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Am fost nefericiți în ultima vreme… Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 447
37 thoughts on “Am fost nefericiți în ultima vreme… Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 447”
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Nice, we plan to explore Playa Ingles to next
Always a joy to see Mormor joining the crew! I’m sure both she and Sierra are happy to see each other in person instead of having to video chat
Nothing like a visit from your Mum, to make things all better. Loved the excitement and hit me in the feels when Sierra gave Mormor the blue heart. Mmmm….. lovely food. Amazing fauna and spectacular views. Loved the vlog 🙂
So glad that MorMor came to help you out of your funk! She and Sierra are so happy together. Safe travels ❤
Get off the counseling. They’re getting to you and all those people on the sea. Don’t be a fool.
The constant crying by Kazza really gets annoyingly and irritating! Jeez! And why do it on camera…do you grab the camera right before you cry or stop for a while just to resume after the camera starts rolling?
life here on the hard, of course has its ups and downs, it get's rolly, fair winds etc however, the highs are nowhere near as EPIC as you are experiencing. Sail on friends.
roll roll roll my boat.
I think I had probably moved after the first night
you'r imprisioned in bedlam. Welcome to the party. Ona lighter note……………………….
We anchored in Nuka Hiva for 2 weeks. The best way to help minimize rolling was to stern anchor. Great place to get a tattoo!
Lol nearly everyone else glamorizes sailing, I mean it has its moments but it also has LOTS OF MOMENTS 😂😂 😂
Hey there! Been loving your videos. You’ve probably heard of this truck, but just in case we thought we would mention it… when you’re anchored and the waves are on your beam, we’ve run a bridle off the anchor rode to the winch in the cockpit, to turn your boat into the waves. Much better than a stern anchor, because if you have to go, you can untie quickly. You will be sideways to the wind sometimes, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It is a neat trick to get your bow to come into the waves. Hope this helps. We thought we would use our boat, Norna’s yard to do the flopper stoppers when we needed to, but never had proper flopper stoppers. 😅
Ag1 has been scientifically proved to be a CON.
We have rocker stoppers and find them to be very helpful in the Pacific Northwest with the currents and often light wind. It lets the boat settle onto the anchor rather than drifting all over the place, tying the rode into knots around everything on the bottom.
Hoping the next mooring is a little calmer for you, the car trips just highlight how beautiful that area of the world is!!!
The Marquesas mosquitoes would absolutely ruin it. Thanks for warning people.
Yo we were digging the "Mormor",, but we also wondered how your dad is,, this is for you Brian, I dig your pops,, he's cool as fuck can you guys put him in the end of your videos like he used to be. Ok hope all is well we love the show
You guy are shiting me, what a joke. Get a 9 to 5 job. Depression does start and stop that quick.
oh man! I feel for you guys!!! So glad things have turned around and Mormor is part of making that happen. I know one thing that I've learned while living this lifestyle……The good times always outweigh the shitty times 😉 Cheers you guys!!
Fishing boats in Alaska use "sta(y)bies" (sp?) even when running to control the roll. Maybe a stern anchor to keep bow into the swell? Or what the heck move to another anchorage! When I was trying to decide between cruising life and land life I was once in Mexico, west coast, in a tourist area, on the beach, open exposed bay to the ocean, soon to be a fancy resort area, as of then not developed, safely on the beach, sipping a drink, watching a sailboat in the harbor heave, roll, pitch, dart about, hobby hoarse in quite a frenzied, and fanatic sickening motion, and thinking hey shore life ain't so bad after all, what would it be like to be on that thing. But having bypassed that, except for a brief few years, I probably have missed out on some of the good stuff that goes along with the cruising lifestyle. So at least I can live it through your videos! My biggest little adventure, was up the inside passage, on the way, occasionally poking outside waters to get from point A to B, and on to C, there was a memorable thrashing at anchorage in 'God's Pocket', while awaiting for the storm to pass on in Queen Charlotte Sound BC, soon it became apparent to either to continue bobbing in the awful motion, or move along through the notorious wicked waters of Queen Charlotte Sound, just to get out of that exposed place, and seek shelter in the quiet of Goldstream Harbor. Getting there through we literally dropped off the crest of the really steep waves, a bit lively, we were young, but so worth it. Reaching the bay, total calmness, and serenity, so worth it and contrary to the anger of the seas we had endured, but it was kind of fun in a strange way too as porpoise followed along played chicken cutting in front of the fin keel at full velocity, quite the show, they are so fast, like a rocket, they are happy no matter the weather it seems. To celebrate, I immediately boarded the dingy after anchoring, paddled in the mirror glass like bay with a gut entrance in total seclusion, with a sea otter following behind me in the dingy wash, as I rowed along, I could not help but sing to the otter, who apparently enjoyed the attention.
It is Casabe!
Love Mormor. She brings so much Joy around her. Nugs is so expressive! ❤ Can a hanging hammock absorb some of the rolling in rough waters? Truly are blessed! 😊
Would get old after awhile ! Get a Cat less rolling .
The world is a beautiful place, and even more beautiful with SV Delos in it… don't ever quit!
And what would it be like if you had your new catamaran? 🙂
Having used anti roll devices for 40 years – I have tried the ones you used and can say that the metal butterfly devices work much much better. – they just take more space to store ! I hate to see you that uncomfortable!
outside the restaurant… all our asses exploded.
Sometimes you just have to do the starfish in bed! We are currently in a Marina in the canaries, 38 knots on the berth jerking sideways with every gust… it’s still better than a house listening to the tiles peeling off!
Sierra is a force to behold, she sure loves Mor-Mor and it’s so sweet! That was so special when she said she was “Excited, like me”! What special parents you two are…..
Whoo Hoo!
Gee, it's almost as if you need…….a catamaran! That said, swell on the beam on a cat is no problem, but chop on the beam can get twitchy on a light one.
Love you guys! One word: catamaran. I love you guys and want to see you stay 10-30 more years. I know, I've watched you since day 1 in Mexico. Catamaran for the long win.
Time for a catamaran 🙂
I can only imagine what loving on a boat full time is like… constant movement, never still. I get motion sickness just thinking about it
0:00: 😔 Challenges and emotions arise as the couple navigates life on a constantly moving boat in a beautiful but demanding location.
4:18: ⛵ Struggling with rough seas on the sailboat, finding solace in upcoming family visit.
8:48: ⛵ Family prepares for an island adventure after a rough time on the boat.
13:27: 🗿 Exploring ancient tikis in French Polynesia and their cultural significance.
16:43: ⛵ Challenges of anchoring, cashew processing, and a tired horse encountered while sailing.
Timestamps by Tammy AI
Cashews are also really expensive, because there is a part of the fruit that is extremely toxic.