Episodul 344 : Sezonul 10 : Noua Zeelandă – Aotearoa Bună ziua, Prieteni, În acest episod iau ancora pe Insula Great Barrier după o ședere uimitoare și fac loc ca Insula Waiheke să se ascundă de vremea care se apropie. Pasajul a început liniștit, dar pe măsură ce ziua a înaintat, mările au început să se dezvolte în Golful Hauraki și, în momentul în care m-am apropiat de Waiheke, mările se încarcau și vânturile erau de forță 5. În cele din urmă, mi-am făcut drum spre partea de sud a insulei. și ascunsă în golful Putiki în vânturile urlete. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Alte modalități de a susține canalul: PayPal: https://paypal.me/@jamesthesailorman Aplicație Cash: https://cash.app/$triteia Bitcoin: https://cash.app/$triteia Fair Winds, James Website: http://svtriteia.com Tracker: https://forecast.predictwind.com/ tracking/display/Triteia Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/james.the.sailor.man #solosailing #sailingnewzealand #newzealand #haurakigulf
O navigare provocatoare în Golful Hauraki din Noua Zeelandă până la Insula Waiheke de la Insula Great Barrier

27 thoughts on “O navigare provocatoare în Golful Hauraki din Noua Zeelandă până la Insula Waiheke de la Insula Great Barrier”
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Sir James, Nicky Henderson, Sailor Sam Holmes, Miss Wind Hippie and me on an 85 mono around the universe, that's a dream!
Epic bad ass non glamorous sailing. Real shit!
Great hard sailing day.
Loved how you showed a bit more of raising the main and messing with the sails in general.
Nice James, keep going for us all!
Loving the log all the way

Thanks James for taking us along on you voyage….
Exciting trip James. Thanks for sharing. Keep on going!
Bro, your boat goes good!
Have you seen many White Sharks in the NZ waters since you arrived?
Love the hard dodger my 84 year old brother just installed one on his Mariah 31 looks as cool as yours!
Is that a new antenna on the stern railing? Did you get some new electronics? Great to see you on the move James.

Hi James thanks for the content, just wondering how the anchoring zoom tutorial went? I’d be keen to purchase the content to view if it went well? I think you were talking about it but haven’t heard anything on any of your posts ect. Keep up the good work
That got real rough real quick. Beautiful place and loving the moody skies. Are conditions pretty much predictable around NZ? It's really exposed.
Here's a recipe you might like:
In a large pot, fry an onion in oil (whatever oil you prefer)
Add 2L of vegetable stock (any stock you prefer)
Approx 500gm of green lentils (or 2 x 420gm cooked brown lentils)
Approx 100gm of brown rice vermicelli (Pandaroo is nice)
4 x zuchinni (chopped into rounds)
6 sticks celery (chopped, include leaves, if prefer)
A splash of sesame oil
A dash of salt
And the special ingredient is 2 handfuls of whole coriander seeds
Put it all in the pot.
Simmer till lentils are soft (al dente)
Season to taste
This lasts in the fridge for a week
Take care and Happy Sails!!
Hey James

East coast if you do .West coast not many places to hide .
Western end very sheltered James .
Thanks for the ride. Looks like I enjoyed it more than you did by the time we arrived. Always a thrill to see a Triteia video in the lineup.
Is that where the ferries go in James ?
You’ve come along ways James, when I first discovered your channel you had 8k subscribers. Keep it real and stay safe.
Hard day. You’ll sleep good tonight but keep an eyeball on the anchor.
I need a sailboat, cat, or motorboat for the Bahamas and Caribbean out of Florida gulf side. I’m 6’6” and would like something live aboard. First timer! Any suggestions fam?
Would be great get some footage of you fishing James
Thanks for another great episode mate! Was such a sporty sail you had for sure! Cheers.
Love it
Very popular anchorage I would guess
Love seeing you do passages fun to watch spaghetti must have been a treat after that