Arabia Saudită și-a anunțat planurile pentru opt noi proiecte în NEOM! Împreună vor forma GOLFUL AQABA, o regiune complet nouă a NEOM. Pentru mai mult conținut zgârie-nori și megaproiect, asigurați-vă că vă abonați la Top Luxury! 0:00 Au fost anunțate 8 noi megaproiecte NEOM! 1:26 Leyja 3:49 Epicon 6:06 Siranna 6:55 Utamo 8:22 Norlana 9:34 Aquellum 11:31 Zardun 12:19 Xaynor #megaprojects #theline #neom ––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––- ► ALTE VIDEO INTERESANTE: NEOM is Happening! Actualizare de construcție 2023 Linia începe de fapt construcția Cubul: următorul megaproiect al Arabiei Saudite ––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– ► ALTE CANALE: MegaBuilds în Español: @Megaproyectos. MegaBuilds în germană: @Megabauten ––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––– Contactați-ne: topluxuryinfo[at]
S-au anunțat 8 noi megaproiecte NEOM!

37 thoughts on “S-au anunțat 8 noi megaproiecte NEOM!”
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What do you think? Will there be enough demand for these new projects?

These seem like amazing projects. I really don't see how they'll succeed. And, these hotels and resorts need people to work at them- where do they live? I hope they have plans to create small towns for the employees of all these great destination ideas.
Today they are 10, not 8 projects. Elanan and Gidori are added too. :):):)
This Video is only 5 days old and they already announced 2 new Gulf of Aqaba projects, Gidori and Elana I think. By the time one of their projects is completed, they will have announced 100 more projects.
I really hope NEOM comes true. I really want to go see The Line, Trojena, Sindalah, Epicon, Leyja, Zardun and Norlana!
***possibly considered these? lol
First off, congrats on growth of the channel and good move on the name rebranding, as I always felt Top Luxury was a little cringy and as stated, didn’t fully describe the content. It will be interesting to see how these projects progress over the next few years, but like others have commented, not much talk about the infrastructure. Perhaps you can do some investigative reporting on that aspect.
it seems hyperloop will happen
I love the mega builds name. And a video making out each section of NEOM would be cool, just clearly showing the big picture.
Norlana will be build right beside Epicon and that's why epicon makes sense.
NEOM has released ELANAN and GIDORI
I like that AOT background song of this vid!
Why can't America come up with this awesome stuff? Saudi arabia is always surprising me with innovation.
They should spell Gulf correctly in the title slide minute 0:19
Fark ettiyseniz hep dağların ve vadilerin içine bu yapıları yapıp etrafını da yansıtıcı cam ile kaplıyorlar. Belli ki bunlar sığınak. 2030 sonrası büyük savaş için Yahudilerin saklanma yeri olacak. Dünya nükleer felaketler ile yok olurken onlar rahat ve güven içinde burada yaşayacaklar. Fark ettiyseniz Line ile birlikte 12 proje var. Bir de saklı bilinmeyen bir yer vardır onunla birlikte 13 yapı olarak planlanmıştır. Zaten bir otelin planı altıgen planlı yani Yahudi yıldızı şeklinde.
It's nice to see what billions of dollars could do when spended on tourism and not war, big up for saudi arabia for that i guess
Saudi: "We play the game of probability"

None of this will be done or completed
This is important work. Consider covering the economic, social, and environmental aspects of megaprojects.
I love the visuals.
You have misused the term megacity. Look it up.
I really hope that these projects are actually achieved at some point, but thinking logically, they probably won’t all happen before 2030, if at all. It’s a really cool thing to hope for, though.
Wasting all these billions of dollars for the top 1% when they could be spending this money on solving real world problems like developing medicines, reducing poverty and inequality, and helping fight climate change. Instead they are focussing on just making everything worse… SMH
after the outstanding success that is Palm Jumeirah and the World Island, the neon will be a paradise to live in, who wouldn't die to live there? hope they will treat the sewage with the same tech they treat it at the Burj Khalifa…
The UAE are
their pants rn
Gulf of Aqaba not Golf.
There are 13 projects overall, and rest will be revealed every 2 weeks.
Pretty sad to have a typo at the beginning: "The Golf of Aqaba." Should be GULF.
yay, new mega projects to be built by bengali slaves
Damn Saudi Arabia do know how to waste money…. All of these projects are just luxury hotels for the ultra rich
I love how they're talking about these crazy structures unlike anything else in our world, then they're like "but why are they doing it this way when they could just do it the conventional way" lol. thats the entire point! haha
No one will visit Saudi Arabia, they will be boycotted as they don’t help Palestine
Try to talk about Rwandan Mega project
i see megaprojects. i subscribed