Am alergat Hard AGROUND! Si cateva noutati!

Am alergat Hard AGROUND!  Si cateva noutati!

Obțineți 4 luni în plus la un plan de 2 ani aici: – Nu există riscuri cu garanția de rambursare a banilor de la Nord de 30 de zile! Deci iată-ne. Am eșuat-o pe Tessie și am rănit-o grav. A fost aproape considerată condamnată. Apoi lucrurile s-au transformat în bine și am reușit să salvăm aici cu ajutorul unor oameni buni cu aptitudini. Iată povestea și fiecare detaliu despre cum am reușit să o sparg pe iubita mea Tessie pe o stâncă dură, făcând viteza maximă. Sistem de șenile Seldèn RCB: Ecran Raymarine Alpha: Îmbrăcăminte pentru vele: Tricouri și produse în interiorul UE: SUA și peste tot: USA/ Facebook: Instagram: Patreon: PayPal: https://www. Site-ul meu:


33 thoughts on “Am alergat Hard AGROUND! Si cateva noutati!

  1. Wow! Erik awesome job to fix up Tessie! If you have a moment to say what your small tablet is and what kind of cool white mounting system it is that is attached to your overhead for laying down to watch? Thanks so much Erik. Really enjoy your videos. Scott

  2. Singlehanded inshore is pretty hairy. I came ashore in no wind and a big tide on my Mini quali. I had a power problem and had been on the helm for 40 hours. I don't know if I failed to set the alarm or slept through it. It tends to be a combination of events that leads to this. My friend Tanguy says "you are just like Alex Thomson". And then Pip Hare ran Medallia aground oversleeping on her way back from the Route du Rhum. So we both can take consolation in being in exalted company. But lessons to learn for sure.

  3. Don't know how you run all those electrics. I recently discharged my leisure battery just because I added an auto term heater. I'm sooo close to quitting boating due to non stop bad luck

  4. What an experience. But you and Tessie came through it together and now Tessie is better than ever ! Fair winds to you both for your next trip.

  5. I'm glad you and Tessy survived in tact. I'll probably get laughed at, but you forgot about stepping the mast. Sailors have been putting coins under masts of ships for thousand years… coins have been found on Roman and Viking shipwrecks. It's said the offering will bring good luck and safe passage. Superstitious? Perhaps. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But I've seen too much in my 64 years NOT to be superstitious.

  6. Please do everything you can to ensure that your boat is safe – I am reminded of the death of Mike Plant, who ran his sailboat aground. The lead bulb detached from the boat at sea and the boat capsized. I'm sure you know the story.

  7. Quite an emotion, it's cool that Tessy is repaired and ready to sail! No more falling asleep!
    I am from the south of France, Marseille, and I love your videos, your navigations and your humility
    Well done, keep it up
    PS: sorry for my English…
    Sincerely, Fred

  8. thx for reporting and being frankly transparent about the incedent, repairs and costs. I wish you allwas to have hand's width of water under the keel for the future.😉. And I'm extra appreciating the demonstration of new main sail hoisting components.

  9. Great video and I’m sure we’re all glad to get an update on Tessie. It came at a cost but she’s been rebuilt to better than new, giving you (and us) years of future adventures. Maybe this was needed to make her stronger for bigger seas? Glad you’re both safe.

  10. Well Erik, done the same… almost. Had been out for three weeks, it was last night, running the engine, tired, tired… then I saw the lighthouse at the inlet to Kungsbackafjorden/ south of Gothenburg, where I was heading. And it was then it happened!!….
    I woke facing a big cliff just a couple of boat lenghs in front of me😱 Managed to pull of my ST1000 tiller pilot fast as h…. and turn the boat around 😵‍💫 Totally confused..where was I ??? … Well, when I was trying to plott my position I heard a bang, and an other one, and an yet other one …and then the boat stopped. Looked up and saw a small rock. No high speed, no damage, could after some time pull my self of.
    I hade passed the entrence to the fjord, passed some notorius reefs and islets. There is a big lighthouse there, itś called Nidingen, meaning ~nidding/ The Villan. The name has itś reason. I still dont know exactly how it was possible to miss all the dangerous stuff, I guess I just have to accept the fact that I was more than lucky.
    Im really happy that you got everything in place Erk, and as the say.. "Itś the fourth time it will happen" 🤓
    Good luck with Greenland Capt Aanderaa, stay safe, and take care. Will follow your journey with anticipation ❤

  11. Is there anything, boat handling related, you can’t do? Accidentally crashes boat on a rock, sails it home anyway, then sails it twice as far to get it fixed… as I’ve said, you are a living legend. ❤ What an ordeal! I’m glad things turned out alright, and the mast leaking is over with, for now. I’m very happy your insurance company stepped up. Greenland adventure #4 starting in May? I’m in! Take care, Erik, and please understand that eating gut healthy food is good, but is only one aspect of caring for yourself.🥰👏🏻💨🌊👍

  12. So sorry for running aground. Happy to see it was propey solved. Yeah a never forget experience, but always something to learn. About the mrw screen in the mast, isn't a bit too small to see it properly from the cockpit? Maybe it is only the impression in the video, it seems to me it is maybe thought to serve better on some racing boat with a longer cockpit and shorter coachroof, with trimmer crewmen wotking more near the mast.

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