Construcția bărcii: congelator DIY [E117]

Construcția bărcii: congelator DIY [E117]

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48 thoughts on “Construcția bărcii: congelator DIY [E117]

  1. It's gonna be exciting to see how much the 'Cruising helm' weighs when it's done compared to when you got it.
    I feel like you're building pretty light!

  2. i'm actually building an all terrain camping van, was thinking about something for keeping stuff cold/fresh without using electicity and you just gave me the answer at my problem haha !
    Thanks a lot !

  3. I would have gone with 3M77 contact adhesive spray for the foam freezer: even faster and easier that what you did, might be cheaper too.

  4. This is where you need to talk in metric. 0º is freezing point and would not make it a suitable freezer, greater than -18º would make it a deep freeze.

  5. I built a fridge for my boat at the beginning of this season, inspired by this channel and Mads! BTW, look at PIR foam- it has twice the thermal performance of open cell polystyrene. And don't forget a vapour barrier on the 'warm' and humid side (outside)!

  6. Great build – but. If you want to make long ocean passages where you probably want some crew to help keep peace of mind during the journey then it seems small in internal volume. I know a freezer is not a fridge, but. I'd also argue a freezer does not have to be under the kitchen sink, necessarily, because generally, you'll not prepare meals from deep-frozen ingredients. So, what was your design brief? The answer may be in the video. I played it twice, but got distracted a few times in both cases.

  7. The cubic capacity of the freezer box doesn’t look that big for a worldwide cruise. Especially if you’re going to have more than the two of you.
    You’re doing a great job and love watching your videos 👍👍

  8. Great work on that freezer! If you are going to put a drain in it, I would try to make it such that you can fit a bucket under the drain rather then let that nasty water drain in the bilge when you go for a deep clean on it.. It only takes one time to smell that in your bilge and you know right away…. Loved the 'inspector' bit and Matt's reaction on not wanting to comment …🤣🤣

  9. Great project, guess I myself would have to go the extra mile for an vacuum-foam insulated box for getting bigger volume plus hidden embedded cooling plates… and my box build easily could take the amount of time you need for your full boat refit/rebuilt plus tripling your full circumnavigation. I‘m so jealous of those who are able to decide for compromise instead of having this tick for perfection and doing nothing to support my dreams cause I would stay criticizing my self that each step is just a failure…

  10. Certificate? I don't need no stinking Certificate! 😅. Marine refrigeration is obscenely expensive, making it well worth this experiment .

  11. You should add a radiant barrier to the outside of the box. Might make it more efficient and cut down on the foam from transfering some of the ambient IR energy from the boat. For closer to the equator…

  12. As we all know, schlepping around cans and bottles of beer is a hassle, so where is the onboard kegerator going to be located? And will the 'extra' carbon chain plate be used as a lifting davit to onboard the fresh kegs?

  13. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the concept of cold air "falling out of a front loading freezer" does not include the fact that AIR has very little latent heat and thus removes essentially NO "cold" from the freezer at all. It is the contents of the freezer that holds the most cold, as it were. The primary issue with many or most front loading freezers is less R values in the sides and door and leaky door seals. AND 6 inches is better than 4. Plus Polyiso has a much higher R value.

  14. RC model airplane enthusiasts use that superglue/accelerator all the time on foam models. I can tell you from personal experience that it works!

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