S2 E14: Pregătirea carenei pentru carenare, alias repararea blisterelor runda a doua (Republica Dominicană)

S2 E14: Pregătirea carenei pentru carenare, alias repararea blisterelor runda a doua (Republica Dominicană)

Încep să-mi dau seama că ultimele bucăți de efort sunt atât de grele, dar apoi, asta este tot.


28 thoughts on “S2 E14: Pregătirea carenei pentru carenare, alias repararea blisterelor runda a doua (Republica Dominicană)

  1. Nicole, Hi. Yes it's blood, sweat and tears! The hull obviously is not sound. Why not go back to the seller with what you have discovered. They if honest, did not know of the hull condition and now should do right by you! Send them the video! Certain brands of boats are plagued with hull delamination and blisters.
    Good luck to you! You have
    time to see this through and for sure are tough enough! Capt Ron

  2. Your doing a good job .. quit worrying about the small stuff…I've have had sailboats …and none have sunk… especially from blisters!! Do the best you can and move on!

  3. You're blazing such an epic trail Nicole! I hope you realize that 😘❤ People will revisit this content for years!

  4. Nicole,

    You are one Awesome Little Lady. A big project always looks endless when you start, but is such an accomplishment when you finish. Thank you for sharing.

    Blue Skies and Fair Weather.



  5. 👍NICOLE…you are an Amazing person, to do the job you are doing on Artha ! I had no idea that a boat could have so many Blisters ! You really deserve all the Goodluck possible, for your tearful efforts to get your boat into the water again !…Thanks for sharing and Love from Australia ⛵🦘🇦🇺🌹

  6. You have done a great job, you can be proud of yourself. I know time is money but take some time off to rest and reflect on what next to be done before launching. Cheers, Richard

  7. i cant afford to give to you a better used sailboat but every time I see you cry I just wanna come over there and give you a huge hug! Keep up the great work you are doing! You can do this!

  8. You're doing great! Keep your head up. Try to laugh at and enjoy "the journey" getting there, it's all a part of it. Just think about how amazing it'll feel when she's finally wet! You got this. 🤙⛵

  9. I’m old: 72 and a retired RN

    I was in your shoes literally 1/2 century ago , it’s cool the way you sometimes make yourself a bit vulnerable by talking about your feelings and secrets. Your affect( the way you seem to be feeling) is somewhat sad at times .
    Life is hard
    You will be okay. You are doing a great job taking care of yourself. And Arta. I definitely wasn’t doing that well 50 years ago. Living on a boat by yourself by definition keeps a person away from others. Hang in there You’re very cool

  10. No easy task. Being on the hard. Need to break tasks down. Great use of book & numbers.
    Good to wear suit.
    Have delight of preparing lunch or walking.
    Happy nature comes out.
    Must dream of light sail at night with stars & light swell.

  11. Don't let it get to you Glass Fiber work from molding a new Boat to carrying out repairs, is always a painstaking job. You are doing fine, what you miss you can catch up with
    every time the Yacht is slipped. Those air pocket voids are not going to sink you. You're looking good girl, keep at it.

  12. Yes, it sucks, sucks, sucks big time. Tied up between a dream, the chosen path, and no option left than work, sweat, itch, noise, itch, tired, sweat, more tired and alone, is hard. I know. Did it. You are not alone. Like Whitespotpirates Nike, bought 10 years ago an aluminium boat, that on inspection was full of holes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA7bQgF3hvQ She is still floating and sailing! It seems that a second hand boat always has an unexpected large mountain to climb.
    And so it looks, you and your tears and doubts are on the right way. You will sail!!

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