Începe distrugerea navei ex-marine la sol | SYN Scurt

Începe distrugerea navei ex-marine la sol |  SYN Scurt

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23 thoughts on “Începe distrugerea navei ex-marine la sol | SYN Scurt

  1. We are now posting shorter videos with single stories. This is because we sometimes have a story that we want to post but don’t have enough for a full episode so we wait until we have enough stories, so they are sometimes delayed getting to you. Now we will post as soon as we have them. We will still make full episodes a couple of days per week as normal.

  2. there is a lot of scrap value on this vessel its all aluminum and the engines can probably be sold also it was sold for almost scrap value which is sad its being broken up with an idiot owner

  3. A sad end for such a fine vessel. At video-time 2:30 it clearly shows a Canadian Flag being flown while alongside the docks. That photo is most likely in the Canadian Gulf islands in southern British Columbia and not Pearl harbour as noted. Love these stories and updates.

  4. Hawaii only has max 2.5' tides. Boat must of been solid when beaching. Was it for tending the canoes and they messed up anchoring. Hawaii has some ripping currents that run closer along the shores at high tides. That's especially when there is a shallows the water has to dump off of when a tide recedes with tide and current drawing the path of the water. A fool sailors paradise.

  5. "No taxes were used, we paid for this one completely with taxes we levied against boaters."

    The sad part is that I think they actually think we believe them when they use this doublespeak. I'm actually insulted that they think we're so dumb that we think there's a real distinction between taxes taken out of our pay and taxes paid (with after tax income) so that we can enjoy nature in a boat.

  6. "The DLNR also emphasized that 'No tax dollars are expended for state-supported salvages, as the fund is entirely from user fees…'" Hey, someone is paying; the money didn't just come out of the air. User fees comprise the Special Boating Fund. The Fund is managed state-wide; not island to island. Bottomline: The small boat users across the state who pay the user fees are out the $842K that "should" have gone to repairing the small harbors throughout the state. (Small boat harbors throughout the state are in disrepair.) The DLNR statement makes it sound like its "free." No way. Its political doublespeak; someone suffers.

  7. No (or inadequate) insurance? Okay, sue the owner to oblivion. Not having insurance is not freedom from your financial responsibility.

  8. Torpedo boat implies it was a warship firing torpedoes, like JFK's PT-109. No, this vessel was a torpedo retriever. It picked up practice torpedoes and brought them back.

  9. Heres the thing! You will all laugh, but I've single-handedly moved a heavy wooden trawler boat at least 1/3 size of that wreck. I humped it back into the water from above the high tide mark after a week on the hard. All I used was a small bottle jack, an iron bar, a shovel, & 4 x PVC rainwater downpipes. An old fella explained to me how to do it. I nearly had a laugh too, until he told me that he did it every year for 40 years at his farm. Ive had to do it twice. Is around 4 hours work and the boat needs to be watertight.

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