#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Costul masiv al Amadea pentru contribuabilii din SUA 08:49 Destinație ciudată pentru M/Y Elements 10:04 Flying Fox se îndreaptă prin Canalul Seuz 11:24 Podcast live pe YouTube 11:46 Alăturați-vă nouă pe patreon ! 12:13 Dacă aveți informații de trimis… 12:35 Bloopers! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theyachtreport Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/
SUA refuză oferta „proprietarului de drept” de a plăti factura la superyacht | SY News Ep297
47 thoughts on “SUA refuză oferta „proprietarului de drept” de a plăti factura la superyacht | SY News Ep297”
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11.20 – remember Phi in London
I'm surprised that some of our many corrupt politicians aren't using the yacht for party cruises.
Clearly they don't need a chef. 6:35 They can presumably cater local fast food or whatever every day for much less than a chef and food costs. And if they hire local crew, they can just bring their lunch from home and sleep in their own beds at home at night.
Can the US government rent out the yacht to recoup some of the costs ?
If you believe anything the US
government says you're a fool.
Could never understand wanting to own this other than cus you can. From a business standpoint I get it but personal use makes no sense
Tax dollars being spent yet the public can't use it. Wonder how many politicians/ movers and shakers have been using it
"No connection to israel" That simply can not be true as the prophet muhammad was a jew himself!
Why not give it back to the owner.
Yes would love to see a longer video on amadea
Generators are not needed dock side!! It should be hooked up to shore power! And NO GOVERNMENT CREW, should ever be paid THAT much!!! It’s absurd!!! 🙄🙄🙄
Get the court order to sell. Sell. Send the cash to Ukraine. Period
An uncle of mine inherited a small super yacht from the owner (he was the skipper and the owner liked him). He couldn't sell it quickly enough, as there was no way he could afford the upkeep.
These things are EXPENSIVE.
$360k is hefty. But seeing that it is US crewed, they might be unionized, which drives the compensation. They are docked in California, which means that other costs to payroll, are payroll taxes, Local state and federal. Disability insurance for the crew. Probably a bunch of other things that drive up employee compensation that an employer might pay that is invisible to the employee. There is probably a Crew management administrative company taking a chunk out of that 360K also.
Scuttle it.
Tremendous £600,000, POW!! blimey, bloody Nora. What a big stink of corruption xx
The us government is very stupid about this. No one is going to buy this because it will be a target.
Is Dick Cheney in on this?
US should make it a future coral reef
The amount the American taxpayers pay for this stupid war is ridiculous.
I am genuinely anxious to know more about the Amadea situation. Thanks for all of the good work that you have already done, with this and numerous other issues. Geoff Rohde
I'm always interested in the intrigue and the connections of who owns these yachts. Amadea in particular. I'd definitely be interested in more.
Interlocutory… 😅 sound it out! Good Job👍
Does Donald Trump have any yacht? 🤔
For me, not a yachting person, it is so astonishing and appalling how much fuel and electricity such a yacht need to simply lay in the harbor!
The crooks are cooking the books. Talk about corruption in government
Scrap it for scrap metal recycling
Rent it
Love an update vid on M/Y Amedeo
The criteria for a Russian person to be sanctioned by the International community's is if they had taken over business in Ukraine after the 2014 Invision.
The USA loves to waste tax dollars, that’s what they are for
I think that at some point governments will reach a point where arrest or seizure is more trouble than it is worth.
between maintenance costs and legal costs it will be a small fortune
and in the end there is still the question of how lawful the seizure will be seen at the end oof the war in Ukraine.
considering that who is willing pay a good market price for such an ex Russian yacht,
Amazing at the many tiers of the US judicial system. The average person inside the US border can be subject to civil asset forfeiture with ZERO judicial oversight. They can sell the property, split the profits as they see fit…. all without a single appearance before a judge.
Here your country affords an adversary of your country the full benefits of the judicial system, including maintenance, upkeep, insurance…
about $13000 a day for crew salary? Absolute BULL$HIT
Sell n raffle cruises after inspection also use it for scientific research
Amadea I cost are based on simply paying the military back
Everyone associated gets paid anyway
It’s called shore power
Honda generator
No mechanics wtf
LOL US seize yacht to punish Russia but pays $600,000 a month. Who's being punished? 😂
try to say that word a couple more times
Sell the damned thing for scrap. The boat is worthless as it cannot be sold – who on earth would want that particular white elephant?
Owner gotta pay forvtge upkeep
Stupid usa throws money down da drain how stupid u can be
Sell it n give moi the monet wtf