Întâlnire cu editorul revistei Latitudes and Attitudes David Levesque

Întâlnire cu editorul revistei Latitudes and Attitudes David Levesque

Am avut ocazia să mă așez la Miami Boat Show cu David Levesqu, editorul revistei Latitudes and Attitudes. Am discutat despre viața de croazieră și despre revista lui!


13 thoughts on “Întâlnire cu editorul revistei Latitudes and Attitudes David Levesque

  1. Thank you for the great info on this magazine I had never heard of it, looking into it right now. Love your channels Bobby. Have a great week man.

  2. I was in the magazine years back, my girlfriend at the time owned a sail boat on lake Simcoe, she sent in a few pics of us on her boat and they published them.

  3. Excellent POD Bobby, what an informative sequence with history and opportunities blowing in the wind. A huge thank you for having David introduce his product.

  4. Awwwww… He brought up the best cruiser on youtube channel in front of Bobby and he didn't even clap back with some social blade stats!!!??? Come on Bobby!!! lol

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