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//URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: NautiStyles/ //CUMPĂRAT NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – ○ Drone 1 – ○ Drone 2 – ○ Microfoane fără fir – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Light – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //URMĂȚI URMĂTORUL: ○ YACHTURI UNICE: ○ BORDA ACCESIBILĂ LIVEA: 0:00 Intro 0:27 Exterior 4:12: 1 Fly bridge 101:30 Bow 101:30 17:10 Interior 24:00 Interior Cârmă 25:45 Cabine pentru oaspeți 31:06 Suita proprietarului 35:51 SPECIFICAȚII 36:02 Sala mașinilor 38:03 Prize Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
Trebuie văzut: ILIAD 53F 2024 Tur cu iaht cu catamaran cu putere mare pe distanță lungă

50 thoughts on “Trebuie văzut: ILIAD 53F 2024 Tur cu iaht cu catamaran cu putere mare pe distanță lungă”
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The suicide nob got its name from USA truckers years ago maybe the 60’s. You can get your long sleeve shirt stuck in it when turning and have a really bad reck. It is now outlawed in trucks in the USA. I think it was outlawed in the 80’s.
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Comment 3

It's great how you two cover major available options. Thank you!
If you’re environmentally conscious you don’t need a large trash can. Recycle
paper plastic and glass and compost organic materials
Looks kind of IKEA to me
You guys are the best.
Loved hearing Victoria talk about Rico’s experience.
nice boat BAD haircut
Victoria was right when she used the term bulwarks with her reference to pet safety. With that said, I have great respect for Rico's technical knowledge. I have learned so much from Rico.
This is the first boat I've seen with a utensil drawer in a food prep area of a sun deck. It's the minor things that have the greatest impact.
Love the U-shaped galley on this boat but I would want a regular oven especially considering I'd use it as a liveaboard.
Congrats on over 400k subscribers! You deserve it!
I press like under 3 minutes. You both have a unique professional and casual manner of delivering the product. Thank you from Australia
Wow! Cool to hear that Rico was a paramedic in Germany. I was a paramedic in Pennsylvania for 29 years. Now retired and watching yacht tour videos!
A very good example of a properly power catamaran. Impressive the range. With just 3500 liters can run for 2500+ miles. I’m curious to know at which speed can perform this output. Compliments guys for this video
yay! 2:05 downblouse Vicky is back! literally my favorite. its been a long winter!
Suicide knob, aka the "necker knob" Back in the day, at least in American cars, you had a big wide bench seat so your girl could snuggle up next to you. A lot of these old cars from the late 40's/50's didn't have power steering, so that knob allowed you to drive the car while your right hand went "other places" with your gal snuggled up next to you lol. Really its just a dumb gimmick but I could see it being useful on old semi trucks without power steering, would allow you to crank that huge wheel with your left hand while you shifted thru the gears with your right.
Iliad and all the people there deserve a pat on the back for a job well done on this thoughtful, practical and functional design. I hope lots of people recognize the effort of thought and hard work that brought this all together. Kudos!
Good job Victoria and Rico. Thank you.
Circle of Trust. Is from Meet the Fockers I think
I’m adding this vessel to my list of favorites, thanks for sharing!
I am sure you do a lot of boats. But you didn’t show us the 53E. It’s the 53S . The 53 E is the hybrid which wasn’t around. Would be good to get things correct. Also this video was a bit disappointing with you fake being surprised by certain things, which you clearly new
Lovely Catamaran yacht. Nicely appointed.
Great lay out, and style, those aussies do think about their booze storage! The only thing missing is solar and a dish washer on the flybridge; you don’t want to go up and down with all the glasses etc. Looks like a great live aboard too! Well done, you guys!
Please tour more of 10 million dollars range
That's what I will to own in the future
I love nawtystyles haircut
I was never a fan of catamaran boats, until I watched you two on one in the Bahamas or wherever you were at and made that video showing all the space on it. Plus if i had one, id like to have my little boat under the floor between the two pontoons and have a door to open up to get boat then lower it into the water. Oh yeah, I am one of those ornery old guys. So when you guys were downstairs in the master, in the bathroom opening up the cabinets to where you can see underneath the helm, if you had all the lights turned off and somebody open that upper cabinet and you grab their arm and then you started barking like a vicious dog you would scare them so good that they would probably crap themselves. An when you think about it that would be so funny, that would be a heck of a joke to play on somebody right. I'm just saying it was just an idea. I get those types of ideas several times a day. Love you guys.
Suicide knobs had that name because when they used to have them on cars and trucks people were regularly killed when hitting their heads on the knob in car accidents.
If the suicide knob breaks in the middle of a turn, you.ll lose steering momentarily.
The garbage is small in other countries because they recycle more and don’t have as much garbage.
It would also be nice to hear the price of the yachts. Sometimes it hard to find that info online w/out formally requesting the price
one of the best cats, far as i'm concerned. And i don't like many cats!
Very well conceived and built power cat. Plenty of space everywhere, no tight spots, huge storage lockers all over. Thanks for a very thorough tour of this appealing yacht.
We never called them suicide knobs.. we called them neckers knobs.. one hand on the wheel and one for the lady
I love reading all these comments about how "cute this couple is" and blah blah blah. let me translate for those that don't get it yet-Victoria is HOT. That is all.
That's a lot of Boat. Like your suggestion TV etc. It's more like a Home. Sounds like good Sound insulation in the cabins. That's Ideal.
Hello I really like your videos
Can you do a tour for cobra seamaster 45. Keep up the good work

Suicide Knobs had two bolts on the back where they clamped to the steering wheel. The bolts could tangle in your clothing and cause you to crash because you couldn’t turn the steering wheel.
Names for the steering wheel knob include suicide, necker, granny, knuckle buster, and wheel spinner.
In Canada, I knew it as a knuckle buster. On a non-power steering vehicle, the steering wheel could whip back to straight after turning a corner. If your hand was anywhere near, it could break your knuckles.
is My dreams, a Boat , thanks for all guys.., congrat…i m from Buenos Aires, Argentina..
One of my favorite Power Cats I've seen. I'm fascinated by all the controls being Mercury but the engines themselves are Cummins. How does that work? Also, no one is mentioning price.
It's really awesome n cool I really like it
Wow it's really impressive
Congrats on your 400k. You’re clearly onto something. Brava and Bravo. One reason we use smaller trash (we say rubbish or garbage) cans is that there is a strong education on recycling and low to no packaging choices.
Geoff from the Great Sailing Marine Port of Fremantle, Western Australia
You did say it
BTW Victoria: Your hair still looks fab.
I dont like your hair that way tho
Once you get used to that much space, it’s hard to go back.
How does this Cat compare to the monster you guys are building?