Astăzi vorbim despre barca cu pânze de producție și de ce sunt atât de ieftine. Chiar primești atâta barcă cu pânze pe cât crezi? Și aceasta este o barcă Dufour 41 de jumătate de milion de dolari pe care o poți cumpăra, nou-nouță! Cu un înveliș pentru barca cu pânze în loc de culoarea normală în gelcoat. Învelișul este frumos, dana în V este frumoasă, dar barca? Nu ştiu. Am pierdut ceva? Ambarcațiuni precum Beneteau, Jeanneau, Bavaria, Catalina, Hunter și Lagoon, Leopard, Fountaine Pajot. Ai nevoie de un consult? Faceți clic aici pentru a trimite un mesaj: Vrei să ajuți să sprijiniți Lady K Sailing? Faceți clic aici pentru a deveni Patron: Sau aici pentru a face o donație unică: Urmărește-l pe Lady K pe Facebook: https:// sau Instagram:
DE CE SUNT BĂRCILE DE PRODUCȚIE ATÂT DE IEFINE?! Barci cu pânze Dufour – Ep 265 Lady K Sailing

41 thoughts on “DE CE SUNT BĂRCILE DE PRODUCȚIE ATÂT DE IEFINE?! Barci cu pânze Dufour – Ep 265 Lady K Sailing”
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Because they’re total crap designed to satisfy baby boomers with stripper poles and Jacuzzis and in-flight entertainment which Bob around like corks. Lol. Better off buying an old classic for under $50,000 and then refitting it. Tayana 37 Alberg 37 Reliance 44. Classic plastic boats built with a full keel. Completely strong work horses design for sailors by sailors to safely take you across oceans.
I loved the rant, but damn honestly it should have been worse…. What IS that???? Wtf are they smoking???
I call it IKEA . No soul. Just like modern music these days.
You’re not missing anything!
Good rant… I always thought Dufours looked good, solid. This hull looks bad with the long windows (?) that aren't obvious from your interior shots. Otherwise, the interior looks nice (color: you say 'Ikea' I say 'Scandinavian', distinction w/subtle difference) but you say the fit and finish is below par. Soory, but c'mon, whadya want for half-a-mil US?
Short answer – They are built to the cheapest viable product specification. They wont last, will cost more to maintain and dont actually sail as well.
I've got a 25 year old Hunter, which is as "production" as it gets. It has solid Cherry trim and Bamboo/Solid Ply cabinets and solid Teak/Holly floorboards. Sad what they try to pass off a "luxury, euro-design" these days.
You’re not wrong, for 500k I’d expect more then that.
Just remember that a dollar is only worth two copper pennies.
A justified rant, actually not a rant seriously what the hell is going on with there quality control, some ought to be sacked for letting that out of the factory it is just wrong!!
It has the Tesla look, and the same feel of sloppy finish.
Not only are the finishes trash for that price but the interior design is as uninteresting and bland as I’ve seen
Finally, someone is calling them out the production S/V manufacturers. There is absolutely no way I would ever entertain owning these distasteful vessels! We have a custom Durbeck, manufactured in Bradington Florida 1970! She is incredible workmanship. Love your channel!
The Rant was heard!
you had me rolling
A half million bucks?!!!!! The interior should be fabulous, all mahogany.
After attending a number of these boat shows, I was starting to wonder if I was the crazy one. Refreshing to see honest opinion being reported. Some of the current trends make one wonder if some of the designers have ever sailed a boat before. Granted, there are many great vessels being offered, some just leave you wondering what they were thinking.
Rant accepted.
Let me say it for you…WTF???
I used to have a 76 DuFour 31. Loved it, but it seemed to oil can around the bow, But loved the boat, It was named Ana Veja. He named it after his mother and wife, then left them back in France.
They used to be beautiful mahogany.
Finally talking about this brand!
Laminate interior is being used on so many boats currently in production. Just about everything in a leopard 50 is laminate from cabinets to flooring and every piece of wood work and the lagoons are the same way. It seems like all the manufacturers that produce models specifically for charter use are doing that.
What's the deal with the v-berth cubicle walls??
Not sure how my wife and I survived sailing the coast of Alaska for months at a time for 20 years in the 80's and 90's on our 29' Columbia sloop. I spent a year doing a complete overhaul of that boat. I used a map, compass and clock for navigation. There was no gps back then or sat weather. Those were good times. Thanks for the video
Good points here that I don't hear from the big sailing content creators who rely on manufacturer's advertising. Island Packet seems to still have American carpenters and woodworkers who build quality stuff.
Rant 100% Approved!
Nice rant!
Love your directness!
Hey airplane comparison, the Cessna 172-about as common a single engine airplane as there is-at nearly every airport you can find, built for decades-hundreds and hundreds of them out there. Loaded, about $750,000. I'm a sailer, not a pilot, but stuffs expensive..IDK if this is what a company has to get to make a buck..but it is what it is…
I'll never be able to buy a used one. You are right below decks looks like a dentist office. Their only customers will be dentists, they'll feel right at home.
The little tike picnic bench has more colour than the interior of that 41 Dufour. OMG.
Maybe they could wrap the interior in addition to the exterior?!?!? Agreed, valid commentary/arguments aren't a rant, just pointing out the truth. Thank god I won't have to worry about spending a half mill on that colorless amphibious dental office.
As a carpenter by trade, all the interior comments was like having a stick poke my eyeballs!! Totally unacceptable quality control at the price point!!
Love it- made me laugh many times- "Like if you dont want color" – great job!
Yep, that interior is beige and bland. At that price I expect quality veneers, solid wood trims and, if you are going to use plastic counters in wet areas, Corian.
Jeanneau is no better in terms of build quality. The low-interest/price inflation party is over. The boat manufacturers are going to suffer the same fate as car manufacturers. Actually, worse because boats are luxury items, cars are not. There will be consolidation in 24/25. Dufour is not going to move these in high numbers for 500k. You are going to see these guys buying each other. UK and Germany already announced recession. You wait, all western Europe is going to take a dive in 24. The high volume boat manufacturers have just not woken up yet.
Awesome video! Thanks for ranting, as I do respect your professional opinion. I would not be opposed to you doing more rants as these are the opinions of someone who looks at boats all day. Thanks lady k!
It must also say a lot about the kind of people that are happy to pay half a mil for this tupperware disaster. The externals look quite nice but the internals look as though all the walls just need some thick padding on them to complete the look.
Thanks for criticizing the standard new boat color – they are all using this, and the color just seems cheap as Ikea furniture.
I recently watched a video of the commissioning of the FP catamaran. Unfortunately it was a Russian video, I had to watch it with subtitles. Evgenia Lyubimova is a fairly experienced female sailor. My ass was on fire. This is such a structurally stupid product, so idiotically cheap, that I can’t understand how they even ask for money for it. After all, you have to pay extra for someone to agree to take over this catamaran. I really remember how the rudder drive lever rested against the generator casing about 2/3 of its stroke. How do you like that?