Încercări și TRIBULAȚII prinderii unui pește dintr-o barcă cu pânze

Încercări și TRIBULAȚII prinderii unui pește dintr-o barcă cu pânze

Vino cu noi pe catamaranul nostru în Bahamas, în timp ce pescuim de-a lungul marginilor și încercăm să luăm cina! Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pentru reduceri, videoclipuri timpurii, locații în locurile noastre preferate și multe altele! https://crew.tulasendlessssummer.com Tula Merch disponibil întotdeauna în The Tula Shop: http://tulasendlesssummer.com/shop-tula/ Doriți să vedeți pentru prima dată videoclipurile noastre, informații actualizate despre locație și reduceri la Tula Shop? Deveniți un Patron pentru toate acestea și multe altele! – https://www.patreon.com/Tulasendlessssummer **Unele dintre linkurile de mai jos sunt link-uri afiliate și este posibil să câștigăm un mic comision dacă cumpărați ceva prin intermediul linkului.** Pentru o privire de primă mână asupra elementelor noastre esențiale preferate pentru navigație , echipament pentru cameră, echipament de siguranță, configurarea navigației, echipament de scufundare, lectură sugerată și multe altele, accesați linkul nostru de afiliere Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/shop/fikitensup Vă uitați la jambierele lui Sierra sau la pantalonii scurți ai lui Billy? Puteți găsi toate articolele noastre de îmbrăcăminte Waterlust preferate aici: https://bit.ly/waterlust_tula Sunteți în mișcarea cu privire la modul în care funcționează lucrurile, recenziile despre produse și partea mai tehnică a vieții cu barca? Consultați celălalt canal al nostru, Tula’s Tech Talk! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJycOm6L9qqwnSlez5eRdzg YouTube este minunat, dar suntem și pe Instagram și Facebook. Dacă ne urmăriți pe aceste platforme, sunteți invitat la întrebări și răspunsuri, sondaje și sunteți adesea mult mai la curent cu unde ne aflăm! Instagramul lui Billy: @TulasEndlessSummer https://bit.ly/instabilly Instagramul lui Sierra: @TulasEndlessSummer_Sierra https://bit.ly/instasierra Instagramul lui Jetty: @JettyTheGypsy https://bit.ly/instajetty Tula’s Endless Summer Facebook: facebook.com /tulasendlessssummer Toate cele mai frecvente întrebări ale noastre primesc răspuns aici: http://tulasendlesssummer.com/tulas-endless-summer-faqs/ Câțiva dintre partenerii noștri afiliați extraordinari: BRNKL Boat Monitoring – https://www.brnkl.io /partners/tula/ Utilizați codul „tula” pentru 10% reducere Waterlust – https://bit.ly/waterlust_tula Raw Elements Sunblock – http://bit.ly/RawElementsTula Folosiți codul „Tula” la finalizarea comenzii pentru 10% reducere! Kiteboard, Wing, Foil și Paddle Gear – http://bit.ly/AdventureSportsUSA Folosiți codul „Tula” pentru 10% reducere! Hobie Polarized – http://bit.ly/HobieShades Folosește codul „HPTULA20” pentru 20% reducere! TotalBoat – https://www.totalboat.com/Tula Toată muzica noastră este licențiată de Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/f7j242/ dacă nu se menționează altfel aici. Pentru întrebări despre afaceri, e-mail tulasendlesssummer@thestation.io #tulasendlessssummer


43 thoughts on “Încercări și TRIBULAȚII prinderii unui pește dintr-o barcă cu pânze

  1. one of the ways of Saltwater fishing when trolling is to add a teaser on a hand line to run in front of your fishing lure as something to attract the fish to hit the line on the rod. what I used for years was a larger teaser than the lure. even some squid groups or birds that disturb the water help to attract the Wahoo and Mahi Mahi larger lures need larger poles and reels to land a larger fish with a gaff with a long or extending handle with a mouth of 3 to 4 inches.

  2. first on has to set the hook with a sharp pulling motion up and back on the rod. As for the drag speed, line strength plays a role in how much is enough drag. larger line more drag.

  3. U make the sushi wrong!…lol. The seaweed wrap should be the outer layer not the rice…. Try again next time, put the seaweed as a first layer on the roller than put the rice on top the seaweed, next the fish and last the veggies. Good luck !

  4. Strike the fish … i.e. … close the reel … one big yank on the rod to set the hook into the fish … then release the lock .. slowly tighten the drag … keep tight lines and fight the fish … good luck …

  5. You need the drag tight unless you're going after bill fish…maybe set it at 3/4 to strike depending on how you have the drags dialed in/set.

  6. I hope this isn’t a personal question or has been asked before, but…where does the dog do his business on the boat or when out on the water?

  7. With fresh fish like that, i would actually try sushi! Its got to be good when it that fresh! Just the way it was meant to be eaten. (in my book)…Really enjoy your videos!!!!!

  8. I think you just hooked some seaweed. Invest in some sort of downrigger setup so you can cover more of the water column. You have to put the lure in front of the fish and that means putting the lure where the fish are in the water column.

  9. You could try putting just a little less filling in the sushi roll and the bite size will be a little more manageable. I like the rice on the outside too! So nice to see you back on the ocean on your new boat!

  10. At the beginning of the video, I thought those were Sierra's hands doing all that work. They were clean and free of oily grime under the fingernails. Billy has to love a new boat that doesn't have you knee deep in repairs and replacing parts for a whil.

  11. When you are getting hits and loosing them normally its comes down to speed going to slow or to fast but it does happen they hit from the side and just have it in its mouth and they let it go ..A good trick is to crimp another big hook facing the oppsoite way on the lure ..

  12. I empathize with your frustration with out islands Bahamas line fishing – we sail there as well, and it's an unexpected treat on the rare occasions we succeed – but we all persist!; I share your joy when it works out. Would like an expert freediving/spearing lobster hunting and conch cleaning lesson from an old hand, though. P.S. we use the bagel seasoning and furikake at home on sushi rolls too. Try adding wasabi to the sriracha mayo for an extra, different kick. Two thumbs (on the video) up!

    We got good at trading barracuda for lobster. Having experienced the ciggy once (and over again), our larger reef fish appetite has diminished. But my wife has stopped diving while wearing lures, so that's helping.

    Maybe next trip we being no perishables, and rely on our wits. A sure recipe for starvation. 😉

  13. Hey Billy can you show the detail of your mainsail halyard system. It looks like a square top with some kind of dyneema lanyard to haul it close to the mast. I'd be interested in the technical aaspects

  14. I think maybe you guys need to sharpen your hooks and then set them really, really hard when you have a fish on. I imagine you're using 50 lb+ test line so you won't break it by setting the hook hard. The tuna looked good. Keep the good stuff coming guys.

  15. One of the best parts of my week is when you guys post a video. As far as fish on fish off as in wax on wax off Danielson, you might have to almost reduce speed or drop sale or change your tack to take the strain off your catch to get them in the boat. I was thinking the little things in life that are amazing like being able to fresh water rinse your anchor chain. Thanks again as always for letting us sail with you.😊

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