k+ subs channel. People just don't know what they are missing. Thanks for bringing us along.
Rediviva hold my hand, your ropes in mine as fingers
Rediviva comfort me as sight of land does dwindle…..
Nice one, thanks!
A main indicator of initial stability is the Beam at the waterline. Designers of keel boats tend to keep it as narrow as possible to limit whetted area (that compared to sail area is what determines light-wind sailing speed).
To compensate for less initial stability, designers add more ballast and keep it as low as possible.
As one could guess, these design characteristics usually lead to greater accumulated roll. Since the likely specific gravity of your ballast is likely around 3.0 (as to opposed to 11.0 for lead), your boat is even less likely to get accumulative rolling.
Was Redivia a stock design. Or was she a custom one?
Great video! With beautiful narration!
I love your narration of the seas and the boat as she sails onward. Great job !!
Gh you make my benzo like lorenzo feel like a Doxepin rest in Matzalan but besides real THC there do they have real Barb's to slow that psycho babble post back pain gone by placebo psycho babble yoga classes for ucla con artist program for Phizer piss test positive strips and voodo candel wax pat. pending.
You do have a radio and AIS transponder, right? Or at least a radar reflector mounted up on the mast? You really should talk to the tanker over the radio if you have any doubts, but in the least they should see you on radar or be able to get your name from AIS to call you on the radio if needed.
What a great sailing episode! Loving it!
Thanks for sharin' about your boat's abilities Garrett!
It sounds like you 2 built a good one.
If everything else is found to be more than satisfying then speed certainly should not spoil the overall result of Rediviva's build. A boat that is taking good care of you is the best thing at sea.
“Does this camera make my boat look….massive?” 😂
You are sailing my bucket list. I’m so proud of your accomplishments. I’ve followed you since shortly after you launched Rediviva.
I’ve sailed, off and on, for about 55 years. My most recent boat is Mer-Sea Beaucoup, a Hunter 376. My wife named her and enjoys family sailing. But anywhere beyond 7 hours from Marina Del Rey to Twin Harbors, Descanso or Avalon is beyond her tolerance level. I usually get 5 or 6 Catalina trips in each year, with daughters and grand kids, or friends, besides the family sails with my bride.
So, at 77, I single hand (actually my blind brother-in-law accompanies me) to the American Legion Yacht Club in Newport every year to host a day sail for The blind and Visually Impaired. Then it’s single hand + 1 back to MDR.
This year will, probably, include a sail to San Diego. The Baja Ha Ha is on my list, but requires the blessing of my better half to be MIA for around a month, round trip.
Anyway, keep it up, you two. I love your adventures and your attitudes.
Pure inspiration, every one of your videos is so special,and keenly looked forward to… 🙏
I'll take slow and comfortable over fast and nausea 😅
I just love your relationships with the world x
Your comments about the easy motion of the boat has George smiling from above….rest in peace George, these young folks validated your thinking on cruising.
Wow, I'm still amazed you guys actually BUILT THIS BOAT; you've lived more "boat-years" than any old sea dog I've met, and certainly more than anyone your age. After watching this episode: I have a quirky "what-if" question for Garrett: If you were going to build a boat that only sailed downwind, what kind of hull, keel (keels?) and ballast would she have to minimize drag and still give adequate stability and sea-kindliness?
I wouldn't want you to do truly insane stuff!
However, if there is anything I've come to expect from you, I'd say whatever you do won't lack a certain wild-ness.
I would say, with that boat you can do really everything you can do with any boat of that size … except for winning races.
PS: one thing is clear: you are happiest when at sea. Your eyes don't lie about that.
I watch you all on the treadmill in the morning, it’s on a wall mount tv so I then pull up the video on the phone so I can give a thumbs up and comment!
You two are great!!! Thanks for all the awesome videos.
From a previous episode ,one knows ,that you have the skill to put copper plating on your hull . Why did you decide ,with your new boat , to not go for it ?
Well build wooden boats can be wonderful and if well done copper plated protection is added , especially for warm climate worms and such , it is even better .
Youre explanation of life during the trip is wunderfull . Enjoy it as long as you can, you two are a freat couple.
best video yet
You guys built a boat that’s about as opposite as the boat I’m working for as could be. And, I still love watching you guys out living a happy life. Another great episode guys. Thank you.
Another great video, Ruth you do an amazing job with content and your narration is so soothing. Garrett and Ruth what an amazing job you did building your boat, I've not seen anything like her that was built in this era, by an individual. You guys have the perfect Love Story, God bless and stay safe wherever the wind takes you.
The ride sounds somewhat similar to an airplane with a wooden wing. Such a great ride! I’ve had the opportunity to fly a couple of Bellancas and live them.
Chine boats really do roll less, my old Waterwitch ketch was quite something for a shallow barge yacht. S.Pacific is calling!
thank you for quoting “the long road” by Bernard Moitessier. It's the best book I've read about the sea.
Commercial tugboat-man here. 25years+ . Our watch system is 6 hours on , 6 off , 24/7. The longest I have gone under that system is 15 weeks straight. You end up having a big sleep(5 1/2 ish hours) on one off watch and a 2ish hour nap on the next off watch. If something happens and you miss one off watch, you sleep well the next one. Just my¢2.
Lovely combination of beautiful video, poetic narrative, awesome adventure, super humans, fine ship … go, you two! 😊
Thanks so much 'Guys' …. Such an Insightful yet 'Peaceful' vidclip …. Ruth, what Wonderful 'Narration and Commentary', actually quite 'Poetic' , Loved It !!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 … There was a Comment …" Slowing the boat down to reduce the Vibration on the Propshaft …" Have you ever thought of adding a Small 'Alternator' to the propshaft ????? ( Belt Driven and Easy to 'Flick off' ), thus having some 'Regen' Power to the Battery bank as a 'Bonus' …. Very Best to ALL, enjoy the Trip and Thanks so much for taking 'We Mere Mortals' along with You Guys, …Cheers from ChCh, NZ
9:27 do that all night My exact thoughts.
Just so amazing.
Ruth you do THE ! BEST NARRATIONS !! I really enjoy listening to you. Wishing you both fair winds and following seas