Suntem până la episodul 39 săptămâna aceasta! Ceea ce am învățat din versiunea noastră din 1980 a „Manualul complet al iahtului către pasajul Whitsunday” este că stațiunile se pot schimba, dar mareele nu! pe mâncare și apă. Cu un „pahar afară” (aproape zero vânt și valuri) în prognoză pentru următoarele câteva zile, Josh conectează Portabote și ne întoarcem spre Insula Hook pentru a fi pregătiți pentru prima noastră trecere spre reciful! Marori Wrasse și Giant Trevally ni se alătură pentru o baie târzie, în timp ce ajungem în golful Mantaray pentru noi înșine. Mă bucur să vă avem din nou la bord săptămâna aceasta pentru a petrece timpul cu New Kids pentru o distracție grozavă. Suntem puțin în urmă în videoclipurile noastre – pur și simplu ne distrăm prea mult! Așa că pentru a intra în legătură cu noi în timp real, ne puteți găsi pe noua noastră pagină FaceBook: Sprijinul dumneavoastră ne permite să continuăm să creăm videoclipuri și să ne menținem casa, Innerbloom – menținând aventura vie. Mulțumesc! Muzică: Obțineți poveste africană de Christophe Goze și peste 1 milion de piese principale aici ID: v4lRvW7nlA1
Cum ne zdrobim mediile pe iahtul nostru de oțel vechi de 40 de ani – Sailing the Whitsundays

24 thoughts on “Cum ne zdrobim mediile pe iahtul nostru de oțel vechi de 40 de ani – Sailing the Whitsundays”
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Oh shite! It my bloody Kidz!!! How goes it young mistress and master?
Bonjour vous deux. Merci pour ces images magnifiques. Pour des presque débutants vous vous en sortez vraiment très bien. Bonne continuation. prenez soin de vous. Amitiés du sud de la France. Olivier.
For pity's sake let the main out! That Adams is a reasonably quick boat. If in doubt – let it out.
Haha Dinosaurs..
Super ignorant american question here. How is that gorgeous Shaw Island not covered in Resorts??
Wow! I Love the intro and what a beautiful sail. That was so freaking cool – the shots you got of those stunning fish.
Like always can’t wait for the next video.
Great work guys , some hilarious banter between you both
loved the fish feeding at the end ! 

Call me crazy, but I had a dream about you guys the other night. Why??? No idea. Anyway thanks again for sharing your experiences. Love your channel. Keep it going. Take care.
Great video guys
Awesome Guys – As Always! Marty here, Josh! Love from Guerilla Bay
Well done. Thank goodness not all your sails weren't this great, you never would have learned anything.
I'm very glad that this turned out so well. Your anchorage at the end of this video is out of a story book. Nice recovery on Pheobe keeping you on course Josh, that's not a hill you want to die on. Stay safe. 

Figures Australia would have a giant man eating tadpole. Just think of the size of the frog.
Hand feeding fish is one of the best experiences
almost as good as watching you steering your sailboat with your butt 
good work BUT it's Torres STRAIT (not straight.)
Welcome to The Whitsundays my friends .
Hot. I like the facts your dont have any money – like me.
Nice sail into Airlie, great conditions.
ed it, The Morori Wrasse feeding was awesome with the GT
The fish feeding
LOL. Josh gently speaking to Phoebe: "She is sort of keeping us on course". Or similar words. My girlfriend, Karin, is far worse. Last year we left for Vlieland from IJsselmeer (Kornwerderzand). She took the helm. After a while I said: "OK. Apparently you changed plans. We are going to Ameland. Fine with me." I am a very flexible person. However, she said she wanted to go to Vlieland. So I took over, passed her book to her and both were happy. Karin is always easily distracted. Maybe that is the thing with females?
That tadpole sea monster looked more like a school of bait-fish to me.
Loved the fish identifier.
really enjoyed the cinematography and music! delightful, think your product is really slick. Thanks
Scenery is beautiful
This channel is getting worse every week…you guys act like 70 year old with all the wasted history…just show ur cameltoe
Have you seen my videos on my trip around Aussie, including Tassie. My gopro broke while in the Whitsundays so I don't have enough for a video. Sailing Ophelia Compass 29. I completed my journey mid 2021 but are 3yr behind in videos. Perhaps you might go around.