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20 thoughts on “PUNTEA NOASTRĂ ESTE DRAPATĂ!! Ep 345”
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Keep plugging away
$2000 for the deck work ? Josh, in Australia at this time you would get 1, man for 2 to 2. 5 days for that money, plus materials. $125 to $188 per hour for a plumber.
They call "Oz" the great country, and it still is, but it is also the get rich quick country. You have done well as you usually do. Carry on Sir. Well done.
They not hex heads, Yosh! They Phillips!
I'd get rid of it and just have glass or ply/glass done right. Teak is fashion not function. It's hot, it's more work, I just don't have anything good to say about it. It's a grey hair maker.
What a job but thanks for taking us along on the ride. Cheers
If you think the screws were hard work, just wait until you do the the black stuff
It seems you’re not replacing the screws? Why not use slightly shorter crews along with epoxy, best fixing and waterproofing, and then the teak plug. That’s what I plan to do with my teak deck. Will be interested to see how it goes for you not using any screws.
Okay how are you going to keep your deck attached if you've taken all the screws out of it
Yosh…what do you call your vice grips exactly? Family looks great. Patient deck work… Fair winds.
Oy! Real boat life.
Dont worry. Your deck replacement vids will be cool. It's gonna suck, yeah.
So you took the screws out and didn’t putting any back. How can that be right?
Good variety on this channel
Great job Yosh doing the deck time consuming but will be worth it in the end.
I like your hat super cool.
Lovely video Guy’s, we look forward to seeing you back in the boat yard. It means one thing
Soon to be out Ocean crossing. Take care all of you best wishes from England
Ah, thanks bru. This is the next job on my boat. Unfortunately my teak is thin so time to go for the non-skid. Great technique with the vice grips!
Looks like it was definitely no fun, but great work on getting it finished!
Notice the good ol Orange Tupperware container holding your bungs. Good Job Yoshi!!!
Surprised an Aussie didn't rig up some shade cloth or a bed sheet to work under. Aussie min award is $23.23ph, divided by quoted $2k = 86 hours diy labour in that beautiful environment, should get it done in less than that, + the satisfaction of knowing it's done to your quality