Cole Brauer a petrecut patru luni pe mare și acum se apropie de a deveni prima femeie americană care a concurat fără oprire în jurul lumii singură, concurând în Global Solo Challenge. Brauer a vorbit cu Emilie Ikeda de la NBC News despre călătorie și despre cum speră să inspire tinerele femei. » Abonați-vă la NBC News: NBC News Digital este o colecție de mărci de știri inovatoare și puternice, care oferă știri convingătoare, diverse și captivante. NBC News Digital prezintă,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline și aplicațiile și extensiile digitale existente ale acestor proprietăți respective. Oferim cele mai bune știri de ultimă oră, acoperire video live, jurnalism original și segmente din emisiunile tale preferate de știri NBC. Conectați-vă cu NBC News Online! Alerte de știri de ultimă oră: Vizitați NBCNews.Com: Găsiți NBC News pe Facebook: Urmărește NBC News pe Twitter: Obține mai multe din NBC News livrate în căsuța ta de e-mail: #ColeBrauer #Sea #Sailing
Marinarul Cole Brauer se pregătește să devină prima femeie americană care concurează în solitari fără oprire în întreaga lume

32 thoughts on “Marinarul Cole Brauer se pregătește să devină prima femeie americană care concurează în solitari fără oprire în întreaga lume”
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good job NBC 7 days late with this news …..after everyone else reported it. ………. This is an amazing girl

Mega Cool !!!

Don't stop you can do this good luck be with you go go go
Cole is rocking it, so close to finishing. Hoping she does the Vendee.

Go girl

I’m praying for you Cole
I feel like your my child out there! I’m praying hard that you make it and make history! God bless you sweetheart 

I pray you feel God’s presence with you
Congratulations. You’re tough and determined. Happy for you.
Been tracking all along. Multiple times per day. Watching the winds, weather and sea states. One bright spot of internet and social media being able to get a sense of the skill, urgency, handiness, unexpectedness, and fear these sailors have experienced. Beyond the ever-changing sail configurations, to being able to diagnose and fix critical electronic and hydro systems. Not mentioned that 2 sailors had to scuttle their boats, and many others bravely limped into a port after many days floundering with broken booms, autopilots, and electronics. Cole is an absolute gift, and I selfishly don't know what I'll do after she finishes! So freakin' impressive. And I've learned a ton!
Inspiring other women? How about volunteering in your community? Working to help out other people
Laura dekker Laura dekker
Wow….nearly 45 years AFTER the first WOMAN to solo circumnavigate did it. Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz completed her round-the-world sail in 1978. But then Krystina didn't have the internet, MSM cheerleaders or a modern boat.
The Cape of South America is named Cape Horn. Cole Brauer is one tough sailor. You go girl!
“Cole” is a man’s name.
Woman? Whats a woman?
Nice to see an American doing something great rather than supporting and aiding a genocide. This is an American we can be proud of.
She should go to the Vendee Globe and compete against Clarisse Cremer and Pipa
Love this sailor – so inspiring and typically cheerful
Cole is a great sailor! I have looked forward to her instagram posts every day!
You mean the Global lie, Research 1892 Gleason Map for God's Creation Navagational Seasonal Time Clock
God's True shape of our flat elevated in areas plane we live–
How many months or days she takefor do that.
When she start this adventure and when ended
She looks like a dude
Impressive, now lets see her survive poverty in a war-torn country.
The world seems to be catching on to Cole's story.. this is so cool and inspiring, GO COLE!!!
Inserting an I.V. It isn't difficult if you know what you're doing.
#54 or ,9
Sign holding up 12:30 or 33
1/26/24 or 666
Brauer or remove the r (9) and bauer
Red shield. To me, this is just another fake story the freemasons have for the dumbed down masses.
What an accomplishment! Insane
Now make me a sandwich!
Well Airimas Valujavicius Lithuanian alone 3third men in world row with boat without engine row from spain to Miami without step out on land in 121 day ! How about that Google it! Movie coming soon!