Traversarea Oceanului Atlantic Partea I și Capul Verde / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 187

Traversarea Oceanului Atlantic Partea I și Capul Verde / Sailing Aquarius Ep.  187

Am părăsit Insulele Canare, Tenerife pentru Traversarea Oceanului Atlantic, este puțin peste 2.600 NM mergând drept, dar din cauza vântului alizeu predominant majoritatea marinarilor și navigăm spre sud, spre Capul Verde. Nu eram siguri dacă ne vom opri acolo sau ne vom continua și eram pregătiți pentru oricare. Dar vânturile ne-au dictat să se oprească altfel ne-am confrunta cu 3-4 zile fără vânt deloc… Așa că iată-ne țara numărul 50: Capul Verde! Alăturaţi-ne! Și vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru vizionare 🙏 Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vinerea viitoare, la 12:00 EST, lansăm un nou videoclip 🎥 Facem tot posibilul să vă ținem distrați și informați și, dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și ➡️ alăturați-vă ne pe Patreon: ➡️ vrei să ne sprijini, dar nu ești sigur de angajamentul pe termen lung? Faceți o donație unică pe PayPal: accesați și faceți clic pe butonul „Donează” sus. 🙏 Marfa noastră NOUĂ, le puteți găsi aici: Mai multe despre noi: Videoclipul nostru tur cu barca: Ey1FX9icWv8 YouTube este principalul nostru obiectiv, dar pe Instagram sau Facebook postăm actualizări mai frecvente: Facebook: Instagram: Etichete similare: 1 Barcă cu pânze, 2. Trăiește pe ambarcațiune cu Sailing Aquarius, 3. Croazieră în Marea Mediterană cu Sailing Aquarius, 4. familie navigant cu Sailing Aquarius, 5. navigând cu Sailing Aquarius, 6. navigând singur în jurul lumii cu Sailing Aquarius, 7. familie sailing around the world by Sailing Aquarius, 8. sailing Aquarius around the world, 9.dismasted in the middle of the ocean 10. dismasted in the Atlantic Ocean Hash Tags: #sailingaquarius #sailboatbysailingaquarius #sailingboatbysailingaquarius #sailingvlogbysailingaquarius #sailingvideobysailingaquarius #livingonboatbysailingaquarius #cruisingmediterraneanseabysailingaquarius # sailingfamilybysailingaquarius #sailingbysailingaquarius #sailingaroundtheworldbysailingaquarius #familysailingaroundtheworldbysailingaquarius #sailingaquariusaroundtgheworld #dismastedinthemiddleofthe ocean #dismastedintheAtlanticOcean


19 thoughts on “Traversarea Oceanului Atlantic Partea I și Capul Verde / Sailing Aquarius Ep. 187

  1. I know it is a sensitive subject but do you care to give viewers an update on insurance, survey, replacing the rig, etc… Are you still in Martinique?

  2. Thank you for continuing to post your travels in what must be very trying times. I really hope you find the silver lining in this very dark cloud and that your future is nothing but gold.

  3. Greetings to both of you, excellent video, the monkey gave the note, I hope everything is and goes well, give me a surprise with the masts, I want to see them installed. Look, don't be overwhelmed by the past, I learned that everything in life has a meaning and a reason.

    In God, we trust…blessings and forward.
    See you soon cowboy

  4. Mindelo looks amazing! It's been such a pleasure following your journey and don't feel bad- I've baptized 3 drones myself. BTW………You guys would look great on that Amel 50! Cheers!

  5. This part of the trip looked very enjoyable. You guys played games and read books to pass to time. The roll of the ocean was mesmerizing. You showed excitement and awe in visiting your 50th country. You met up with some great people. You even got to pet a monkey. Hopefully, when all is said and done, these memories can eventually outweigh those of the terrible accident.

  6. Why did the mast snap, you should have some Insite. Was the mast suffering from electrolysis brake down, rigging tension, combo? or 180mph gust.

  7. I don't know what you're talking about…
    We have to look at Eric's entertainment on Friday nights. We or ACTUALLY YOU need to keep us posted on your refit.. You're actually my best channel. Please be safe. I hope to see you next week. May God bless you on your journey.❤

  8. Hi! The scene with sails opening to star and port is just amazing! Made me feel I was there! Hope you're finding your way and making progress. Thanks and see you on the next video! My best!

  9. It's great that you have footage of your crossing prior to the crossing still saved up in your library I guess you'd call it. Very enjoyable to watch and great camera work. Looking forward to next week.

  10. If you do not provide many more details about the dismasting, reasonable people will not believe yous story but are polite… To preserve your legacy you have to clear all doubts

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